United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Mountain Scenery in New Mexico

Welcome to the NRCS New Mexico Web Site.

Photograph of the Sandia Mountains.

Conservation Stewardship Program

The U.S. Department of Agriculture began continuous sign-up for the new Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) on August 10, 2009, with the first sign-up period cutoff scheduled for September 30, 2009.  The priority concerns for New Mexico are water quantity, animals, plants, and energy - in addition to soil quality for agricultural lands and air quality for non-industrial forest lands.  To apply potential landowners are encouraged to use a self-screening checklist first that is available here.

Photograph of Acting Under Secretary Bartuska and RGCF Executive Director Morgan

Spanish Musica Beans and AWEP Signing Greet Acting Under Secretary

USDA Acting Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment Ann Bartuska may not have acquired dirt under her fingernails when she visited the Rio Grande Community Farm in Albuquerque on August 11, 2009.  But she savored the fresh, crisp taste of Spanish musica beans (an heirloom variety of string beans), and used her well-versed scientific background to engage in an in-depth discussion of the finer points of flushing subsurface drip irrigation systems.

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Photography of Conservation Planning on the Navajo Reservation

Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act Input Sought

The Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act of 1977, as amended (RCA) provides the USDA broad strategic assessment and planning authority for the conservation, protection, and enhancement of soil, water, and related natural resources.  On June 22, 2008, Congress reauthorized the RCA, and public participation is a central element to the RCA process.  For an opportunity to comment on USDA conservation priorities, program approaches, future conservation needs, and opportunities to improve the appraisal process click here

Photograph of NRCS Employee Rudy Garcia

Workshops Promote Savings, Greening

The New Mexico USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service is sponsoring a series of sustainable agriculture workshops that point the way to less energy use, less pumping of water, lower labor requirements, and less need for fertilizers and pesticides on the farm.

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Natural Resources Reporter

Subscribe to the "Natural Resources Reporter"

For insight into NRCS New Mexico's cutting edge conservation technology, a sneak peak into the successes of your neighboring farmers and ranchers, or a glance at some of our partners' achievements, sign up for the Natural Resources Reporter newsletter. It is published by NRCS New Mexico, free, and emailed to you bi-monthly.

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Conservation Showcase

Conservation Showcase

So, what are examples of some of the best conservation efforts in New Mexico?  Visit our Conservation Showcase site to meet New Mexicans who are accepting the challenge.

Let Us Help You Find It

Let Us Help You Find It

Whether you are new to NRCS New Mexico or a professional looking for our more technical information, click here for a glossary that helps guide you to some of our more popular sites.

The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment.

Last Modified: 08/21/2009