Information for Proposers
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U.S. Antarctic Program - Information For Proposers Section United States Antarctic Program

Many of the major USAP resources are heavily committed for the next several seasons. The most constrained of these resources are fixed wing time (LC-130 missions, Basler and Twin Otter support), ship time, and support and berthing at South Pole Station. General availability information for these resources is presented below. Please consider this information carefully while creating field plans and requesting support.

ARRA Funds Available For NSF Research Infrastructure and Instrumentation Programs
USAP Email Address Format Changing

Notice to proposers using NSF 09-536 (Antarctic Research solicitation, 2009): New information will be added to this page shortly to assist you in preparing your research proposal.

General Information
Helpful Policies
McMurdo Station Aircraft Availability
South Pole Station Schedule
Vessel Science and Operations Schedules
Special Technical Support, and Samples and Data for Research

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General Information
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Helpful Policies
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McMurdo Station Aircraft Availability

Twin Otter Availability Link to PDF file
Basler Availability Link to PDF file
LC-130 Availability:

There are few LC-130 missions available through the 2009-2010 field season. Missions become available starting in 2010-2011.

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South Pole Station Schedule
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Vessel Science and Operations Schedules
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Special Technical Support, and Samples and Data for Research

For information on the topics below, see the Special Technical Support for Research Provided by Other Organizations page.

High Precision Global Positioning System (GPS)
Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR)
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
Polar Ice Core Drilling Services

For information on the topics below, see the Samples and Data for Research page.

Samples for Research

U.S. Antarctic Data Coordination Center
Ice Cores
Ocean-bottom Sedimentary Cores and Grab Samples; Continental Cores
Rock Samples
Meteorite Samples
Biological Specimens

Data for Research and Data Curation

Maps, Aerial Photographs, and Related Information
Bathymetric and Other Oceanographic Data and Cruise Metadata
Antarctic Bibliography
Other Data Archives

Curator: Steve Kottmeier, RPSC   |   NSF Point of Contact: Alexandra Isern, Office of Polar Programs
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