BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

San Francisco

Featured Local Events

This page provides links to featured local Bay Area events highlighting international opportunities for US cleantech firms:

August 10, 2009

China Economic Stimulus Package and Cleantech: Opportunities for US Exporters

The Department of Commerce Renewable Energy Specialists will address current plans, policies and trade promotion activities.

This briefing will address opportunity in China for US firms in the clean technology field following China's impressive $586 billion economic stimulus package announced at the end of 2008. A representative of the PRC Consulate in San Francisco and a Department of Commerce Renewable Energy Specialists will address current plans, policies and trade promotion activities. Hear also from private sector firms operating in this space. Presented by the US Commercial Service in cooperation with the US China Green Energy Council.
For information & registration, email or call Karl.Kailing 408-535-2757

September 1, 2009

Energy Efficiency Opportunities in India Webinar: $35 per participant

In this webinar, you will learn about new business opportunities in India's burgeoning $30 billion energy efficiency market.  U.S manufacturers of energy efficient products and energy service companies have tremendous potential in India, particularly in the areas of industrial energy efficiency and green building. The Government of India plans to save 10,000 MW of energy by 2012 alone and is poised to set energy usage standards for energy intensive industries, which will further accelerate the growth of this market.  Now is the time to enter the market to ensure that you tap into the energy efficiency boom in India!  This webinar will inform you where the opportunities are and how to take advantage of them.  Additionally, India's leading energy experts will provide tips and guidance on how you can begin or advance your business in India's energy efficiency sector.  For more information, please contact Nyamusi Igambi or Linda Abbruzzese 

Learn more/register:  Here

September 15, 2009

TDA funded Orientation Visit for Chinese Airport Officials & Business Brief 

Business briefing at USTDA headquarters to all U.S. companies interested in the China aviation sector, regardless of whether they are a ACP member or AAAE members.

More information can be found: Here

October 2009


The 2009 Solar Power Conference and Expo is scheduled at the San Jose Convention Center. Visit the Solar Power Conference website for more information about this year's conference in San Diego (10/13-10/16) and for updates about next year's conference.

Skyline pic of city


DownloadInternational Conference on Renewable Energy Implementation in Developing Countries

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