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Executive Summary


The demand for water in the upper Klamath Basin has increased in recent years. This increase is due, in part, to the growing demand for water for aquatic wildlife and other in-stream uses. These demands are in addition to the traditional uses of water for irrigation. Managing existing water supplies to fully satisfy all uses has proven difficult, particularly in dry years. One solution being explored is to develop new sources of water. Ground water is likely to be one such source.

There is broad interest in exploring the use of ground water to augment or replace surface water for certain uses, and to augment stream flows. Any large increases in ground-water pumping, however, are likely to be scrutinized for their potential to affect existing ground-water users or to affect streams.

The present understanding of the ground-water hydrology in the Klamath Basin is limited which hinders the quantitative evaluation of new ground-water uses. This study is intended to characterize and quantify the ground-water flow system in the basin to address gaps in the present understanding of the hydrology. The results of the study should be useful to agencies and water users in evaluating potential effects of new development on existing ground-water users. The study should also be useful for identifying areas where additional ground-water development can occur without adversely affecting streamflow.


The overall objectives for the proposed study are as follows:

    1) Develop a quantitative conceptual understanding of the ground-water flow system of the upper Klamath Basin.

    2) Develop numerical hydrologic models to test the conceptualization the ground-water flow system and accurately simulate its response to proposed ground-water development.

    3) Describe the ground-water flow system through reports, presentations, and use of the internet.

    4) Demonstrate the utility of optimization techniques with hydrologic models in managing water resources in the Klamath Basin.


This study will be carried out in phases such that each phase builds upon the information developed during previous phases. Phase I activities include gathering and evaluating existing data, collecting preliminary data, developing detailed workplans for phase II, and developing a modeling approach for phase III. Phase II activities include intensive data collection, development of a conceptual model of the ground-water flow system, and construction of a preliminary model to test concepts. In phase III, a numerical ground-water flow model will be constructed, calibrated, and used to simulate ground-water conditions under various management scenarios and a long-term hydrologic monitoring program will be designed for the basin. In phase IV, the model will be coupled with optimization techniques to identify optimal water management solutions for conjunctive use of ground water and surface water.

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