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New Copyright Tools

by Michael Brewer - Team Leader for Undergraduate Services, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ

With the support and expertise of the ALA OITP Copyright Advisory Subcommittee, Michael Brewer, University of Arizona Library, has developed two new tools that are now available online.

The first “108 Spinner” is specifically targeted to assist librarians with questions about when section 108 of the copyright code (the library and archives provision) applies. In general, this section allows for libraries or archives (under specific circumstances) to:

make copies of portions of works from their collections for users
make copies of entire works for users
make replacement copies of published works in their collections
make preservation copies of unpublished works in their collections.

The second tool “DitgitalSlider” helps you determine the copyright term of a work or whether it has fallen into the public domain. The URLs are:

This notice originally appeared in SEA Currents published by the Southeastern/Atlantic Region in Baltimore, MD

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