U.S. Geological Survey

Remote Sensing in the USGS Mineral Resource Surveys Program in the Eastern United States


Mineral deposits commonly occur within special geologic units or structures, such as fault zones, which can be detected and mapped from aircraft and satellite images. Modern techniques analyze multispectral images that record the way solar energy is reflected or emitted by the materials exposed at the Earth's surface. In sparsely vegetated regions, including most of the Western United States, mineral composition is determined directly by analyzing the spectral properties of rock outcrops. In more densely vegetated terrain, such as the Eastern United States, rock and soil composition can be determined directly in manmade exposures, such as plowed fields and construction sites, or much more general determinations can be made indirectly by analyzing the distribution and apparent health of naturally occurring plants. The association of certain plants with particular rock or soil types has been known for decades. For example, coniferous trees grow preferentially on well-drained sandy soil, whereas deciduous trees dominate on shaly bedrock. These two forest types reflect solar radiation quite differently and, therefore, are distinguished readily in conventional aerial photographs. More subtle plant-bedrock associations require digital multispectral image analysis to infer compositional information from the spectral characteristics of the forest canopy.

Chestnut-Oak Forest Association With Potentially Mineralized Rocks in the Carolina Slate Belt

The Carolina slate belt is a 10- to 50-km-wide zone of 450- to 600-million-year-old volcanic and sedimentary rocks extending from Georgia to Virginia (fig. 1). Acid-rich waters in volcanic centers locally altered the bedrock and deposited gold and silver and valuable minerals such as pyrophyllite (an important refractory mineral). Such deposits have been exploited at many localities in the slate belt. Regional mineral and geoenvironmental resource assessments depend on understanding the geology and the potential for undiscovered deposits -- challenging questions in the Carolina slate belt because of the complex geology, deep weathering of the bedrock, and dense vegetation cover over much of the area. To augment conventional geologic mapping methods and to better assess large areas, the U.S. Geological Survey has been evaluating Landsat multispectral images and, more recently, Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data for mapping subtle spectral variations in forest canopy reflectance that may be related to altered, potentially mineralized bedrock.

Figure 1 Figure 1. Location of the Carolina slate belt and the area illustrated in figure 3 (striped box). G, granitic bedrock. From Williams, R.S., Jr., and Kover, A.N., 1978, Remote sensing: Geotimes, v. 23, no. 1, p. 43-45.

Landsat Data Analysis

Landsat satellites have been recording multispectral images of the land surface from a 700-km orbit since 1972. Analysis of a December 1, 1981, multispectral scanner (MSS) image showed that a particular forest community grows in areas where the bedrock contains anomalously high proportions of silica and that many of these areas are underlain by altered rocks. These results were essentially duplicated through analysis of Landsat thematic mapper (TM) images recorded on November 9, 1982, and November 9, 1988. Landsat TM images are recorded in seven spectral bands at 30-m resolution, whereas MSS images are recorded in four bands at 80-m resolution.

Field studies established that the forest community growing in these areas is dominated by Quercus prinus (chestnut oak); subordinate species include Pinus virginiana (Virginia pine) and Acer rubrum (red maple). The understory is typically open, with patches of Vaccinium sp. (blueberry). Because the siliceous bedrock resists erosion, chestnut-oak forest occurs on topographically high knobs and ridges, outcrops are typically abundant, and the soil horizon is relatively thin. The chestnut-oak forest contrasts with the typical mixed deciduous forest in the slate belt, which has many more species, healthier trees, and denser understory. An important limitation of the Landsat data analysis is the inability to separate chestnut-oak communities growing on unaltered silicic volcanic rocks, which have not yielded mineral deposits, from those growing on altered rocks that host important nonmetallic deposits, as well as gold deposits. Consequently, a means of distinguishing chestnut-oak forest growing on these different substrates would be quite useful for mineral assessment in the Carolina slate belt, and development of such a technique should lead to similar applications in other heavily vegetated regions.


AVIRIS is an advanced imaging system that records reflected light in 224 visible and near-infrared wavelengths from a NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) high-altitude aircraft. This high-spectral resolution allows detection of subtle spectral features that are diagnostic of specific minerals and plant characteristics. Although AVIRIS data have been used extensively to map minerals in well-exposed areas of the Western United States, potential geologic applications in the Eastern Region have not been evaluated.

Preliminary analysis of calibrated AVIRIS data recorded on June 26, 1996, indicates that chestnut-oak forests growing on high-silica altered rocks are spectrally distinct from chestnut-oak forests growing on most unaltered silicic volcanic rocks, as well as forests growing on unaltered rock units. The dominant spectral features in forest canopies are related to chlorophyll absorption, which causes their green color in the visible part of the solar spectrum, and to water absorption, which dominates the near-infrared part of the spectrum. The intensity of water absorption by the chestnut-oak forest canopy growing in silicified altered areas is weaker than the intensity measured by AVIRIS in forest canopies growing above unaltered silicic volcanic rocks and in the background canopy (fig. 2). Analysis of soil samples shows that the nutrient content and moisture retention capacity are lower in the soils derived from the high-silica altered rocks. These deficiencies result in the growth of chestnut-forest canopies on the altered sites; these canopies are slightly more sparse than the normal background canopy and are expressed in the AVIRIS data by lower water absorption.

Figure 2. AVIRIS spectra showing lower intensity of water absorption in the anomalous canopy of chestnut-oak forest growing above high-silica altered rocks (red line) compared with intensity in the canopy developed in areas underlain by unaltered silicic volcanic rocks (green line) and in the background canopy common to other areas of unaltered rocks (black line).

Figure 3 illustrates how information about the distribution of chestnut-oak forest can be used to improve geologic mapping and mineral and geoenvironmental assessments in the slate belt. A previously mapped zone of localized occurrences of high-silica altered rocks is shown in green, and areas of chestnut-oak forests mapped by using AVIRIS data are shown in red. Points A and B indicate areas where high-silica altered rocks were mapped outside the green map zone by using AVIRIS data. Field examination of the red areas confirmed the need to expand the green zone westward to encompass areas A and B. The sporadic distribution of chestnut-oak areas within the mapped zone of altered rocks is due to the localized nature of this type of alteration and to the incomplete forest cover resulting from cutting of the forest.

Figure 3 Figure 3. Zone of silicified altered rocks (green) and the distribution of chestnut-oak forest mapped by using AVIRIS data (red). Points A and B indicate areas of chestnut-oak forest and silicified altered rocks that lie outside the mapped zone of altered rocks (green). Location of zone shown in figure 1.

These results show the potential for using remote sensing, especially high-spectral-resolution, AVIRIS-type data, for improving the accuracy of mineral resource assessment in regions similar to the Carolina slate belt. The usefulness of this technique will increase as the data are collected by satellite-borne imaging systems because the measurements can be made during times of good weather conditions and during different seasons of the year.

For more information, please contact:

Lawrence C. Rowan
U.S. Geological Survey

954 National Center
Reston, VA 20192
Telephone: (703) 648-6381
E-mail: lrowan@usgs.gov

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
                                                  USGS Information Handout
August 1998

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