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Welcome to the complete resource for trustworthy gastrointestinal (GI) disorder information, support, and assistance from the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD), a nonprofit education and research organization.

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Get the information you need on digestive disorders in adults and children – from the esophagus to the stomach to the bowel – including signs and symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and more. 

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IFFGD wants to understand how IBS affects your daily routine, the ways your life is affected by IBS, and where the needs are for treatments - but we need your help. Will you participate in a confidential online survey, and help advance our mission to improve lives? Go »

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Among the many pages on this site, you'll find lots of helpful information about GI disorders, research, clinical trials and much more in our Learning Center. Open our Library of over 200 premium and complimentary publications; you'll find the most complete collection on the web of original articles, written by many leading experts, which address digestive health topics. 

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Learn what's new in digestive health research. Here is just some of what you'll find:

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More from IFFGD

    Want to learn more about a digestive disorder? Visit these IFFGD sites: 
Last modified on August 21, 2009 at 06:07:17 PM

Find What You Need to Know

Find What You Need to Know

Discover valuable information about your digestive health - all in one unique and convenient place. Go »

New Web Site from IFFGD

New Web Site from IFFGD

IAMIBS™ - The faces of IBS are all around you. Find more help on how to live with and manage IBS. Go to Go »

New! aboutIncontinence Community

New! aboutIncontinence Community

Talk with others affected by urgency, soiling or incontinence. Share experiences in a private and supportive place at our online Community. Go »