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Guide to Community Development Precedent Letters

Last updated: 09/03/08

August 2008
2008-1 (PDF) Investment in fund for solar energy producing facilities - A national bank may invest in limited liability entities each of which will develop, acquire, install and maintain solar energy-producing facilities and provide electricity for specified properties. 07/31/2008
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March 2007
2007-1 (PDF) Investment in the renovation and resale of single family properties - A national bank through its wholly owned subsidiary community development corporation may invest, using a combination of debt and equity, in the acquisition and renovation of single family homes located in low- or moderate-income communities, which are then resold. 08/17/2007
2007-2 (PDF) Investment in the construction and sale of single family properties - A national bank through its subsidiary community development corporation may invest, using a combination of debt and equity, in the construction of single family homes located in low- or moderate-income communities, which are then sold to low and moderate income individuals. 10/11/2007
2006-1 (PDF) Fund Comprised of SBA Guaranteed Loans: A national bank may make an investment in a fund which invests in the federally guaranteed portion of Small Business Administration 7(a) loans.
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December 2006
1076 (PDF) Separation between Investment Limits and Legal Lending Limits
The letter clarifies that the investment authority contained in 12 U.S.C. § 24 (Eleventh) is separate and distinct from the lending limits provided in 12 U.S.C. § 84. Therefore, a national bank may make a direct or indirect investment under the investment authority contained in 12 U.S.C. § 24 (Eleventh) that promotes the public welfare by benefiting low- and moderate-income communities or families, subject to certain limits. Furthermore, a national bank may make loans or extensions of credit to one borrower up to the full amount permitted by 12 U.S.C. § 84 and implementing regulations in 12 C.F.R. Part 32, and also hold eligible securities of the same obligor up to the full amount permitted under 12 U.S.C. 24 (Seventh) and 12 C.F.R. Part 1.
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August 2005
2005-1 (PDF) Investment in nonprofit making small loans to low-income parents transitioning from welfare to work
A national bank can make an investment in a private multi-service agency serving low-income parents transitioning from welfare to work. The agency provides small loans, for those workers who cannot get loans elsewhere, for the purposes of helping family members pay for unexpected expenses that can interfere with their ability to keep a job or stay in school.
WORD 04/07/2005
2005-2 (PDF) Investment in financing source for charter school facilities
A national bank may make an investment in a financing source for charter school facilities when the funds will be made available to charter schools in the mid-Atlantic region that enroll students from predominantly low-income households or are located in predominantly low-income neighborhoods.
WORD 04/13/2005
2005-3 (PDF) Investment in the purchase, construction, and operation of an ethanol plant
A national bank may make an investment in a community and economic development entity that will purchase, construct, and operate an ethanol plant because it is located in an LMI geography and will provide jobs to unskilled individuals.
WORD 07/20/2005
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February 2005
2004-2 (PDF) Transitional Housing for Homeless
A national bank may invest, through its subsidiary community development corporation, in the acquisition and rehabilitation of a single-family dwelling to provide transitional housing for the homeless. The CDC will own and manage the property and residents of the facility will receive case management support from an established nonprofit social services provider.
WORD 04/26/2004
2004-3 (PDF) 2nd Trust Deed Permanent Loans
A national bank may invest, as a limited partner, in a community development entity formed under the federal New Markets Tax Credit program which acquires real estate loan made to qualified, active, low-income community businesses. The specific investment fund invests in 2nd trust deed permanent loans on retail, office, commercial, and industrial projects.
WORD 11/22/2004
2004-4 (PDF) Bridge Loans for Infrastructure Construction
A national bank's subsidiary community development corporation may provide bridge loans to low- and moderate-individuals and individuals living in low- and moderate-income areas to finance in the installation of water and sewer infrastructure improvements.
WORD 12/27/2004
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October 2004
2004-1 (PDF) New Markets Tax Credit Investment Fund
A national bank invested in a leveraged new markets tax credit multi-investor limited partnership (Fund). The sponsor of the Fund is a Community Development Entity certified by the U.S. Treasury Department's Community Development Financial Institutions Fund. The Fund will make loans to or investments in qualified, active, low-income community businesses that, in turn, will qualify the Fund to receive new markets tax credits that have previously been allocated to the sponsor.
WORD 08/30/2004
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September 2004
1999-1 (PDF) Investment in a real estate investment trust
Letter approves an investment in a real estate investment trust (REIT) created to foster affordable housing and community development. The REIT will provide capital investments to projects that are designed to support community development including affordable housing for low-or moderate-income individuals; community services targeted to low- or moderate-income individuals; activities that promote economic development by financing small businesses, and activities that revitalize or stabilize low- or moderate-income geographies. This REIT was formed in conjunction with a national nonprofit, community development intermediary that will be responsible for managing and maintaining the properties in the trust's portfolio.
WORD 02/25/1999
1999-2 (PDF) Financing a regional medical office facility that will meet essential health needs for the community
Letter approves a bank's investment in a community development corporation (CDC) financing a regional medical office facility that will meet essential health needs for the community. After the loan from the CDC is repaid, the medical office building and its equipment will be given to the regional authority developing and operating this facility.
WORD 05/11/1999
1999-3 (PDF) Affordable housing lease-purchase transaction with a local school district
This letter approves a national bank's direct equity investment under 12 CFR Part 24 to engage in an affordable housing lease-purchase transaction with a local school district. This transaction involves a bank purchasing real property that would be leased to the local school district for a term of up to 10 years, with the school district taking ownership of the property at the end of the lease. During the 10-year lease period, the school district would sublet the properties to teachers earning less than 80 percent of the area median income.
WORD 09/01/1999
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August 2004
2000-1 (PDF) Consolidation of Public Welfare Investments into CDC
National bank may consolidate public welfare investment activities in an existing community development corporation (CDC). The CDC would manage its portfolio so that the majority of its investments qualify as public welfare investments under 12 CFR Part 24. Thus, the CDC would be primarily engaged in making public welfare investments, and the bank's investments in the CDC would be designed primarily to promote the public welfare as required by 12 USC 24 (Eleventh).
WORD 02/14/2000
2000-2 (PDF) Fund to acquire limited partnership interests in Native American affordable housing
National bank may make and investment in a fund created to acquire limited partnership interest in affordable rental properties that are located on, or near Native American reservation in Arizona, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, south Dakota, and Wyoming. The fund's projects qualify for federal low-income housing tax credits and historic rehabilitation tax credits and primarily target low- and moderate-income persons and families. Each project is sponsored by an Indian Tribe, an affiliated Tribal housing Association, Indian Housing Authority, Indian Tribally Designated Housing Entity, Indian Nonprofit Housing Corporation, or similar tribal entity.
WORD 04/10/2000
2000-3 (PDF) Historic tax credit investment
National bank may invest in Historic Tax Credit investment in the Central Vermont Arts Center Limited Partnership. The Partnership will finance the renovation of a vacant historic property located in an economic revitalization area in Barre City, Vermont. The general partner and project sponsor is a nonprofit corporation that will also lease space for artists and operate an art gallery and teaching facility. The facility will support the establishment of small businesses by providing artists and artisans with studio space and an opportunity to market their work. The proposal was consistent with 12 CFR Part 24 because the project was intended to serve as the cornerstone for renewed small business investment and area revitalization, and the property was located in an area that the local government had targeted for revitalization.
WORD 10/18/2000
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July 2004
2001-1 (PDF) Closed-End Mutual Fund
National bank may purchase an equity interest in a closed-end mutual fund that finances affordable housing primarily for low- and moderate-income individuals. The fund is structured as a Business Development Company under the Investment Company Act of 1940. The fund purchases securities backed by loans to homebuyers with incomes below 80 percent of median income as well as loans to sponsors of multifamily housing units that use federal low-income housing tax credits or financing provided by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
WORD 04/20/2001
2001-2 (PDF) Environmental Redevelopment Fund
National bank may purchase member shares in a limited liability company (LLC) that primarily benefits low- and moderate-income areas. The LLC provides financing to private and public sector borrowers for environmental analysis and remediation of properties with environmental contamination issues for reuse to attract new and growing businesses, create jobs, provide affordable housing, and support other community development efforts.
WORD 07/18/2001
2001-3 (PDF) CD investments up to 10% Investment Limit
In connection with a request for prior approval of an affordable housing investment, the OCC approved a national bank's request to self-certify future affordable housing investments that would exceed 5 percent of its capital and surplus, up to a maximum of 10 percent of capital and surplus. The requirements of 12 CFR 24 relating to self-certification and all other requirements of the regulation will apply to the additional investments.
WORD 08/01/2001
2001-4 (PDF) Agricultural Cooperative
Under Part 24, a national bank may purchase common stock in an agricultural cooperative, where the bank's liability was limited to the amount of its equity investment. The cooperative was initiated by a local economic development authority and local farmers and businesses as a way to promote the economic development of the area, and received financial support from both the economic development authority and the federal government.
WORD 09/04/2001
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June 2004
2002-1 (PDF) Investment in shares of CDC subsidiary of affiliated national bank
A national bank may purchase shares in an existing community development corporation (CDC) subsidiary that previously had been formed and capitalized by another affiliated national bank. As a result of the new investments, the CDC subsidiary expanded its products and services to the states that the new shareholders served.
WORD 02/06/2002
2002-2 (PDF) Investment financing to renovate and lease a commercial building to Texas Workforce Commission
A national bank's community development corporation (CDC) subsidiary may conduct various community and economic development activities that primarily benefit low- and moderate-income individuals, low- and moderate-income areas, or other areas targeted for redevelopment by local, state, federal, or tribal governments. Approved activities include investing in an entity that renovated a commercial building leased to a state government agency that provides training to unemployed low- and moderate-income individuals and assists them in finding employment.
WORD 04/16/2002
2002-3 (PDF) Investment financing for a state chartered school
A national bank's community development corporation (CDC) subsidiary may conduct various community and economic development activities that primarily benefit low- and moderate-income individuals, low- and moderate-income areas, or other areas targeted for redevelopment by local, state, federal, or tribal governments. Approved activities include providing financing to a corporation that owns and operates a charter school, funded by the state, that educates "at-risk" students, who are primarily low- and moderate-income and have exhibited behavioral or drug problems in other schools.
WORD 05/03/2002
2002-4 (PDF) Investment financing to a medical student
A national bank's community development corporation (CDC) subsidiary may conduct various community and economic development activities that primarily benefit low- and moderate-income individuals, low- and moderate-income areas, or other areas targeted for redevelopment by local, state, federal, or tribal governments. Approved activities include providing financing the education of a medical student who had committed to work after graduation for a facility that provides medical services to low-income families.
WORD 05/03/2002
2002-5 (PDF) Investment financing to small business owner
A national bank's community development corporation (CDC) subsidiary may conduct various community and economic development activities that primarily benefit low- and moderate-income individuals, low- and moderate-income areas, or other areas targeted for redevelopment by local, state, federal, or tribal governments. Approved activities include providing working capital for a convenience and hardware store in a low- and moderate-income community.
WORD 07/18/2002
2002-6 (PDF) Investment financing for low- and moderate-income first-time homebuyers
A national bank's community development corporation (CDC) subsidiary may conduct various community and economic development activities that primarily benefit low- and moderate-income individuals, low- and moderate-income areas, or other areas targeted for redevelopment by local, state, federal, or tribal governments. Approved activities include providing financing at reduced rates to low- and moderate-income families that received subsidies under state and federal government programs for the purchase of their first homes.
WORD 09/23/2002
2002-7 (PDF) Opinion of merchant banking regulation application of CDC investments
Merchant banking capital regulation does not apply to investments made in community development corporations (CDC) and community development projects. The merchant banking capital regulation, which established minimum capital requirements for certain equity investments in non-financial companies, does not apply to investments made in a CDC to promote the public welfare under 12 USC 24 (Eleventh).
WORD 11/27/2002
2002-8 (PDF) Investment in partnership with Native American Nations
A national bank's community development corporation (CDC) subsidiary may provide financial support and financial services to assist economic development efforts of Native American Nationals directed toward low- and moderate-income communities. Specific proposed activities of the CDC include: (1) providing financial literacy services; (2) buying, selling, and leasing real estate, for example, in partnership with local housing authorities; ad (3) providing, servicing, and maintain ATMs and ATM and debit cards.
WORD 12/20/2002
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May 2004
2003-2 (PDF) Investment in a foundation
A national bank may make an investment in a foundation that will use the funds to help capitalize a loan pool, which makes loans that support affordable housing, community services, or permanent jobs for low- and moderate-income individuals, financing for small businesses; area revitalization or stabilization; or other activities, services or facilities that primarily promote the public welfare.
WORD 04/06/2003
2003-3 (PDF) Preferred shares in a trust that acquires and owns tax-exempt participating and nonparticipating first mortgage bonds and other tax-exempt instruments
A national bank may purchase preferred shares in a trust that acquires and owns tax-exempt participating and nonparticipating first mortgage bonds and other tax-exempt instruments that are issued by various state or local government, agencies, or authorities. The proceeds from the bonds are used for financing affordable housing development and rehabilitation, and most of those properties also benefit from the use of federal low-income housing tax credits.
WORD 09/30/2003
2003-4 (PDF) Preferred stock in a foundation
A national bank may purchase preferred stock in a foundation that operates crime prevention programs in the nation's nursing homes. The foundation uses the bank's funds to purchase government and agency securities. Interest earned on these securities is used to fund crime prevention activities in nursing homes located in low- and moderate-income areas or occupied by low- and moderate-income residents.
WORD 11/17/2003
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April 2004
2003-1 (PDF) Federal employment tax credits
A national bank may purchase an equity interest in a limited liability company (LLC) whose primary purpose is to invest in an operating company that employs individuals, which employment is expected to qualify the operating for federal employment tax credits, including the Work Opportunity Credit, the Welfare to Work Credit, and the Renewal Community Employment Credit.
WORD 09/26/2003
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The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency was created by Congress to charter national banks, to oversee a nationwide system of banking institutions, and to assure that national banks are safe and sound, competitive and profitable, and capable of serving in the best possible manner the banking needs of their customers.

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