Bench Top Treatment Requirements

Following are the requirements that need to be met before bench top authorization can be approved by Waste Management.  The Generator Assistants work with their respective generators requesting authorization to assure all requirements are met and present the information to Waste Management for approval.

  • Description of the waste generating process and location.
  • Copies of representative analysis results characterizing the waste (characterization data can be based on generator information as long as there is assurance that the generating process does not involve presence of  metals or organics),
  • A written neutralization procedure
  • The list individuals authorized to treat the waste.
  • The evidence that the appropriate procedural training has been completed by each authorized person. (a training log showing OJT along with a brief description of topics covered)
  • Written approval for discharge signed by Robert Fox or another ESG designee for waste that can be discharged to sewer after treatment.
  • A treatment log must be maintained for treated waste indicating date and amount of waste treated and the person that performed the treatment.

Note:  The waste must be treated within 10 days from generation date.

If you have questions, please contact your Generator Assistant.

Last updated 7/21/06
