Providing a united voice

for people with

chronic diseases and disabilities

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Welcome to the National Health Council

The National Health Council (NHC) provides a voice for the millions of people with chronic diseases and disabilities and their family caregivers.  The NHC is currently urging people across the country to tell elected officials that we want health care reform legislation passed this year that will


  • Cover everyone
  • Curb costs responsibly
  • Abolish exclusions for pre-existing conditions
  • Eliminate lifetime caps on benefits
  • Ensure access to long-term and end-of-life care

In an effort to shift the debate on health care in favor of rational discourse, check out our latest paper, called The Real Truths about Health Care Reform.

Join the NHC’s Campaign to Put Patients First and make this a reality, contact Congress today! 

Recent NHC happenings


  • NHC ran an advertisement appearing in USA Today urging Congress to adopt health care reform legislation that will reduce out-of-pocket costs for patients.
  • NHC advertisement appeared in Politico and Roll Call newspapers and in the Washington Post to demonstrate to elected officials the impact of out-of-pocket costs on patients
  • The 20-80 Solution, an op-ed by NHC President Myrl Weinberg, published in the Providence Journal
  • On June 2, 48 patient group members of the National Health Council called on President Obama and members of Congress to enact health care reform legislation that guarantees effective and affordable health and long-term care coverage for all Americans.  Read the Statement and see the advertisement that appeared in Politico newspaper.
  • A public hearing before the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research: Health Media Online
  • At a news conference to announce the creation of the Council for American Medical Innovation: Washington Times
  •  At a public hearing before the IOM Committee on Comparative Effectiveness Research Priorities: IOM Statement
  • On a panel discussing how to make smart, sustainable improvements to the U.S. health care system: Aspen Fellowship Video 
The NHC’s mission is to provide a united voice for people with chronic diseases and disabilities. We work to:

  • improve the health of all people
  • increase support for health research
  • strengthen the community of patient advocacy organizations
We believe that you deserve the kind of health care that puts your needs first.

Join the Campaign to Put Patients First

Managing a long-term disease or disability can be very lonely. But it doesn’t have to be. The National Health Council can connect you with a powerful, vocal community of patients working to make health care better. Our Campaign to Put Patients First brings together more than 133 million people represented by the NHC. It’s free and easy to join. Click here to get involved.


Sign Our Petition

Send a message to the President and Congress. Let them know that you want effective and affordable health care – health care that meets your personal needs and goals. Click here to sign our petition.


Share Your Story

Add your voice to the growing number of patients who are fighting for better health care. You can help put a human face on the dry facts and figures in the health care debate. By sharing your personal story, you can let the policy makers know about the daily struggle to cope with a long-term disease or disability. Click here to find out how.