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Folic Acid IQ
1. The best way to get enough folic acid to help protect your baby from birth defects of the brain and spinal cord is:
Eat a banana every day
Take a multivitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid every day
Drink two glasses of milk every day
Do nothing; most women get enough in their diets

2. When should you begin taking folic acid?
When you're three months pregnant
When your health care provider prescribes prenatal vitamins
Before you start trying to get pregnant
Every time you have sex

3. You're trying to get more folic acid in your diet. Which of the following foods is your best choice?
Baked potato
Fortified breakfast cereal

4. You're thirsty and you have a choice of the following beverages. Which is the best choice if you're trying to increase your intake of folic acid?
Cranberry juice
Orange juice
Apple juice

Information specialists at the March of Dimes answer your questions by e-mail.

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