U.S. Geological Survey

Offshore Industrial Mineral Studies Using a Marine Induced-Polarization Streamer System


More than 3 million square miles (nearly 8 million square kilometers) of territory that belongs to the United States is relatively unknown. This area is the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), which extends from 3 nautical miles (5.6 km) off the coast of the United States and its affiliated islands out to 200 nautical miles (370 km) (fig. 1). Since President Reagan claimed U.S. sovereign rights over the EEZ by proclamation on 10 March 1983, much effort has gone into studying it, but much remains to be learned.

Figure 1. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the United States and its affiliated islands is shown in yellow. The EEZ is larger than the land area of the United States. From McGregor and Lockwood (1985).

Studies suggest that the EEZ contains substantial mineral resources, including industrial minerals like ilmenite (a source of titanium, Ti) and monazite (a source of thorium and rare earth elements), as well as gold and platinum, which are sometimes associated with them. Ilmenite distribution off the East Coast of the United States is shown in figure 2.

Ilmenite detected in offshore sampling Figure 2. Ilmenite (FeTiO3) detected in very limited sampling from ships off the East Coast of the United States; the colors indicate Ti contents in Vibracore samples. From Andrew Grosz (unpub. data, 1997).

Vast amounts of urban waste have been dumped offshore (for instance, offshore Miami, in the New York Bight, Long Island Sound, and Boston Harbor). These sea-floor waste deposits are significant health and even navigation hazards, and they are being mobilized by ocean currents. The hypodermic needles that washed ashore on the New Jersey coast several years ago came from the New York municipal waste barges that have operated in the New York Bight over the past several decades.

In addition to urban waste dumps, there are numerous places where unexploded ordnance (UXO) has been left over from World War II and peacetime military exercises. This UXO is generally buried beneath a shallow layer of sediments and is invisible. It poses a threat to divers, marine life, and fishermen.

Several approaches have been taken to characterize and map the mineral resources and hazards of the EEZ. Sidescan-sonar and high-frequency seismic-reflection ("chirp") methods can be used to identify shapes and features on the sea floor. Scientists have learned to correlate data from these methods with ancient beach deposits and, in places, with modern dump sites.

R.V. John Wesley Powell
Figure 3. The R.V. John Wesley Powell off the Virginia coast; note the Vibracore unit on the fantail. Photograph by Andrew Grosz.
Sidescan-sonar images, however, can only identify shapes, and then only on a very gross scale; they cannot, for instance, directly identify mineral deposits or UXO. Grab-sampling and Vibracoring (where a plastic tube is vibrated into the sea floor to recover a vertical section of sediments; see figure 3) can sample the sea floor, but both techniques provide only point data, are labor intensive, and are very expensive. It became apparent that we needed something that could map large tracts of the bottom sediments down to at least 20 feet (6 meters) below the sea floor (the typical depth limit of a Vibracore) and directly detect different minerals and metals in very small concentrations. Experiments indicate that induced polarization surveys of the nearshore sea floor are a promising approach.

Induced Polarization (IP)

The induced-polarization (IP) method works on land by injecting current into the ground by means of an array of electrodes, then detecting a secondary voltage signal from additional special nonpolarizing electrodes after the inducing voltage is temporarily turned off. This method has been used on land for nearly half a century to search for disseminated (very low grade) sulfide ore deposits. It works by causing ions in the ground water to migrate under a high voltage onto minute mineral surfaces. When the inducing electrical field is removed or temporarily turned off, the finite "bleed-off" time for these charges to move back to the ground water can be measured as a phase shift (or time lag between the inducing transmitted voltage and the measured receiver voltage). This finite bleed-off, or time shift between the induced and the measured voltages, is the IP effect; it is commonly expressed as milliradians or fractions of a transmission cycle. An IP effect in field measurements indicates that there are sulfide minerals or certain other minerals such as ilmenite or clays in the ground between the high-voltage transmitter and the receiver (detector) arrays.

The IP method can detect pyrite (iron sulfide often called "fool's gold") in minute quantities, sometimes as low as 0.1-0.2 percent. In the early 1970's, a variant of this IP method called "complex resistivity" or "spectral IP" was developed. Instead of measuring just one or two physical parameters (for example, resistivity and phase shift) at a single frequency, this approach measures both resistivity and phase shift (also sometimes called the "chargeability") over a wide range of frequencies. With this wide spectral range, we can plot the behavior of the IP effect (the complex resistivity) on a graph of magnitude vs. phase and see distinct "signatures" for different mineral assemblages. Until the mid-1980's, however, the IP method had never been tried at sea because of the high conductivity of seawater and engineering difficulties in controlling noise in the signal.

Experiments with IP: Ilmenite and Monazite

Laboratory and field experiments by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in the early 1980's (Wynn and others, 1990) showed that the IP method on land was extremely sensitive to certain titanium-bearing and thorium-bearing industrial minerals such as ilmenite and monazite, respectively. These measured IP responses were truly unprecedented in their unusual strength. These minerals are typically found in crystalline rocks but are economically mined from ancient beach deposits, where they have been deposited after weathering and river transport. They are concentrated into economic deposits by wave, wind, and tidal action in many areas of the world, including Australia, India, Sri Lanka, and the southeastern and eastern United States.

Since about 9,000-10,000 years ago, seawater levels worldwide have risen as the glaciers retreated northward in the northern hemisphere. Relatively recent, titanium-rich beach deposits are known to exist as far as 30 miles (50 km) off the coast of Georgia. Similar deposits off the coast of Sierra Leone are known to also host rich platinum resources. This is because platinum-group elements and ilmenite (and also gold) are frequently found in similar rocks, are eroded at the same time, and tend to be transported in a similar way.

Experiments with IP as a New Marine Tool

The earlier land-based effort invited experiments with the IP method in the offshore environment. The USGS constructed a prototype marine IP streamer (that is, a 13-conductor cable with IP transmitter and receiver electrodes along with pre-amplifiers installed on the end; see figure 4). This was towed behind a ship off the Georgia coast and gave very promising results (Wynn, 1988; see figure 5). On land, electrodes must be dug or pounded into the ground to make IP measurements; at sea, one simply uses stainless steel or titanium wire wrapped around the streamer, and seawater conductivity makes the return path for the transmitted current. This use of seawater instead of planted electrodes has the serendipitous effect of suddenly making IP work highly mobile--we can now theoretically make more IP measurements in a week than have been made by geophysicists on land--worldwide--for the past 50 years!

Diagram of marine IP streamer being towed
Figure 4. A schematic diagram of the marine induced-polarization (IP) streamer being towed. Note that there are two different receiver electrode pairs (1-3 and 2-4). Pair 1-3 is designed for shallow (up to 6 feet or 2 meters) detection, and pair 2-4 is for deeper (up to 20 feet or 6 meters) depths into the underlying sediments.

Marine IP data
Figure 5. An example of marine induced-polarization (IP) data acquired with a prototype streamer off the Georgia coast. Note the IP peak over paleochannels in the sea floor observed in the bathymetry (in meters). A Vibracore collected nearby contained as much as 10 percent heavy minerals, including 4 percent ilmenite (Wynn, 1988).

These prototype experiments demonstrated that marine IP is a practical approach for mapping heavy minerals (including ilmenite) in the shallow offshore environment. Experiments with the spectral IP technique (where the IP effect is measured as both magnitude and phase shifts over a frequency range of 0.1-100 hertz) gave ambiguous results. This was because spectral IP measurements can be made only by using a stationary (not moving) streamer. Because of limitations with the navigation equipment available at the time (LORAN), we were unable to precisely reoccupy locations of some mineral-loaded Vibracores, or even to reoccupy with sufficient precision some of our towed-mode IP "hits." Examples of ilmenite-bearing deposits mapped nearby onshore are usually highly localized, typically being 65 feet (20 meters) wide by 1,600 feet (500 meters) long.

Offshore Industrial Minerals Project

Following the initial success with the prototype streamer, a new USGS project was established to further extend and experiment with innovative applications using this promising technique. The Offshore Industrial Minerals Project is a multidisciplinary effort intended to involve a wide range of partners both inside and outside the USGS in mineral and hazards research in the shallow offshore environment.

Project goals include development of a geophysical and geologic toolkit for identifying and quantifying industrial mineral concentrations, UXO waste dumping materials, construction aggregate and beach-reclamation resources, and beach-reclamation sediments on the shallow offshore continental shelves of the United States. As this handout was assembled, no actual marine IP experiments had yet been conducted offshore in the search for UXO or urban waste, though IP had been proven effective for these targets on land.

The primary tool for this project, as outlined above, is a USGS-developed marine induced-polarization technology. We initially developed this new electrical streamer system to directly detect placer heavy minerals, certain clays, and disseminated metals directly on the sea floor from a moving vessel. We realize that it also can provide porosity information about layered sediments. During our surveys, we also acquire precise GPS (Global Positioning System) location information and integrate the two. Subsequent evolutions of the IP streamer system will also incorporate bathymetry. Additional tools that may be used include the following:

Other Participants

This project is designed to complement and support ongoing national and regional mineral resource assessment projects in the Mineral Resource Surveys Program and the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the USGS.

We also anticipate future cooperation with other interested agencies and organizations. We propose to expand applications of the marine streamer system to resource data gathering in near-offshore shelf areas of both the east and west coasts of the continental United States and to Alaska and Puerto Rico, targeting not only heavy-mineral resources, but also waste-dumping sites and potentially even UXO.

Principal Activities During Fiscal Years 1997-1998

References Cited

McGregor, B.A., and Lockwood, Millington [1985], Mapping and research in the Exclusive Economic Zone: Reston, Va., U.S. Geological Survey, 40 p.

Wynn, J.C., 1988, Titanium geophysics -- The application of induced polarization to sea-floor mineral exploration: Geophysics, v. 53, p. 386-401.

Wynn, J.C., Grosz, A.E., and Foscz, V.M., 1990, Induced polarization and magnetic response of titanium-bearing placer deposits in the southeastern United States: Society of Exploration Geophysicists Special Volume on Induced Polarization, p. 280-303.

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
                                                  USGS Information Handout
April 1998

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