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Clinical Trials and Pharmaceuticals

Please note while every effort has been made to insure the accuracy of the information provided, the links and other content herein should only serve as a basis for further investigation. Laws and regulations can change, and any American company interested in further researching overseas clinical trials should consult with their local Commerce office and the U.S. Embassy in the target country for further information.


Why conduct clinical trials in Asia?

Asia holds some of the fastest growing pharmaceutical markets in the world with developing facilities and resources for clinical trial research. With large patient pools and a growing consumer base, successfully conducting trials on Asia can allow for quick and easy access into those markets. There are great opportunities for cost savings but regulatory requirements and environments vary, though international regulatory guidelines are generally accepted. Governments are working on developing smoother processes for approval and improving intellectual property legislation. Facilities are quickly upgrading to provide better service for clinical trials and the research environment is growing more attractive for companies looking to save time and money on clinical trials.

For more information on conducting clinical trials in Asia, please visit our Asia Clinical Trials Resource Directory.

Articles on clinical trials in Asia (for informational purposes only)

Upcoming Events Worldwide

  • World Pharma Trials Asia: September 23-25, 2009. Shanghai, China.
    World Pharma Trials Asia is an event convening pharmas, biotechs, and CROs to explore opportunities in Asia for cost effective preclinical and clinical drug development, at a time where Asia’s CRO market is growing at a doubling rate yearly, with more and more global pharma and biotechs conducting drug development in Asia.
  • China Trials 2009: November 8-10, 2009. Beijing, China.
    This is especially designed to keep industry players up to speed on the latest regulations for pharmaceutical sector throughout Asia. Equip yourselves with all the regulatory updates, insights and practical strategies to effectively cross the complex pharmaceutical regulatory hurdles in compliance activities and successfully sustain your companies profit growth in Asia. http://

Europe/European Union

Why conduct clinical trials in Europe?

Europe is a world leader in biopharmaceutical innovation. The European Commission has recently addressed pharmaceutical innovation and development as a specific goal for their future. The Innovative Medicines Initiative was established to do just that. The IMI streamlines regulations throughout Europe, which simplifies clinical research and pharmaceutical marketing. In addition, the EC-US Task Force on Biotechnological Research offers significant support for research between the United States and EC member states. Europe boosts high health and safety standards as well, a crucial component to the success of any clinical trial. Furthermore, conducting clinical trials in Europe would give your pharmaceutical company access to the strong European pharmaceutical market.

For more information on conducting clinical trials in Europe, please visit our Europe Clinical Trials Resource Directory.

Upcoming Events Worldwide:

8th Annual World Drug Manufacturing Summit 2009
December 2-4,2009 in Berlin, Germany

BIOMEDevice Conference
December 9-10, 2009 in San Jose, California

April 20-22, 2010 in New York, New York

Latin America

Why conduct clinical trials in Latin America?

Conducting clinical trials in Latin America is significantly more affordable than in the United States. The majority of Latin American states are members of the Pan American Health Organization, an international health agency with links to the World Health Organization. This agency has more than a 100 years experience in the development of health and safety standards among its members. Thanks to recent trade agreements, such as NAFTA and CAFTA, pharmaceutical trade with Latin America has been greatly simplified. Furthermore, pharmaceutical markets in Latin America are expected to expand with increases in standards of living throughout the region.

For more information on conducting clinical trials in Latin America, please visit our Latin America Clinical Trials Resource Directory.

Articles on Clinical Trials in Latin America (for informational purposes only)

Upcoming Events Worldwide

  • MAGI’s Clinical Research Conference - 2009 West: October 4-7, 2009. San Diego, California.
    This conference offers information on operations, regulatory issues, contracts and budgets. Nine sessions will address international topics, with a focus on Latin America.