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U.S. Antarctic Program - Technology Section United States Antarctic Program
South Pole Marisat-GOES Terminal (SPMGT) and GOES backup antenna.
South Pole Marisat-
GOESTerminal (SPMGT)
and GOES backup

IT Architecture

The following group establishes guidance and standards for systems being developed and deployed within the USAP networked environment.

USAP Enterprise Architecture and Strategy

Information Security

In accordance with federal standards, Information Security develops and/or administers network compliance policies and instructions, Awareness Training, Rules of Behavior, and computer requirements for the USAP network.

USAP Information Security Program

USAP Mailing Lists

Several list servers are used for disseminating USAP information or providing a forum for list member postings.

Mailing Lists

South Pole Service Outage

Intelsat had to make an unexpected decommissioning and disposal of the MARISAT-F2 satellite. The last date of service for South Pole Station was October 28, 2008.

South Pole Service Outage Notification

Curator: Dennis Gitt, RPSC   |   NSF Point of Contact: Patrick Smith, Office of Polar Programs
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