Life Onboard the Laurence M. Gould
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U.S. Antarctic Program - Vessel Science & Operations Section United States Antarctic Program
LMG TV and Movie Lounge
LMG TV and Movie Lounge

Living arrangements on the LMG are very comfortable, with all science cabins consisting of two bunks, a head and a shower. The Chief Scientist and Marine Projects Coordinator (MPC) cabins have dayrooms as well as the sleeping compartment. All cabins are equipped with a telephone/intercom and two LAN jacks for connection to the network. This network access includes the ability to connect to the ship's primary data acquisition computer system for viewing and logging data. All grantee and RPSC berthing is on the O1 Deck, which is on the same level as the Lounge/Conference Room and the Sauna and Hot Tub areas.

The Lounge/Conference Room is open 24 hours a day for everyone's use and is stocked with more than 150 movies. DVD movies are also available but must be checked out from the MPC. A small book library is also housed in the 02 Lounge for all to use, but please return any borrowed book right after you have finished reading it. This is a donation-only library, so feel free to leave any books aboard that will lighten the load on the way home. They will be greatly appreciated.

Once on board it is wise to take a walk around the ship to get familiar with all exits, your emergency muster station, and the best way to get to your work areas. Visits to the Engine Room are welcome, but it is best to coordinate this with the chief engineer or one of the Edison Chouest Offshore (ECO) crew for safety's sake.

LMG Weight Room Facing Aft
LMG Weight Room Facing Forward
LMG Weight Room

The LMG's Workout Room is equipped for both weight and endurance training. A universal weight machine, treadmill, rowing machine and exercise bike are available in the weight room. Just across the passageway is a sauna and hot tub for relaxing after a hard day's work or workout. This area is open 24 hours a day as well, but please keep the volume down on both your voice and the stereo as there are people sleeping 24 hours a day on the 01 Level.

LMG Galley/Mess Hall on the Main Deck-Forward
LMG Galley/Mess Hall

The Mess Hall is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and is located all the way forward on the starboard side of the Main Deck. Please refrain from wearing greasy or dirty work clothes in the Mess. Edison Chouest provides vegetarian meals upon request. If you have special dietary interests or needs, please contact the MPC to see if they can be accommodated.

Meals are served at the following times:

  • 7:30-8:30 AM Breakfast
  • 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Lunch
  • 5:30-6:30 PM Dinner
  • 11:30 PM-12:30 AM Midnight Rations

For the snack food junkies: Plan to visit the Cofrima grocery store, very near the pier in Punta Arenas, just before sailing. Snacks, like chocolate, toffee or your favorite health food, make the ship feel more like home. These types of foods are not served in the galley, and satisfying a junk food (or health food) craving help make your time at sea more enjoyable.

LMG Laundry Room located on the Main Deck Forward
LMG Laundry Room

General use laundry equipment is provided on the Main Deck just aft of the Galley and Mess Hall. Soap and bleach are provided. Remember that it's best not to do laundry in seas greater than 15 feet. Much like the people on board, the machines just shut themselves off if the seas get too rough.

Please observe good laundry etiquette and transfer clothes in the washing machine into the dryer if one is available. If not, place it on top of the dryer. The people removing their dry laundry can then put in the next load. There are a limited number of washers and this helps speed up the process.

Clean linen is available from the ship's supply and includes blankets, sheets, pillowcases and towels.

While People Sleep

Finally, please remember to think of your shipmates when walking the passageways of the ARSV Laurence M. Gould. All members of the crew, including ECO, RPSC and grantees work around the clock shifts, so someone is always "in their rack." Keeping passageway conversations at a minimum makes everyone's days at sea more agreeable.

Curator: Steve Kottmeier, RPSC   |   NSF Point of Contact: Alexandra Isern/Jesse Crain, Office of Polar Programs
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