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Dataplot: Macros

Introduction The Dataplot installation comes with a large number of Dataplot programs and macros. Dataplot macros are ASCII text files that contain Dataplot commands. We make a slight distinction between macros and programs. Macros are files that are meant to be run with a user's data set while programs are files that analyze a specific data file. This is an organizational distinction and macros and programs are run in the same manner. The term Dataplot macro will often be used to refer to both macros and programs.

The links for these file are to the NIST ftp site. If you have downloaded and installed Dataplot, local copies of the files are available in the "MACROS" subdirectory of the Dataplot auxillary directory. For Windows, the default auxillary directory is "C:\DATAPLOT". For Unix/Linux, the default auxillary directory is "/usr/local/lib/dataplot".

Purpose of Programs and Macros These programs and macros serve two purposes:
  1. Provide useful capabilities that can be applied to your own data sets.
  2. Serve as guides for writing your own Dataplot macros.
CALL Command You can run these macros by entering
    CALL <name>
where <name> is the name of the macro as given below.
LIST Command The contents of the file can be displayed on the screen by entering
    LIST <name>
Specifying the Location of the Dataplot Auxillary Directory If Dataplot cannot find the requested file when you enter a CALL or LIST command, this indicates that the Dataplot auxillary directory is not installed in the expected location on your local platform. Contact your local system installer to determine the location of the Dataplot auxillary directory on your local platform.

If the Dataplot auxillary directory is not in the default location, you can define the environment variable DATAPLO$ (on Windows and Unix/Linux platforms) to tell Dataplot where the Dataplot auxillary directory is actually located. The Dataplot installation notes contain instructions for defining this variable for Windows and Unix/Linux platforms. For other platforms, contact your local system installer for guidance.

Menu Macros For most of these macros, you define a few relevant parameters, strings, or variables using LET commands before calling the macro. You can use the LIST command to find out what the needed LET commands are (these are typically described in comment lines at the beginning of the file).

The last table lists a number of macros that are described as "Menu Macros". These macros explicitly prompt the analyst for the needed information. The use of menu macros is particularly helpful for macros that you are writing for others to use.

Note that menu macros should not be called if you are running the graphical interface (GUI) version of Dataplot. The GUI will hang if you try to do any "terminal reads", and terminal reads are a key component of menu macros. As an alternative for the GUI, you can extend the GUI menus. This is described in the Extending Dataplot web page.

Contents The following tables lists the available built-in Dataplot macros.

Basic Statistics and Graphics Dataplot Macros
Basic Statistics and Graphics Macros
CASCADEP.DP generate a cascade (= waterfall) plot
HOTELL.DP compute Hotelling simultaneous confidence limits for a linear fit
IRLS.DP generate an iteratively re-weighted least squares analysis (10 weight functions supported)
KW.DP perform a Kruskal-Wallis 1-way ANOVA (this is now a built-in Dataplot command)
LAD.DP perform a least absolute deviations or a Lp fit (for 1<=p<=2) via iteratively re-weighted least squares
MD.DP generate a Tukey mean-difference plot (this is now a built-in Dataplot command)
PLOTTEXT.DP superimpose text strings on a pre-existing plot
SETCOLOR.DP setup colors and page size for Postscript printer
SHADEBOX.DP draw a shaded box
SDPRED.DP compute linear fit confidence limits for observations
SUBPLOT.DP generate subseries plot of raw data
SUBPLOTR.DP generate subseries plot of residuals
WILCOXRS.DP perform a Wilcoxon rank sum test (also known as Mann-Whitney U) (this is now a built-in Dataplot command)
WILCOXSR.DP perform a Wilcoxon signed rank sum test (this is now a built-in Dataplot command)
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Design of Experiment Dataplot Macros
Design of Experiment Macros
DEXCONT.DP generate a design of experiments contour plot
DEXCONT2.DP generate a design of experiments contour plot with SUBSET specifications
DEXCONTQ.DP generate a design of experiments contour plot for 2-level designs
DEXFACT2.DP create all 2-term interaction factors
DEXFACT3.DP create all 2-term and 3-term interaction factors
DEXSCAT1.DP generate a multiplot of main effects scatter plots
DEXSCAT2.DP generate a multiplot of main effects and 2-term interaction scatter plots
DEXSTAT1.DP generate a multiplot of main effects statistics plots
DEXSTAT2.DP generate a multiplot of main effects and 2-term interaction effects statistics plots
DEXSTAT3.DP generate a multiplot of main effects and 2-term and 3-term interaction effects statistics plots
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Dataplot Menu Macros
Menu Macros
CONNDOTS.DP connect dots via cross-hair
DEXCUBE.DP generate a 2**3 data cube
DEXPARET.DP generate a DEX Pareto diagram
DEXSQUAR.DP generate a 2**2 data square
INVMAT.DP invert a matrix
ISHIKAWA.DP generate an Ishikawa diagram
ISHIKAW2.DP generate an Ishikawa diagram
MULTTEXT.DP position text via cross-hair
NORMHIST.DP generate a histogram with an overlaid normal density
PARETO.DP generate a Pareto plot
PIECHART.DP generate labelled pie chart
PLOTFUNC.DP plot a function
PLOTSIN.DP plot sin function
PLOT1VAR.DP read and plot 1 variable
PLOT2VAR.DP read and plot 2 variables
RANDSAMP.DP generate a stratified random sample
SIMPMETH.DP compute a simplex solution (linear programming)
SORT.DP sort alpha list via priorities
SUM.DP sum a list of numbers
TTEST.DP perform a t test on 2 variables
WORDCHAH.DP generate a centered horizontal wordchart
WORDCHAV.DP generate a centered vertical wordchart
3DPLOT.DP generate a 3dplot with cube frame
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Plot Identification Dataplot Macros
Plot Identification Macros
LOGO.DP write DATAPLOT logo in lower right corner (variation 1)
LOGO2.DP write DATAPLOT logo in lower right corner (variation 2)
LOGO3.DP write DATAPLOT logo in lower right corner (variation 3)
LOGO3B.DP write DATAPLOT logo in lower right corner (variation 4)
LOGO4.DP write DATAPLOT logo in lower right corner (variation 5)
MARK.DP write name of DATAPLOT macro in lower right corner
MARK2.DP write name of DATAPLOT macro in lower right corner
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Date created: 6/5/2001
Last updated: 9/28/2002
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