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National Crime Victims' Rights Week 2005
Video Preview Transcript

[Graphical descriptions appear in brackets. Throughout the video montage, voiceovers of multiple individuals are heard while a collage of photographs, documents, and newspaper clippings dissolve in and out of the screen. Photos show a crowd of protestors, prisoners walking down a prison hall, tearful testimony at trial, crowds, families, and individuals embracing and supporting each other, President Reagan, and the American flag.]

[Opening: Title on the cover of a scrapbook.]

Paving the Path to Justice

Janice Rench: Step back and rewind and think about what the climate was in the 70s.

Judge Lois Haight: The criminal justice system supported the defendants and ignored and mistreated victims.
[Photo and newspaper clipping appear on screen. Clipping reads: Victim fearful of another trial.]

Jay Howell: We treated victims like fingerprints, evidence…
[Photo and newspaper clipping appear on screen. Clipping reads: Victimized again.]

Ralph Hubbard: The judge said, "I have no room in my court for your emotional outbursts."
[Photos and a newspaper clipping appear on screen. Clipping reads: Horror of loss.]

President Reagan: Our Task Force on Victims of Crime called the neglect and mistreatment of crime victims a national disgrace.

Roberta Roper: My dream is that one day, victims' rights and victims' services will be so ingrained that it will be as naturally applied as the rights of those accused or convicted of crime.

[Dissolve to the dedication]

Dedicated to President Ronald W. Reagan who paved this vital path to justice

[Scrapbook closes – NCVRW theme appears on the screen]

Justice Isn't Served Until Crime Victims Are

[Screen fades to black]

[End of video clip.]

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