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Misuse of Prescription Pain Relievers

Prescription pain relievers (including narcotics, depressants and stimulants) are safe and effective when used correctly for a medical condition and under a doctor's supervision. But they can cause serious side effects if not used correctly. Incorrect use or use for non-medical reasons can lead to abuse, addiction and even death.

To obtain printed copies of any of these materials, please email your request by title to: dpapubs@fda.hhs.gov. You can also call 301-796-3703 or 1-888-INFO-FDA. 

The following links are text documents. You can also view the graphic versions (if available) by going to the "All Graphics and Other Media" page.

  •  "The Buzz Takes Your Breath Away. Permanently." While this text version of a 6 panel brochure was created to reach teens and young adults, its text is for any consumer who may not use prescription pain relievers safely. The brochure gives information about the dangers of misuse and addiction, drugs to watch out for, symptoms of overdose, and what to do if someone has overdosed. Other resources are also given.

For related topics, see the FDA Web pages

"Safe Use of Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers (analgesics) and Fever Reducers (antipyretics)" at: Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers/Fever Reducers: Using Acetaminophen and NSAID Medicine Safely

"OxyContin Information: FDA Strengthens Warnings for OxyContin" at  www.fda.gov/cder/drug/infopage/oxycontin/default.htm

"Subutex (buprenorphine hydrochloride) and Suboxone tablets (buprenorphine hydrochloride and naloxone hydrochloride)" information page,  www.fda.gov/cder/drug/infopage/subutex_suboxone/default.htm

Further information on prescription drug abuse from the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), Executive Office of the President of the United States, can be found at:

"Prescription Drug Abuse" at http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/drugfact/prescr_drg_abuse.html

ONCDP's related site for parents on prescription drug abuse at www.theantidrug.com.


All graphics and other media on Misuse of Prescription Pain Relievers
