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Results 1-25 of 193 for your search:
Drug:  bortezomib
Find trials that include:  Any drugs shown
Trial Status:  Active
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Phase: Phase IV
Type: Natural history/Epidemiology, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: CR003469, NCT00440765

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: TaCyDexVMP7, NCT00652041

Phase: Phase III, Phase II
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 to 60
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: CR005242, NCT00833560

Phase: Phase III, Phase II
Type: Diagnostic, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 to 65
Sponsor: Other, Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: R08096M, VEL-1-08-DK-002, 26866138MMY2063, NCT00861250

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: EudraCT: 2005-001628-35, EBMT-CLWP: 42206611, NCT00256776

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 61 to 75
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: CR006127, NCT00416208

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 0 to 60
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: CR006124, NCT00416273

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 to 65
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: NMSG 15/05, EudraCT No: 2005-002756-18, NCT00417911

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 66 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 2005-001111-21, NCT00443235

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 65 and under
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 2005-001110-41, NCT00461747

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: C05009, NCT00507416

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: ECOG-E1A05, E1A05, NCT00522392

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 to 74
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: UARK 2006-66, NCT00572169

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 2006-05, NCT00573391

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 to 74
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 2006-15, NCT00574080

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: SWOG-S0777, S0777, NCT00644228

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 100241, NCT00657553

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 to 75
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 25009, 59306670 7R01CA115399, NCT00670631

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: NMSG 17/07, EudraCT no. 2007-001292-11, NCT00602511

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: 26866138-LYM-3002, NCT00722137

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: 26866138 MMY 3021, NCT00722566

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 to 75
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: UARK 2008-01, NCT00734877

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: LCC-HM05/7287, HM05/7287, EU-20873, ISRCTN60123120, EudraCT-2006-005890-24, NCT00747877

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: 2008_525, MK0683-088, NCT00773747

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: CR015310, 26866138MMY3020, NCT00799539
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