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Algerian Renewable Energy Opportunities

Algerian Renewable Energy & Water Tech Opportunities

Algerian Ministers responsible for renewable energy and water issues have expressed their great interest in more U.S. expertise and involvement in planning, construction and technical assistance in Algeria.

Water: Algeria’s water strategy focuses on desalination for the coastal cities, medium-sized dams to irrigate the inland mountains and high plateau, and ambitious water transfer projects interconnecting Algeria's 65 dams to bring water to water scarce parts of the country.  Waste water treatment and water reclamation technologies are also highly sought after. On February 23, 2009, Secretary General of the Algerian Ministry of Water Resources Zidane Merah again called for greater US private sector involvement in the country's ambitious water infrastructure development plans. Merah stated that the 2010-2014 program is expected to be approved by mid 2009 and will include a broad spectrum of equipment and services in water & environmental technologies including:

Renewable Energy: The Algerian Government has also called for more U.S. company participation in renewable power generation projects including wind and thermal solar. Algeria aims to develop its own solar energy industry with a goal of producing 1,200 megawatts of solar power by 2015. The country is currently looking for foreign investors and technologies to speed up adoption of alternative sources of power.

Areas of opportunity for US firms:

* Hydraulic and water transport equipment

* Water treatment and desalination plant design and construction

* Chemicals such as aluminum sulfate for water treatment

* 3,000 km per year of water pipes of various diameters

* Training in water treatment practices, engineering and management

* Solar water heating solutions

* Wind farms