Media Inquiries
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U.S. Antarctic Program - MediaInquiries Section United States Antarctic Program
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U.S. Antarctic Program personnel send Midwinter's Greetings

U.S. Antarctic Program personnel send Midwinter's Greetings
June 21, the winter solstice, marks the midpoint of the long dark antarctic night and is traditionally celebrated as a holiday ...

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USAP Media Relations

If you have inquiries about a news story related to Antarctica, contact the following:

Media Contact
Peter West, NSF

Dena Headlee, NSF

NSF Office of Polar Programs (OPP) News External Non-U.S. government site
See what the National Science Foundation is reporting about Antarctica, and find out how to subscribe to new press releases ...

NSF Press Releases External Non-U.S. government site
View the most recent Antarctic press releases, releases from previous years, and press statements ...

Significant U.S. Science Discoveries from Antarctica External Non-U.S. government site
Read about the many notable scientific discoveries made by USAP researchers ...

The Antarctic Sun Newspaper External Non-U.S. government site
Why do people go to Antarctica, and what do they do there? Read the USAP's newspaper to find out about U.S. Antarctic communities ...

Video Clips, Maps and Images
USAP Participants continually document Antarctica through various multimedia. Take a look at South Pole construction, ice-breaking ships, Dinosaurs on Ice, satellite images, and much more ...

Curator: Webmaster, RPSC   |   NSF Point of Contact: Peter West/Winifred Reuning, Office of Polar Programs
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