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2009 MAY–JUNE No. 368
May 19, 2009 [posted]

PubMed® Redesign 2009

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This week it was announced at the 2009 annual meeting of the Medical Library Association in Honolulu, Hawaii that PubMed will undergo a redesign of the interface. The goals of PubMed Redesign 2009 are to make PubMed easier to use, simplify the interface, refresh the look, better organize the text on the screen, and promote scientific discovery. We anticipate the redesign to be ready in late summer 2009. More specifics about the release date and tips for transitioning will be published here when that information is available.

Advanced Search and My NCBI will also undergo changes in the coming months although those changes will be released independently of the PubMed redesign.

It was also mentioned at the meeting that although there had been discussion about removal of the Single Citation Matcher, that will not happen; the link to Single Citation Matcher will remain on the PubMed homepage.

By Annette M. Nahin
MEDLARS Management Section

Nahin AM. PubMed® Redesign 2009. NLM Tech Bull. 2009 May-Jun;(368):e9.

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