The Dougy Center for Grieving Children and Families

Through our National Center for Grieving Children and Families we provide support and training locally, nationally and internationally to individuals and organizations seeking to assist children in grief.


The Dougy Center

The Dougy Center

The Dougy CenterWe are sad to report that The Dougy Center building on SE 52nd Avenue is unusable after a devastating arson fire on Sunday night, June 21st. We WILL rebuild the center that is so important to the many grieving children and families we serve.

  • We want you to know that we are continuing to provide our program for all families through July 16, 2009, which is the start of the summer break. Families will receive information regarding the resumption of groups in September. We WILL provide peer support groups as always.
  • Due to the fire, our Summer Institute scheduled for July 27 -31 is canceled this year. Since we WILL rebuild, we will offer the training next July! If there are ways that we can do training at your site or help you in other ways to get programs going, please contact our Associate Director Joan Schweizer Hoff at (503) 542-4825.
  • YOU CAN HELP! Although The Dougy Center has insurance coverage, it will not cover all the costs associated with continuing our program and rebuilding. We need and welcome your generous donations. Use the secure online option or mail a check payable to the Dougy Center to us at:
    The Dougy Center
    PO Box 86852
    Portland, OR 97286 USA

At this time, we are unable to accept in-kind donations because of lack of space to store them.

We are grateful for the many donations and offers of help we are receiving. We hope you will continue to keep The Dougy Center in your thoughts.

Support in a Safe Place

The Dougy Center provides support in a safe place where children, teens, young adults, and their families grieving a death can share their experiences.

Help for Kids Grief Support Resources Help for Teens
Help for Kids Grief Support Resources Help for Teens

The Dougy Center was the first center in the United States to provide peer support groups for grieving children. We'd like to share with you what we have learned from over 20,000 children, teens and families we've served since 1982.

Through our National Center we provide support and training locally, nationally and internationally to individuals and organizations seeking to assist children in grief.

The Dougy Center is supported solely through private support from individuals, foundations and companies, and receives no state or federal funding. The Dougy Center does not charge a fee for its services.