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San Francisco

The World Bank’s Role in Cleantech Project Finance in Emerging Markets Webinar

World Bank

The World Bank’s Role in Cleantech Project Finance in Emerging Markets Webinar

Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) have provided billions of dollars to foreign governments for clean tech, renewable energy, and energy efficiency projects and studies in developing countries over the past decade. The World Bank is the world's largest financier of such projects and is committed to accelerating the deployment of proven clean technology into the developing world. This funding stream offers many opportunities for U.S. clean tech companies to find new markets and customers.

Senior Commercial Officer David Fulton will provide a practical training course on how to find and capture MDB-funded projects and consulting opportunities. The course will address:

-The MDB project development cycle

-Proposed and active projects in the pipeline

-Identifying procurement opportunities in MDB-funded projects

-How the MDBs use consultants and how to register your firm for consulting opportunities

-The World Bank's new $6.1 billion Climate Investment Fund

-Engaging the MDB's as a strategic customer segment for your company

-MDB standard contract terms and conditions

-MDB financing and risk mitigation for the private sector

The webinar will focus on World Bank opportunities but will also cover the Asian Development bank, African Development bank, Inter-American Deveopment Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

For the powerpoint presentation of the webinar , please visit