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Dataplot: Programs

Introduction The Dataplot installation comes with a large number of Dataplot programs and macros. Dataplot macros are ASCII text files that contain Dataplot commands. We make a slight distinction between macros and programs. Macros are files that are meant to be run with a user's data set while programs are files that analyze a specific data file. This is an organizational distinction and macros and programs are run in the same manner. The term Dataplot macro will often be used to refer to both macros and programs.

The links for these file are to the NIST ftp site. If you have downloaded and installed Dataplot, local copies of the files are available in the "PROGRAM" subdirectory of the Dataplot auxillary directory. For Windows, the default auxillary directory is "C:\DATAPLOT". For Unix/Linux, the default auxillary directory is "/usr/local/lib/dataplot".

Purpose of Programs and Macros These programs and macros serve two purposes:
  1. Provide useful capabilities that can be applied to your own data sets.
  2. Serve as guides for writing your own Dataplot macros.
CALL Command You can run these macros by entering
    CALL <name>
where <name> is the name of the macro as given below.
LIST Command The contents of the file can be displayed on the screen by entering
    LIST <name>
Specifying the Location of the Dataplot Auxillary Directory If Dataplot cannot find the requested file when you enter a CALL or LIST command, this indicates that the Dataplot auxillary directory is not installed in the expected location on your local platform. Contact your local system installer to determine the location of the Dataplot auxillary directory on your local platform.

If the Dataplot auxillary directory is not in the default location, you can define the environment variable DATAPLO$ (on Windows and Unix/Linux platforms) to tell Dataplot where the Dataplot auxillary directory is actually located. The Dataplot installation notes contain instructions for defining this variable for Windows and Unix/Linux platforms. For other platforms, contact your local system installer for guidance.

Contents The following tables lists the available built-in Dataplot programs.

Basic Statistics and Graphics Dataplot Programs
Basic Statistics and Graphics
4PLOT.DP generate a 4-plot to test underlying assumptions (GEAR.DAT)
BALLSTIC.DP create a ball and stick Pareto plot
BARPLOT6.DP generate a Pareto bar plot
BENNETT.DP generate a fit with indicator variables (BENNETT.DAT)
BERGER1.DP analyze Alaska pipeline defects data (linear regression) (BERGER1.DAT)
BIHIST.DP (AUTO83.DAT) generate a bihistogram
BIQUAD.DP perform a bi-quadratic data transformation
BOXPLOT.DP (AUTO83.DAT) generate a box plot
BOXPLOT2.DP generate a box plot (PBF11.DAT)
CHWIRUT1.DP analyze NIST ultrasonic claibration data (non-linear fitting) (CHWIRUT1.DAT)
COLORMAP.DP show all (postscript) color settings
CONTOUR.DP generate a contour plot (BRAIN.DAT)
CPKPLOT.DP generate a Cpk plot (GEAR.DAT)
DAT2PLOT.DP generate a multi-vertical line plot (GEAR.DAT)
GANOVA3.DP generate a graphical ANOVA plot (HAMAKER.DAT)
HABER1.DP non-linear fitting of 2-admissable numbers data (HABER1.DAT)
HAMAKER.DP generate graphical ANOVA plot (HAMAKER.DAT)
HIST.DP generate a histogram (SUNSPOT2.DAT)
HIST2.DP generate a presentation-graphic histogram (WORKSTAT.TEX)
HORLICK1.DP interlab nvlap proficiency analysis (HORLICK1.DAT)
HORLICK4.DP interlab nvlap proficiency analysis (HORLICK4.DAT)
HUMPHRE5.DP generate random card selection and random run sequence using the RANDOM SAMPLE and RANDOM PERMUTATION commands for dosimetry data
LEW11.DP non-linear fitting of univariate beam deflection data (LEW11.DAT)
LISSAJOUS.DP generate Lissajous trigonometric functions multiplots
LP.DP Lp fitting (CHWIRUT1.DAT)
MATHOPER.DP generate a word chart with math operations
MATTINGL.DP interlab analyis of flow meter calibration (MATTINGL.DAT)
MATTING2.DP interlab analyis of flow meter calibration (MATTINGL.DAT)
MATTING3.DP interlab analyis of flow meter calibration (MATTINGL.DAT)
MAXITEST.DP perform multi-item installation test
MEANPLOT.DP generate a mean plot (PBF11.DAT)
MINITEST.DP perform 23-item installation test
MORTGAGE.DP generate a mortgage table
MULTITRA.DP generate a multitrace plot (HAYES1.DAT)
NORMDENS.DP draw normal density with 1, 2, & 3 sigma areas
OAKLEY.DP analysis of Mark Williamson magnetic tape SRM data (OAKLEY.DAT)
PDFPLOT.DP generate a plot of a probability density function
PLOT25.DP generate 25 plots as a 5-by-5 multiplot
PLOTCOLOR.DP generate 28 (postscript) color plots
PONTIUS.DP analyze NIST load calibration data (quadratic regression, PONTIUS.DAT)
PREDPLOT.DP generate a superimposed predicted values plot (CHWIRUT1.DAT)
QUANPLOT.DP generate an empirical quantile-quantile plot (AUTO83.DAT)
REFPLOT.DP generate prototype reference plot indicating selected plot components
RESPLOT.DP generate a linear fit residuals plot (SPIEGEL.DAT)
RFSPREAD.DP generate a r-f spread plot (BERGER1.DAT)
RIDGE.DP perform a ridge regression
ROOTPLOT.DP generate a plot for extracting roots
SCHAUER2.DP linear fit analysis of EPR bone dosimetry data (SCHAUER2.DAT)
SCHAUER3.DP scatter plot with mean line of EPR bone dosimetry data (SCHAUER.DAT)
SCHAUER4.DP multiplot of scatter plot with mean line of EPR bone dosimetry data (SCHAUER.DAT)
SCHILLER.DP between-bottle distributional analysis of SRM particle sizes (SCHILLER.DAT)
SDPLOT.DP generate a standard deviation plot (PBF11.DAT)
SETCOLOR.DP set typical (postscript) color settings
SIGN.DP perform a sign test for paired samples
SLPLOT.DP generate a spread-location plot
SPIRAL.DP generate a spiral plot
TAGTRACE.DP demonstrate how to tag traces semi-automatically
TEXASMAP.DP generate a map of Texas (TEXAS.DAT)
THURBER.DP non-linear rational function fitting of semi-conductor electron mobility data (THURBER.DAT)
UGIANSKY.DP generate Youden plot on fatigue data (UGIANSKY.DAT)
WEIBPLOT.DP generate a Weibull plot (ABERNE17.DAT)
WEIGHTS.DP perform an iteratively re-weighted least squares fit
WRIGHT11.DP analyze Wright brothers lift data (WRIGHT11.DAT)
YOUDPLOT.DP generate a Youden plot (UGIANSKY.DAT)
3DNOPLOT.DP generate a 3-D bivariate normal function plot
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Bootstrap Analysis Programs
Bootstrap Analysis
BOOTBERG.DP perform a bootstrap linear slope analysis (BERGER1.DAT)
BOOTBER2.DP perform a bootstrap inverse calibration analysis (BERGER1.DAT)
BOOTLEW.DP perform a bootstrap location analysis (LEW1.DAT)
BOOTMARS.DP perform a bootstrap location analysis (MARSHAK.DAT)
BOOTSIMI.DP perform a bootstrap analysis for an unsupported statistic (SIMIU3.DAT)
EFRON1.DP generate statistics for a bootstrap simulation
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Time Series Dataplot Programs
Time Series Analysis
DATAPLOT.DP generate a plot of a data trace (BAKER.DAT)
NEGIZ4.DP perform autoregressive time series modeling (NEGIZ4.DAT)
LAGPLOT.DP generate a lag plot (LEW.DAT)
SPECPLOT.DP generate a spectral plot (LEW.DAT)
SPIKEPLO.DP generate a plot with spikes (GNP.DAT)
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Multivariate Analysis Dataplot Programs
Multivariate Analysis
BIPLOT.DP generate a biplot
CANNCORR.DP perform a cannonical correlation
FISH2DIS.DP perform a Fisher discriminant analysis on 2 populations
FISHIRIS.DP perform a Fisher discriminant analysis on iris data
MULTPLOT.DP generate a matrix of scatter plots (AUTO83.DAT)
PARCOORD.DP generate a parallel coordinates plot (AUTO79.DAT)
PLANETS.DP analyze planets data (PLANETS.DAT)
PERIODIC.DP generate a scatter plot matrix for the periodic table (PERIODIC.DAT)
PERIODI2.DP generate plots for the periodic table (PERIODIC.DAT)
PROFPLOT.DP generate a profile plot (AUTO79.DAT)
STARPLOT.DP generate a star plot (AUTO79.DAT)
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Control Charts
Control Charts
CCC.DP generate a C control chart (CCC.DAT)
PCC.DP generate P control chart (PCC.DAT)
PNCC.DP generate a Pn Control chart (PNCC.DAT)
UCC.DP generate a U control chart (UCC.DAT)
XBARCHAR.DP generate an xbar control plot (CCXBAR.DAT)
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Experiment Design Dataplot Programs
Experiment Design
2TO7M4.DP generate a 2**(7-4) fractional factorial design
2TO30M21.DP generate a 2**(30-21) fractional factorial design
A.DP generate a block plot (BOXHOES.DAT)
B.DP generate a block plot (SHEESLE2.DAT)
BATTADD.DP analyze NIST battery additive data (BATTADD.DAT)
BATTADD2.DP analyze NIST battery additive data (BATTADD.DAT)
BLOCPLOT.DP block plot analysis (SHEESLE2.DAT)
BOXAUTO.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter automobile emissions experiment (BOXAUTO.DAT)
BOXAUTO2.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter automobile emissions experiment (BOXAUTO.DAT)
BOXAUTO3.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter automobile emissions experiment (BOXAUTO.DAT)
BOXBIKE2.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter 2**(7-4) bike time data (BOXBIKE2.DAT)
BOXBIKE3.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter 2**(7-3) bike time data (BOXBIKE3.DAT)
BOXBIKE2.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter 2**(7-4) bike time data (BOXBIKE2.DAT)
BOXBLOOD.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter blood coagulation time data (BOXBLOOD.DAT)
BOXBOD.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter oxygen demand data (BOXBOD.DAT)
BOXCAKE.DP analyze Box/Jones 2**5 cake taste data, Taguchi parameter design (BOXCAKE.DAT)
BOXCAKE2.DP analyze Box/Jones 2**3 cake taste data, Taguchi parameter design (BOXCAKE2.DAT)
BOXCAKE3.DP analyze Box/Jones 2**3 cake taste data, Taguchi parameter design (BOXCAKE2.DAT)
BOXCHEM.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter 2**4 chemical impurity data (BOXCHEM.DAT)
BOXCHEM2.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter chemical impurity data (BOXCHEM.DAT)
BOXCLEAN.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter 2**(4-1) cleanser data (BOXCLEAN.DAT)
BOXCLOTH.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter cloth wear data (BOXCLEAN.DAT)
BOXFILT.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter 2**(7-4) filtration time data (BOXFILT.DAT)
BOXFILT2.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter 2**(7-3) filtration time data (BOXFILT2.DAT)
BOXPENIC.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter penicillin yield data (BOXPENIC.DAT)
BOXPILOT.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter 2**3 pilot plant yield data (BOXPILOT.DAT)
BOXRADAR.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter 2**3 radar acquisition time data (BOXRADAR.DAT)
BOXRATS.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter rat growth rate data (BOXRATS.DAT)
BOXREACT.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter 2**5 reactor efficiency data (BOXREACT.DAT)
BOXREAC2.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter 2**(5-1) reactor efficiency data (BOXREAC2.DAT)
BOXSHOES.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter shoe wear data (BOXSHOES.DAT)
BOXSHOE2.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter shoe wear data (BOXSHOES.DAT)
BOXSHOE3.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter shoe wear data (BOXSHOES.DAT)
BOXSOLAR.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter 2**4 solar collection efficiency data (BOXSOLAR.DAT)
BOXSPRAY.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter aerosol spray dispersion data (BOXSPRAY.DAT)
BOXSPRIN.DP analyze Box & Bisgaard 2**3 defective springs data (BOXSPRIN.DAT)
BOXTOMAT.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter tomato growth data (BOXTOMAT.DAT)
BOXWELD.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter weld strength data (BOXWELD.DAT)
BOXYIELD.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter optimization design chemical yield data (BOXYIELD.DAT)
BOXYIEL2.DP analyze Box/Hunter/Hunter optimization design chemical yield data (BOXYIEL2.DAT)
C.DP generate a block plot (RIPKEN.DAT)
DEXCONTP.DP generate a DEX contour plot (BOXREAC2.DAT)
DEXCUB70.DP generate 70 2**(3-1) design cubes (BOX.DAT)
DEXINTMP.DP generate a DEX interactions matrix plot (BOXREACT2.DAT)
DEXMEANP.DP generate a mean, sd, and Taguchi plot (BOXREAC2.DAT)
DEXOPT.DP perform a graphical analysis of optimizing designs (BOXYIEL2.DAT)
DEXREG.DP perform a graphical analysis of regression designs (BOXSPRAY.DAT)
DEXSCREE.DP perform a graphical analysis of screening designs (BOXREAC2.DAT)
DEXSIM.DP generate an experimental simulation
DEXSURF.DP generate various experiment design surfaces
DEXTITCU.DP generate a 2**(3-1) title page cube (DEXTITCU.DAT)
ELECT92.DP block plot analysis of 1992 presidential election (ELECT92.DAT)
FUNNEL.DP analyze simulated 2**3 funnel data (FUNNEL.DAT) generate 25 plots as a 5-by-5 multiplot
FUNNEL2.DP analyze simulated 2**3 funnel data (FUNNEL.DAT) generate 25 plots as a 5-by-5 multiplot
KRASNY1.DP 2**5 analysis of cigarette ignition data (KRASNY1.DAT)
KRASNY2.DP block plot analysis of cigarette ignition data (KRASNY2.DAT)
PALLETT.DP block plot analysis of voice recognition data (PALLETT.DAT)
QUINLAN.DP Taguchi analysis of noise/shrinkage of speedometer casing data (QUINLAN.DAT)
SHEESLE2.DP block plot analysis of light bulb survival time data (SHEESLE2.DAT)
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Mathematics Dataplot Programs
BEAM.DP solve an elastic beam differential equation
CHEMMIX.DP solve a system of linear equations to determine a chemical mixture
CIRCLE.DP solve the equation of a circle (matrix cofactor)
CIRCUIT.DP solve a system of linear equations for an electrical circuit problem
DERIVPLO.DP generate a plot of a function and its derivative
DIOPHANTINE.DP Csolve the Diophante equation using set intersections
FFT1.DP remove high frequency noise from a signal
FFT2.DP convolve/deconvolve a signal
FFT3.DP perform frequency domain smoothing
FFTPLOT.DP generate a fast Fourier transform plot
FILTER.DP assess filter stability by solving for complex roots
OIL.DP maximize oil production via the simplex method
PLOTMAT.DP plot a matrix
PLOTROOT.DP plot out complex roots from a family of functions
POLYROO1.DP solve for the complex roots of a polynomial
POLYROO22DP solve for the roots of the sum of 20 quintics using polynomial arithmetic
RAIN.DP perform Runge-Kutta solution to a raindrop differential equation
SPRINGS.DP determine the eigenvalues of a non-symmetric system
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Date created: 6/5/2001
Last updated: 9/28/2002
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