Christchurch Redeployment Customer Satisfaction Survey
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U.S. Antarctic Program - Surveys Section United States Antarctic Program
Christchurch Redeployment Satisfaction Survey

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback. Your input is valuable and enables Christchurch Operations to better assess your needs.

Arrival From Antarctica Exceeded Met Not Met N/A

How satisfied were you with the following?

Return of clothing:


Flights and Information Exceeded Met Not Met N/A

How satisfied were you with the following?

Information supplied:
Provision of airline tickets and reservations:
HRG NZ Travel staff for leisure bookings:


Other Facilities Exceeded Met Not Met N/A

Please rate the following services, if used

Baggage storage:
USAP Postal services:
Computer facility in Travel Services:


Is there any part of your Christchurch visit that you wish to comment on and what could Christchurch Operations do to improve your transit to Antarctica?


Which of the following best describes your affiliation to the USAP for this deployment?


If you wish to be contacted about any Christchurch transit issues, please provide your contact details.

Name:     Email:


Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.

Before sending us your response, please ensure security by entering the alphanumeric code seen below into the provided field, then click the Submit Survey button.

NOTE: All letters are case sensitive.


Curator: Webmaster, RPSC   |   NSF Point of Contact: George Blaisdell, Office of Polar Programs
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