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Lesson Classifications

Lesson Category Definitions
Application Area Definitions
Goal Area Definitions

Lesson CategoryDefinition
Lesson Category Icon for Management & Operations
Management & Operations
Lessons pertaining to:
  • Operations
  • Maintenance
  • System Data & Storage
  • Evaluation & Performance Measurement
  • M&O Tools & Models
Lesson Category Icon for Policy & Planning
Policy & Planning
Lessons pertaining to:
  • Policy
  • Planning
  • Architecture
  • Programming (TIP / SIP)
  • Planning Tools & Models
Lesson Category Icon for Design & Deployment
Design & Deployment
Lessons pertaining to:
  • Project Management
  • Requirements & Design
  • Standards & Interoperability
  • Implementation
  • Quality Assurance & Testing
  • Design Tools & Models
Lesson Category Icon for Leadership & Partnership
Leadership & Partnership
Lessons pertaining to:
  • Leaders & Champions
  • Partnerships & Agreements
  • Awareness & Outreach
  • Media Coordination
  • Organizational Management & Structure
Lesson Category Icon for Funding
Lessons pertaining to:
  • Federal
  • State
  • Regional & Local
  • Private
  • Innovative Financing
Lesson Category Icon for Technical Integration
Technical Integration
Lessons pertaining to:
  • Functional
  • Jurisdictional
  • Legacy Systems
Lesson Category Icon for Procurement
Lessons pertaining to:
  • Work Allocation
  • Method of Award
  • Contract Form
  • Contract Type
  • Terms & Conditions
Lesson Category Icon for Legal Issues
Legal Issues
Lessons pertaining to:
  • Intellectual Property
  • Liability
  • Privacy
  • Labor
  • Rules & Regulations
  • Disputes & Claims
Lesson Category Icon for Human Resources
Human Resources
Lessons pertaining to:
  • Personnel Management
  • Recruiting
  • Retention & Turnover
  • Training


Application AreaDefinition
Intelligent Infrastructure
Icon for Arterial Management
Arterial Management
Arterial management systems manage traffic along arterial roadways, employing traffic detectors, traffic signals, and various means of communicating information to travelers. These systems make use of information collected by traffic surveillance devices to smooth the flow of traffic along travel corridors. They also disseminate important information about travel conditions to travelers via technologies such as dynamic message signs (DMS) or highway advisory radio (HAR).
Icon for Freeway Management
Freeway Management
There are six major ITS functions that make up freeway management systems: Traffic surveillance systems use detectors and video equipment to support the most advanced freeway management applications. Traffic control measures on freeway entrance ramps, such as ramp meters, can use sensor data to optimize freeway travel speeds and ramp meter wait times. Lane management applications can address the effective capacity of freeways and promote the use of high-occupancy commute modes. Special event transportation management systems can help control the impact of congestion at stadiums or convention centers. In areas with frequent events, large changeable destination signs or other lane control equipment can be installed. In areas with occasional or one-time events, portable equipment can help smooth traffic flow. Advanced communications have improved the dissemination of information to the traveling public. Motorists are now able to receive relevant information on location specific traffic conditions in a number of ways, including dynamic message signs, highway advisory radio, in-vehicle signing, or specialized information transmitted only to a specific set of vehicles.
Icon for Crash Prevention & Safety
Crash Prevention & Safety
Crash prevention and safety systems detect unsafe conditions and provide warnings to travelers to take action to avoid crashes. These systems provide alerts for traffic approaching at dangerous curves, off ramps, restricted overpasses, highway-rail crossings, high-volume intersections, and also provide warnings of the presence of pedestrians, and bicyclists, and even animals on the roadway. Crash prevention and safety systems typically employ sensors to monitor the speed and characteristics of approaching vehicles and frequently also include environmental sensors to monitor roadway conditions and visibility. These systems may be either permanent or temporary. Some systems provide a general warning of the recommended speed for prevailing roadway conditions. Other systems provide a specific warning by taking into account the particular vehicle?s characteristics (truck or car) and a calculation of the recommended speed for the particular vehicle based on conditions. In some cases, manual systems are employed, for example where pedestrians or bicyclists manually set the system to provide warnings of their presence to travelers.
Icon for Road Weather Management
Road Weather Management
Road weather management activities include road weather information systems (RWIS), winter maintenance technologies, and coordination of operations within and between state DOTs. ITS applications assist with the monitoring and forecasting of roadway and atmospheric conditions, dissemination of weather-related information to travelers, weather-related traffic control measures such as variable speed limits, and both fixed and mobile winter maintenance activities.
Icon for Roadway Operations & Maintenance
Roadway Operations & Maintenance
ITS applications in operations and maintenance focus on integrated management of maintenance fleets, specialized service vehicles, hazardous road conditions remediation, and work zone mobility and safety. These applications monitor, analyze, and disseminate roadway and infrastructure data for operational, maintenance, and managerial uses. ITS can help secure the safety of workers and travelers in a work zone while facilitating traffic flow through and around the construction area. This is often achieved through the temporary deployment of other ITS services, such as elements of traffic management and incident management programs.
Icon for Transit Management
Transit Management
Transit ITS services include surveillance and communications, such as automated vehicle location (AVL) systems, computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems, and remote vehicle and facility surveillance cameras, which enable transit agencies to improve the operational efficiency, safety, and security of the nation's public transportation systems.
Icon for Transportation Management Centers
Transportation Management Centers
Transportation management centers (TMCs), sometimes called traffic management centers and traffic operations centers (TOCs), coordinate ITS operations. TMCs can be owned or operated by a single agency or multiple transportation agencies and perform an array of functions including data acquisition, command and control, computing, and communications for many types of ITS applications.
Icon for Traffic Incident Management
Traffic Incident Management
Traffic incident management systems can reduce the effects of incident-related congestion by decreasing the time to detect incidents, the time for responding vehicles to arrive, and the time required for traffic to return to normal conditions. Incident management systems make use of a variety of surveillance technologies, often shared with freeway and arterial management systems, as well as enhanced communications and other technologies that facilitate coordinated response to incidents.
Icon for Emergency Management
Emergency Management
ITS applications in emergency management include hazardous materials management, the deployment of emergency medical services, and large and small-scale emergency response and evacuation operations.
Icon for Electronic Payment & Pricing
Electronic Payment & Pricing
Electronic payment systems employ various communication and electronic technologies to facilitate commerce between travelers and transportation agencies, typically for the purpose of paying tolls and transit fares. Pricing refers to charging motorists a fee or toll that varies with the level of demand or with the time of day.
Icon for Traveler Information
Traveler Information
Traveler information applications use a variety of technologies, including Internet websites, telephone hotlines, as well as television and radio, to allow users to make more informed decisions regarding trip departures, routes, and mode of travel. Ongoing implementation of the designated 511 telephone number will improve access to traveler information across the country Benefits.
Icon for Information Management
Information Management
ITS information management supports the archiving and retrieval of data generated by other ITS applications and enables ITS applications that use archived information. Decision support systems, predictive information, and performance monitoring are some ITS applications enabled by ITS information management. In addition, ITS information management systems can assist in transportation planning, research, and safety management activities.
Icon for Commercial Vehicle Operations
Commercial Vehicle Operations
ITS applications for commercial vehicle operations are designed to enhance communication between motor carriers and regulatory agencies. Examples include electronic registration and permitting programs, electronic exchange of inspection data between regulating agencies for better inspection targeting, electronic screening systems, and several applications to assist operators with fleet operations and security.
Icon for Intermodal Freight
Intermodal Freight
ITS can facilitate the safe, efficient, secure, and seamless movement of freight. Applications being deployed provide for tracking of freight and carrier assets such as containers and chassis, and improve the efficiency of freight terminal processes, drayage operations, and international border crossings.
Intelligent Vehicles
Icon for Collision Avoidance Systems
Collision Avoidance
To improve the ability of drivers to avoid accidents, vehicle-mounted collision warning systems (CWS) continue to be tested and deployed. These applications use a variety of sensors to monitor the vehicle?s surroundings and alert the driver of conditions that could lead to a collision. Examples include forward collision warning, obstacle detection systems, and road departure warning systems.
Icon for Collision Notification Systems
Collision Notification
In an effort to improve response times and save lives, collision notification systems have been designed to detect and report the location and severity of incidents to agencies and services responsible for coordinating appropriate emergency response actions. These systems can be activated manually (Mayday), or automatically with automatic collision notification (ACN), and advanced systems may transmit information on the type of crash, number of passengers, and the likelihood of injuries.
Icon for Driver Assistance Systems
Driver Assistance
Numerous intelligent vehicle technologies exist to assist the driver in operating the vehicle safely. Systems are available to aid with navigation, while others, such as vision enhancement and speed control systems, are intended to facilitate safe driving during adverse conditions. Other systems assist with difficult driving tasks such as transit and commercial vehicle docking.


Goal AreaDefinition
Icon for Safety
An explicit objective of the transportation system is to provide a safe environment for travel while continuing to strive to improve the performance of the system. Although undesirable, crashes and fatalities do occur. Several ITS services aim to minimize the risk of crash occurrence. This goal area focuses on reducing the number of crashes, and lessening the probability of a fatality should a crash occur. Typical measures of effectiveness used to quantify safety performance include the overall crash rate, fatality crash rate, and injury crash rate. Surrogate measures are also used, including vehicle speeds, speed variability, or changes in the number of violations of traffic safety laws.
Icon for Mobility
Improving mobility by reducing delay and travel time is a major goal of many ITS components. Measures of effectiveness typically used to evaluate mobility include the amount of delay time and the variability in travel time.

Delay can be measured in many different ways depending on the type of transportation system being analyzed. Delay of a system is typically measured in seconds or minutes of delay per vehicle. Also, delay for users of the system may be measured in person-hours. Delay for freight shipments could be measured in time past scheduled arrival time of the shipment. Delay can also be measured by observing the number of stops experienced by drivers before and after a project is deployed or implemented.

Travel time variability indicates the variability in overall travel time from an origin to a destination in the system, including any modal transfers or en-route stops. This measure of effectiveness can be readily applied to intermodal freight (goods) movement as well as personal travel. Reducing the variability of travel time improves the reliability of arrival time estimates that travelers or companies use to make planning and scheduling decisions. By improving operations, improving incident response, and providing information on delays, ITS services can reduce the variability of travel time in transportation networks. For example, traveler information products can be used in trip planning to help re-route commercial drivers around congested areas resulting in less variability in travel time.
Icon for Productivity
ITS implementations can reduce operating costs and allow productivity improvements. Some applications may save time in completing business or regulatory processes, enabling businesses to increase their economic efficiency. For public agencies, ITS alternatives for transportation improvements may have lower acquisition costs and life cycle costs when compared to traditional transportation improvements. Other ITS applications enable the collection and synthesis of data that can translate into cost savings and performance improvements. Operational efficiencies and cost savings made possible by ITS implementation can help both public and private entities make the most productive use of their resources. The measure of effectiveness for this goal area is cost savings as a result of implementing ITS.
Icon for Efficiency
Many ITS components seek to optimize the efficiency of existing facilities and use of rights-of-way so that mobility and commerce needs can be met while reducing the need to construct or expand facilities. This is accomplished by increasing the effective capacity of the transportation system. Effective capacity is the "maximum potential rate at which persons or vehicles may traverse a link, node, or network under a representative composite of roadway conditions," including "weather, incidents, and variation in traffic demand patterns." Capacity, as defined by the Highway Capacity Manual, is the "maximum hourly rate at which persons or vehicles can reasonably be expected to traverse a given point or uniform section of a lane or roadway during a given time period under prevailing roadway, traffic, and control conditions."

The major difference between effective capacity and capacity is that capacity is generally measured under typical conditions for the facility, such as good weather and pavement conditions, with no incidents affecting the system, while effective capacity can vary depending upon these conditions and the use of management and operational strategies. Throughput is defined as the number of persons, goods, or vehicles traversing a roadway section or network per unit time. Increases in throughput are sometimes realizations of increases in effective capacity. Under certain conditions, it may reflect the maximum number of travelers that can be accommodated by a transportation system. Throughput is more easily measured than effective capacity and therefore can be used as a surrogate measure when analyzing the performance of an ITS project.
Icon for Energy & Environment
Energy & Environment
The air quality and energy impacts of ITS services are very important considerations, particularly for non-attainment areas. In most cases, environmental benefits can only be estimated by the use of analysis and simulation. The problems related to regional measurement include the small impact of individual projects and large numbers of exogenous variables including weather, contributions from non-mobile sources, air pollution drifting into an area from other regions, as well as the time-evolving nature of ozone pollution. Small-scale studies generally show positive impacts on the environment. These impacts result from smoother and more efficient flows in the transportation system. However, environmental impacts of travelers reacting to large-scale deployment in the long term are not well understood.

Decreases in emission levels and energy consumption have been identified as measures of effectiveness for this goal area. Specific measures of effectiveness for emission levels and fuel use include: Emission levels (kilograms or tons of pollutants including carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), hydrocarbons (HC), and volatile organic compounds), fuel use (liters or gallons), and fuel economy (km/L or miles/gal).
Icon for Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction
Given that many ITS projects and programs were specifically developed to serve the public, it is important to ensure that traveler expectations are being met or surpassed. Customer satisfaction measures characterize the difference between users' expectations and experiences in relation to a service or product. The central question in a customer satisfaction evaluation is, "Does the product deliver sufficient value (or benefits) in exchange for the customer's investment, whether the investment is measured in money or time?" Typical results reported in evaluating the impacts of customer satisfaction with a product or service include product awareness, expectations of product benefit(s), product use, response (decision-making or behavior change), realization of benefits, and assessment of value. Although satisfaction is difficult to measure directly, measures related to satisfaction can be observed, including amount of travel in various modes, mode choices, and the quality of service as well as the volume of complaints and/or compliments received by the service provider.

In addition to user or customer satisfaction, it is necessary to evaluate the satisfaction of the transportation system provider or manager. For example, many ITS projects are implemented to better coordinate between various stakeholders in the transportation arena. In such projects, it is important to measure the satisfaction of the transportation provider to ensure the best use of limited funding. One way to measure the performance of such a project is to survey transportation providers before and after a project has been implemented to see if coordination was improved. It may also be possible to bring together providers from each of the stakeholder groups to evaluate their satisfaction with the system before and after the implementation of an ITS project.
