This is the accessible text file for GAO report number GAO-07-716 
entitled 'Credit Derivatives: Confirmation Backlogs Increased Dealers' 
Operational Risks, but Were Successfully Addressed after Joint 
Regulatory Action' which was released on July 13, 2007. 

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Report to Congressional Requesters: 

United States Government Accountability Office: 


June 2007: 

Credit Derivatives: 

Confirmation Backlogs Increased Dealers' Operational Risks, but Were 
Successfully Addressed after Joint Regulatory Action: 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-07-716, a report to congressional requesters 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

Over-the-counter (OTC) credit derivatives are privately negotiated 
contracts that allow a party to transfer the risk of default on a bond 
or loan to another party without transferring ownership. After trading 
in these products grew dramatically in recent years, backlogs of 
thousands of trades developed for which dealers had yet to formally 
confirm the trade terms with end-users—such as hedge funds, pension 
funds, and insurance companies—and other dealers. Not confirming these 
trades raised the risk that losses could arise. 

GAO was asked to review (1) what caused the trade confirmation backlogs 
and how they were being addressed and (2) how U.S. financial regulators 
were overseeing dealers’ credit derivative operations, including the 
security and resiliency of the information technology systems used for 
these products. GAO analyzed data on credit derivatives operations that 
dealers submitted to regulators, reviewed regulatory examination 
reports and work papers, and interviewed regulators, dealers, end-
users, and industry organizations. 

What GAO Found: 

After trading volumes grew exponentially between 2002 and 2005, the 14 
largest credit derivatives dealers—including U.S. and foreign banks and 
securities broker-dealers—accumulated backlogs of unconfirmed trades 
totaling over 150,000 in September 2005. These backlogs resulted from 
reliance on inefficient manual confirmation processes that failed to 
keep up with the rapidly growing volume and because of difficulties in 
confirming information for trades that end-users transferred to other 
parties without notifying the original dealer. Although these trades 
were being entered into the systems that dealers used to manage the 
risk of loss arising from price changes (market risk) and counterparty 
defaults (credit risk), the credit derivatives backlogs increased 
dealers’ operational risk by potentially allowing errors that could 
lead to losses or other problems to go undetected. In response, a joint 
regulatory initiative involving U.S. and foreign regulators directed 
the 14 major dealers to work together to reduce the backlogs and 
address the underlying causes. By increasing automation and requiring 
end-users to obtain counterparty consent before assigning trades, the 
14 dealers reduced their total confirmations outstanding more than 30 
days by 94 percent to 5,500 trades by October 2006, as shown in the 
figure below. 

Figure: Outstanding Confirmation at 14 Major Dealers, September 2005 to 
October 2006: 

[See PDF for Image] 

Source: GAO analysis of Markit Group data. 

[End of figure] 

Through ongoing supervision and examinations, U.S. banking and 
securities regulators became aware of the credit derivatives backlogs 
as early as late 2003 and had been monitoring efforts taken by each 
dealer to reduce its backlog. Under the joint regulatory initiative, 
regulators obtained aggregate data from the dealers that allowed 
regulators to better monitor how backlogs were being resolved. 
Recognizing the potential for similar problems to arise in other OTC 
derivatives markets, regulators began obtaining similar data for other 
OTC derivative products in November 2006. 


To view the full product, including the scope and methodology, click on 
the link above. For more information, contact Yvonne Jones at (202) 512-
8678 or 

[End of section] 



Results in Brief: 


Manual Processes and Trade Assignments Led to Backlogs of Unconfirmed 
Trades at Dealers, but Industry Efforts Have Significantly Reduced the 

The Joint Regulatory Initiative Enhanced U.S. Regulators' Oversight of 
Dealers' Efforts to Reduce Their Backlogs: 

Agency Comments: 

Appendix I: Scope and Methodology: 

Appendix II: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 


Table 1: Share of Market by Credit Derivative Product, 2006: 

Table 2: Number of Credit Derivatives Trade Confirmations Outstanding 
for 14 Major Dealers, September 2005: 

Table 3: Outstanding Confirmation Reduction Goals and Totals for the 14 
Credit Derivatives Dealers: 

Table 4: Outstanding Confirmations and Related Data Provided by Dealers 
from October 2006 to March 2007: 


Figure 1: Total Notional Amount of Credit Default Swaps Market, 2001 to 

Figure 2: Steps for Processing a Credit Derivative Trade: 

Figure 3: Total Outstanding Confirmations at 14 Major Dealers from 
September 2005 to October 2006: 

Figure 4: Share of Total Monthly Credit Derivatives Trades of the 14 
Dealers Confirmed Electronically, September 2005 to October 2006: 

Figure 5: Total Monthly Volume of Assigned Trades and Number of 
Unconfirmed Assignments Outstanding for More Than 30 Days for 14 Major 
Dealers, September 2005 and October 2006: 


BIS: Bank for International Settlements (Basel, Switzerland): 

CSE: Consolidated Supervised Entity: 

FSA: Financial Services Authority (United Kingdom): 

FRBNY: Federal Reserve Bank of New York: 

DTCC: Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation: 

ISDA: International Swaps and Derivatives Association: 

LIBOR: London Interbank Offered Rate: 

OCC: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency: 

OTC: over the counter: 

SEC: Securities and Exchange Commission: 

United States Government Accountability Office: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

June 13, 2007: 

Congressional Requesters: 

Until late 2005, the growth in trading volume of over-the-counter (OTC) 
credit derivatives had greatly outpaced the processing capabilities of 
the financial firms offering these products--heightening the 
operational risk that such firms could incur losses from human errors 
or system failures. OTC credit derivatives are privately negotiated 
contracts that allow a party to transfer the risk of default on a bond 
or loan to another party without transferring ownership. In a credit 
default swap, for example, a bond investor agrees to pay a periodic 
premium to a financial firm in exchange for the firm's agreement to 
compensate the bond investor for any losses if the bond issuer defaults 
on the bonds. Like other OTC derivatives, credit derivatives are 
typically bought and sold through dealers, namely banks and securities 
broker-dealers, that stand ready to buy or sell credit derivatives to 
end-users, such as hedge funds, pension funds, and insurance companies. 
Although OTC trading in credit derivatives is not regulated in the 
United States, the dealers are subject to supervision by their 
respective regulators, including U.S. banking and securities 
regulators.[Footnote 1] 

Introduced in the early 1990s, credit derivatives surpassed a total 
notional amount of $34 trillion at year-end 2006.[Footnote 2] As 
trading volume grew exponentially in recent years, major dealers 
developed backlogs of thousands of trades for which the trade terms had 
not been formally confirmed with their counterparties, which included 
end-users and other dealers. Having unconfirmed trades could allow 
errors to go undetected at dealers and later result in losses, a 
situation that an official from the United Kingdom's regulator of 
credit derivatives dealers characterized as "an accident waiting to 

Given the concerns about the inability of the credit derivatives 
market's infrastructure to keep up with the growth in trading volume, 
you asked us to review the causes of the confirmation backlogs and the 
steps U.S. financial regulators were taking to address the issue. This 
report discusses (1) what caused the backlogs and the steps being taken 
to address them and (2) U.S. financial regulators' oversight of the 
operational risk that dealers faced from the backlog in credit 
derivatives confirmations, including the security and resiliency of 
related information technology systems.[Footnote 3] 

To determine the causes of the backlogs and the steps that are being 
taken to address these issues, we analyzed the trading volume of credit 
derivatives, confirmation backlogs, and other transactional data 
provided by major dealers of credit derivatives to U.S. and foreign 
regulators through Markit Group, a provider of independent data, 
portfolio valuations, and trade processing for OTC derivatives. We 
examined the procedures that this firm employs to collect and analyze 
the data and determined that the data were sufficiently reliable for 
our purposes. We also reviewed and analyzed reports on the credit 
derivatives market by industry associations, international 
organizations, firms, and academics. We interviewed eight dealers of 
credit derivatives, a hedge fund, and various industry trade 
organizations, including organizations representing OTC derivatives 
dealers and derivatives end-users, including the International Swaps 
and Derivatives Association (ISDA). To determine how dealers' exposures 
to operational risks associated with credit derivatives were being 
supervised, we interviewed staff from the Federal Reserve, including 
its examiners for two banks; the Office of the Comptroller of the 
Currency (OCC), including examiners for three banks; the Securities and 
Exchange Commission (SEC); and the United Kingdom's Financial Services 
Authority (FSA). We also reviewed and analyzed examinations conducted 
between 2004 and 2006 by the Federal Reserve and the OCC on the 
activities in credit derivatives of five banks and by the SEC covering 
the holding companies of five securities broker-dealers that engage in 
credit derivatives activities. We conducted our work in Charlotte, 
North Carolina; Chicago; New York; and Washington, D.C., from August 
2006 to March 2007 in accordance with generally accepted government 
auditing standards. Appendix I provides a detailed description of our 
scope and methodology. 

Results in Brief: 

Two factors largely led to the substantial backlogs of unconfirmed 
trades that dealers had amassed by 2005, though regulators, dealers, 
and others have since made considerable progress in reducing these 
backlogs. From 2002, trading volume in credit derivatives was expanding 
exponentially, with particularly rapid growth from 2004 to 2005, as the 
average number of trades done weekly at large dealers increased from 
644 to 1,450. As a result, by the end of September 2005, 14 of the 
largest credit derivatives dealers had, in aggregate, over 150,000 
unconfirmed trades, with nearly two-thirds of these remaining 
unconfirmed for more than 30 days. The delays in confirming trades 
largely resulted from (1) dealers and end-users relying on inefficient 
manual processes that could not adequately keep up with the rapidly 
growing volume and (2) the difficulty of confirming trade information 
after some end-users began frequently assigning their side of existing 
trades to new parties without notifying the original dealer. The 
backlog of unconfirmed trades created operational risk by potentially 
allowing trade errors to go undetected that could lead to losses and 
other problems. For example, undetected errors could result in legal 
disputes over contract terms and cause dealers to incorrectly measure 
and manage their market or credit risk[Footnote 4]. To mitigate these 
risks, some dealers were informally verifying the key economic terms of 
trades with counterparties to ensure that trades were accurately 
recorded and risks were accurately measured, but the extent to which 
these practices were followed varied. According to regulators, the 
trade assignment practice posed a "collective action" problem because 
dealers could not individually stop the practice. As a result, in 
September 2005, U.S. and foreign financial regulators participated in a 
joint regulatory initiative organized by the Federal Reserve Bank of 
New York (FRBNY) and prompted the 14 major credit derivatives dealers 
to work together to reduce the number of unconfirmed trades and address 
the underlying causes of these backlogs. Using automated systems to 
confirm trades and adopting a protocol requiring end-users to obtain 
dealers' consent before assigning trades, the 14 dealers reduced the 
number of confirmations outstanding for more than 30 days by 94 percent 
(to around 5,500 trades) by the end of October 2006. Dealers and others 
are continuing to work to reduce operational risks, in part by further 
automating the market's infrastructure--for example, by developing a 
central depository to store virtually all trades and automate other 

U.S. bank and securities regulators had been overseeing the exposure of 
credit derivatives dealers to operational and other risks, but were 
better able to monitor the resolution of the backlog problem once they 
began receiving industrywide data under FRBNY's joint regulatory 
initiative. Through supervision and examinations, the pertinent U.S. 
federal bank regulators--the Federal Reserve and the OCC--became aware 
of the backlogs at U.S. banks engaged in credit derivatives activities 
as early as late 2003 and were monitoring banks' efforts to reduce 
their backlogs before the joint regulatory initiative. The securities 
regulator, SEC, was generally aware of the backlogs since late 2004, 
but SEC staff became more concerned about them through periodic 
discussions with broker-dealers subject to the SEC's Consolidated 
Supervised Entity (CSE) program during the summer of 2005. As part of 
their examinations, the bank and securities regulators have also been 
reviewing how these dealers maintained the security and resiliency of 
the information technology systems used for credit derivatives. 
Although U.S. and foreign regulators were aware of confirmation 
backlogs at individual dealers, none of the regulators oversaw all the 
dealers or had data on the size of the backlog industrywide. However, 
under the joint regulatory initiative begun in September 2005, the 
dealers have been providing the regulators with aggregate data on their 
backlogs and other operational measures, giving regulators an effective 
means for monitoring the industry's progress in reducing the backlogs. 
In recognition of the potential for similar operational problems to 
arise in other OTC derivatives markets, including OTC equity 
derivatives, U.S. and foreign regulators have begun to collect similar 
data for other OTC derivative products. 

We provided a draft of this report to the Federal Reserve, OCC, and SEC 
for their review and comment. The Federal Reserve and SEC provided 
technical comments, which we incorporated as appropriate. 


Introduced in the early 1990s, credit derivatives have been widely 
adopted as a tool for allowing market participants to take on or reduce 
their exposure to credit risk. First used primarily by banks to reduce 
credit exposures stemming from loans made to clients, credit 
derivatives have evolved to include an array of different products 
(table 1). According to regulators and others, credit derivatives have 
the potential to improve the overall efficiency and resiliency of the 
financial markets by spreading credit risk more widely across a large 
and diverse pool of investors. According to the British Bankers' 
Association, single-name credit default swaps remain the most common 
type of credit derivative, comprising about 33 percent of the market in 
2006, though their share of the market has decreased since 2004. These 
swaps allow the buyer of protection to transfer the credit risk 
associated with default on debt issued by a single corporation or 
sovereign entity--called the reference entity.[Footnote 5] With a 
standard credit default swap, the buyer of credit risk protection pays 
a quarterly premium payment to the seller of credit risk protection 
over the life of the contract, typically 5 or more years. Should a 
defined credit event occur, such as a default by the specified 
corporation on the referenced debt, the protection seller would assume 
the losses.[Footnote 6] As table 1 shows, other commonly traded 
products include full index trades, synthetic collateralized debt 
obligations, and tranched index trades. 

Table 1: Share of Market by Credit Derivative Product, 2006: 

Credit derivative product: Single-name credit default swaps; 
Market share (percentage): 33%; 
Product description: Credit derivatives based on bonds from a single 
issuer, such as a corporation or a sovereign entity. 

Credit derivative product: Full Index trades; 
Market share (percentage): 30; 
Product description: Credit derivatives referencing multiple 
corporations or sovereign entities that are gathered into a 
standardized portfolio and offered to investors as one unit. Indexes 
are usually categorized by characteristics such as industry, geographic 
region, or credit quality. 

Credit derivative product: Synthetic collateralized debt obligations; 
Market share (percentage): 16; 
Product description: Credit derivatives referencing multiple 
corporations or sovereign entities and gathered into a standardized 
portfolio--customized for investors--and separated into various risk 
categories (or tranches) that vary by the likelihood of incurring 
losses. Obligations from the tranches are then sold to investors 
according to the desired risk/return profile. 

Credit derivative product: Tranched index trades; 
Market share (percentage): 8; 
Product description: Index trades that are divided into various risk 
tranches, with investors selecting the risk and return profile they 
prefer among the various risk categories in the standardized index. 

Credit derivative product: Others[A]; 
Market share (percentage): 13; 
Product description: A variety of special-purpose products that 
collectively represent a relatively small share of the credit 
derivatives market. 

Credit derivative product: Total; 
Market share (percentage): 100%; 
Product description: [Empty]. 

Source: Percentages from British Bankers' Association and definitions 
from GAO analysis of multiple sources. 

[A] "Others" include products that each account for less than a 6 
percent share of the market. 

[End of table] 

In the credit derivatives market, banks and securities broker-dealers 
generally serve as the product dealers, acting as the buyer or seller 
in credit derivative trades with end-users or other dealers. The top 
five dealers in 2005, ranked by total trading volumes as estimated by 
Fitch Ratings, were Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, JP 
Morgan Chase, and UBS. End-users of credit derivatives include hedge 
funds,[Footnote 7] insurance companies, pension funds, and mutual 
funds.[Footnote 8] 

According to ISDA, which conducts periodic surveys of market 
participants, the credit derivatives market has grown dramatically in 
recent years, increasing from an estimated total notional amount of 
nearly $1 trillion outstanding at year-end 2001 to over $34 trillion at 
year-end 2006 (see fig. 1).[Footnote 9] Part of this rapid growth has 
been attributed to product innovation and an increasing number of 
market participants, particularly hedge funds. Despite its expansion, 
the credit derivative market is still much smaller than the OTC 
interest rate derivatives market, which had a total notional amount 
outstanding of around $286 trillion at year-end 2006.[Footnote 10] 

Figure 1: Total Notional Amount of Credit Default Swaps Market, 2001 to 

[See PDF for image] 

Source: ISDA. 

[End of figure] 

Processing Credit Derivatives Trades: 

Traders and sales staff at dealers who interact with customers 
represent the dealer's "front office." The staff in the front office 
generally use electronic systems to capture the trade data and transmit 
it to the systems used to manage market and credit risk. Dealers also 
have "back offices," which include staff that record, verify, and 
confirm trades executed by the front office. As shown in figure 2, the 
steps for entering into and processing an OTC trade for credit 
derivatives include negotiation, capture, verification, and 
confirmation. These processes have been increasingly automated over 
time, but some remain manual. For example, a relatively small 
percentage of credit derivative products--generally those with more 
customized and complex terms--cannot be confirmed electronically. In 
addition, various post-trade processes occur during the life of a 
credit derivatives contract, including making or receiving premium 
payments, exchanging collateral, and settling contracts after a credit 
event occurs, such as a bond default. 

Figure 2: Steps for Processing a Credit Derivative Trade: 

[See PDF for image] 

Source: GAO (based on material from Bearing Point, ISDA, and BIS). 

[End of figure] 

Segregating these various duties into front and back office 
responsibilities serves to maintain operational integrity, such as by 
identifying data entry errors and to minimize fraud and other 
violations. Management responsibilities performed by the back office 
vary by institution, but they may include evaluating transactional 
exposure against established market and credit limits and risk 
management reporting. Some dealers have combined a number of the 
functions performed by the back office, such as risk management, into a 
middle office, and some use a separate risk management group. 

Regulation of OTC Credit Derivatives: 

Because OTC credit derivative transactions occur between private 
parties and are not traded on regulated exchanges, they are not subject 
to regulation in the United States, provided that the parties and other 
aspects of the transaction satisfy requirements of the Commodity 
Exchange Act.[Footnote 11] For credit derivatives that would otherwise 
be securities, the transactions fall within the definition of "swap 
agreement" in the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.[Footnote 12] The Commodity 
Exchange Act allows unregulated derivatives trading in certain types of 
commodities by eligible parties under limited circumstances.[Footnote 
13] Similarly, the Commodity Exchange Act and the Securities Act of 
1933 allow unregulated derivatives trading by eligible parties under 
limited circumstances.[Footnote 14] Although the OTC credit derivatives 
products themselves are not regulated, certain market participants are. 
If the dealer is a U.S. bank federally chartered as a national bank, it 
is supervised by OCC. If a bank is owned by a bank holding company, its 
holding company is regulated by the Federal Reserve.[Footnote 15] These 
bank regulators oversee these entities to ensure the safety and 
soundness of the banking system and the stability of the financial 
markets. If the credit derivatives dealer is a securities broker- 
dealer, it is overseen by SEC. According to U.S. regulators, some of 
the U.S. banks and securities broker-dealers also conduct credit 
derivatives trades in foreign affiliates subject to foreign regulation. 
Similarly, other participants in the credit derivatives market include 
foreign banks that are supervised by foreign regulators and, in some 
cases, also by U.S. regulators if operating in the United States. 

Manual Processes and Trade Assignments Led to Backlogs of Unconfirmed 
Trades at Dealers, but Industry Efforts Have Significantly Reduced the 

As the credit derivatives market grew, lack of automation and other 
factors led to large backlogs of unconfirmed trades at dealers. The 
eight dealers we interviewed told us that they began to experience a 
significant increase in their backlogs of unconfirmed trades ranging 
from the middle of 2003 to the first half of 2005. According to ISDA's 
survey data, trading volume in credit derivatives more than doubled 
around this period, with the average number of trades conducted at 
large firms increasing from 644 trades a week in 2004 to 1,450 trades a 
week in 2005. According to data provided to regulators by 14 of the 
largest credit derivatives dealers--which include U.S. and foreign 
banks and securities broker-dealers--these dealers collectively 
executed around 130,000 trades in September 2005, and dealers' backlogs 
of confirmations outstanding had risen to over 150,000 (table 
2).[Footnote 16] Of these, 63 percent had been outstanding for more 
than 30 days, and 41 percent had been outstanding for more than 90 

Table 2: Number of Credit Derivatives Trade Confirmations Outstanding 
for 14 Major Dealers, September 2005: 

Confirmations outstanding 30 days or less; 
Number of confirmations outstanding: 56,224; 
Percentage of the total confirmations outstanding: 37%. 

Confirmations outstanding more than 30 days; 
Number of confirmations outstanding: 97,650; 
Percentage of the total confirmations outstanding: 63%. 

Confirmations outstanding more than 90 days; 
Number of confirmations outstanding: 63,322; 
Percentage of the total confirmations outstanding: 41%[A]. 

Total confirmations outstanding; 
Number of confirmations outstanding: 153,860; 
Percentage of the total confirmations outstanding: 100%. 

Source: GAO analysis of Markit Group data. 

[A] The number of confirmations outstanding more than 90 days is 
included in the total of confirmations outstanding more than 30 days. 
As a result, the percentages do not add up to 100 percent. 

[End of table] 

Two Factors Largely Caused the Confirmation Backlogs at Dealers: 

A major factor contributing to the backlogs was dealer and end-user 
reliance on largely manual processes for confirming credit derivative 
trades that could not keep up with the rapidly growing trade volume. 
Unlike highly automated processes for confirming trades in corporate 
stocks, the processes that dealers were generally using to confirm 
their credit derivative trades relied on inefficient manual procedures. 
For example, a dealer would manually prepare a confirmation and fax it 
to the counterparty; in turn, the counterparty would manually compare 
its trade record against the confirmation and, if the terms matched, 
fax the signed confirmation to the dealer. Such manual processes were 
resource intensive and generally lacked the scalability required to 
efficiently confirm the rapidly growing volume of trades. 

Recognizing the need to improve the efficiency of the confirmation 
process for credit derivatives, dealers had been working with the 
Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) to increase the use of 
an automated confirmation system.[Footnote 17] DTCC staff said that 
they started to work with several dealers in 2002 to create an 
automated system to electronically compare, match, and confirm credit 
derivative trades. The initial strategy was to have the system confirm 
only single-name credit default swaps and then to expand the system's 
capabilities to confirm other credit derivative products and provide 
other services. DTCC launched its automated system, Deriv/SERV, in late 
2003, and 15 dealers and 7 end-users had signed up to use the system by 
around mid-2004. DTCC staff explained that obtaining wider use of 
Deriv/SERV took time, in part because of the need to publicize the 
system and because users needed to train their staff and revise their 
systems to use Deriv/SERV. According to staff at one hedge fund, many 
end-users did not initially use Deriv/ SERV because they lacked the 
necessary technology. Consequently, up to 85 percent of the credit 
derivative trades were being confirmed manually during 2004, according 
to market participants. However, DTCC has expanded Deriv/SERV's 
capabilities to confirm a broader range of credit default swaps and as 
much as 46 percent of trades were being confirmed electronically by 
September 2005, according to data provided to regulators by 14 major 

The second major factor contributing to the backlogs was the increasing 
incidence of end-users transferring their positions to other 
counterparties. Although the length of the contract for the most 
popular credit derivatives typically spans 5 years, some end-users, 
particularly hedge funds, engaged in frequent "in and out" trading of 
these products or had other incentives to liquidate their positions 
earlier. To do so, the end-users assigned their sides of trades to 
third parties. Although the agreements accompanying the trades did not 
permit assignments without the dealer's prior consent, the dealers 
agreed to assignments after the fact because of competitive pressures 
and because the new counterparties (the assignees) tended to be other 
dealers. In effect, these assignments (also called novations) 
ultimately resulted in a new contract between the original dealer and 
the new counterparty, which would not be reflected on the dealer's 
records until the original dealer accepted the assignment. A hedge fund 
official told us that when his firm wanted to terminate trades early, 
it initially returned to the original dealers, but the dealers charged 
termination fees that made this method more costly than assigning the 
trades.[Footnote 18] Assignments have provided greater market liquidity 
and price discovery,[Footnote 19] but according to dealers and 
regulators, they complicated the confirmation process. Without prior 
knowledge of an assignment, the original dealer could not readily 
confirm the details of the new trade until the dealer became aware of 
the assignment. Some end-users said that they obtained consent from the 
original dealers but that the dealers were not communicating the 
information internally to the appropriate staff for the purpose of 
confirming the trade. 

Although assigned trades were a small share of total trading volumes, 
they represented a disproportionately large share of unconfirmed trades 
because of the time required to identify the correct counterparty. 
According to data provided by the 14 major dealers to regulators, trade 
assignments accounted for 13 percent of dealers' trading volume in 
September 2005 but 40 percent of their total confirmations outstanding 
for more than 30 days at the end of September 2005. Dealers told us 
that they typically detected unilateral assignments through payment 
errors. For example, a dealer would receive a premium payment from a 
party other than the party with which it had entered into the trade. 
Importantly, market participants had agreed to settle premium payments 
due under credit default swaps on a quarterly basis in order to provide 
greater market liquidity. Bank examiners told us that because of this 
settlement cycle, it could take a dealer as many as 90 days or more to 
detect a unilateral assignment through a payment error. 

Dealers we spoke with identified several other factors that hampered 
their efforts to confirm trades in a timely manner. First, some dealers 
told us that as the volume of trading in credit derivatives grew, they 
faced challenges hiring experienced back-office staff and that training 
new staff took months. Second, other dealers said that the lack of 
standardized documentation, particularly for new products, led to 
disputes over the trade terms or the need to negotiate them, further 
delaying confirmation.[Footnote 20] Compounding matters, there was a 
shortage of derivatives attorneys available for such negotiations, 
according to a bank examiner. Finally, two dealers said that the 
industry lacked standardized reference data to identify the specific 
entities referenced in credit derivative contracts. One of the dealers 
told us that the lack of such data led to mistakes in recording trades 
and hampered electronic confirmations. Mistakes in documenting the 
correct reference entity prompted a group of dealers to develop a 
database of reference entities and obligations in 2003 that has become 
an industry standard. 

Confirmation Backlogs and Unilateral Assignments Increased Dealers' 
Operational Risks: 

Although dealers were capturing their credit derivatives trades in 
their risk management systems to manage the associated market and 
credit risks, the substantial backlog of unconfirmed trades heightened 
dealers' operational risk, potentially hampering their ability to 
effectively manage other risks. As with any trading activity, dealers 
engaging in credit derivative trades are exposed to market, credit, and 
other risks that they must adequately measure, monitor, and control. 
According to dealers and their regulators, the major credit derivatives 
dealers generally were entering their credit derivatives trades 
promptly into their trade capture systems and, in turn, measuring, 
monitoring, and managing the credit and market risks associated with 
those trades.[Footnote 21] Dealers, for example, measure and manage 
market risk by estimating the potential losses that a portfolio of 
positions may suffer and then impose limits that restrict the estimated 
losses to an acceptable level. Similarly, dealers manage counterparty 
credit risk--which can produce losses if the dealers fail to receive 
payments owed to them--generally by measuring the total credit exposure 
to, and creditworthiness of, individual counterparties, and not 
allowing these exposures to exceed pre-established limits. 

Although the credit and market risks were being managed, the large 
backlogs of unconfirmed trades increased dealers' operational risks. 
Confirmations serve as an internal control to verify that both parties 
agree to the trade terms and have accurately recorded the trade in 
their systems. For this reason, trades should be confirmed as soon as 
possible. Having unconfirmed trades could allow errors to go undetected 
that might subsequently lead to losses and other problems. Errors could 
be made at any time--for example, counterparties could miscommunicate 
when making a trade or dealers could enter the wrong trade data into 
their systems. If such errors go undetected, a dealer could make an 
incorrect premium payment to a counterparty or inaccurately measure and 
manage risk exposures, notably market and counterparty credit risks. 
Similarly, errors could lead to legal disputes between a dealer and a 
counterparty if a credit event triggered a contract settlement. 

Further, these operational risks have the potential to contribute to 
broader market problems. For example, in its July 2005 report on 
strengthening the stability of the global financial system, the 
Counterparty Risk Management Policy Group II, composed of 
representatives of dealers and end-users, noted that as the number of 
outstanding credit derivatives trades continues to grow, a credit event 
involving a popular reference entity could materially strain the 
ability of market participants to settle transactions in a timely and 
efficient manner.[Footnote 22] However, these operational risks did not 
result in such broader market problems, in part because of favorable 
market conditions when the confirmation backlog arose and because only 
seven referenced entities in the United States have defaulted since 
2005--with market participants able to effectively settle trades 
referencing these entities. 

Although unconfirmed trade backlogs were growing, dealers had been 
taking steps to reduce the operational risks associated with these 
trades. To ensure that the trade data being captured and used to manage 
risks were accurate, dealers were informally contacting their 
counterparties before sending out confirmations to verify the key 
economic terms of the trades, but this practice varied among the nine 
dealers reviewed. Specifically, five dealers generally followed this 
practice for their credit derivative trades, according to their staff 
or examiners. In contrast, two dealers generally had been informally 
verifying trade terms for only those trades considered higher risk, 
according to their staff or examiners. Finally, staff at two other 
dealers said that they generally were not verifying trade terms before 
confirmation because their counterparties preferred not to do 
so.[Footnote 23] The dealers also were monitoring their confirmation 
backlogs based on risk, such as by the number of days an unconfirmed 
trade was outstanding. Moreover, two dealers curtailed business with 
clients that had a large number of outstanding confirmations. In 
addition, the dealers had reviewed their confirmation processes and 
were improving them by, among other things, upgrading technology, 
reorganizing operations, and hiring staff. While dealers found some 
errors after confirming their trades, only two of the dealers 
interviewed told us that they had suffered a $1-million-or-more loss as 
a result of an error stemming from their confirmation backlog but 
characterized the losses as immaterial. 

Like unconfirmed trades, unilateral assignments increased operational, 
credit, and legal risks. First, unilateral assignments led to 
operational risk by creating new trades that were not being confirmed 
promptly to detect errors. Second, to effectively manage credit risk, 
dealers must know, at a minimum, the correct identities of the 
counterparties to their credit derivative contracts. Unconfirmed trades 
arising from unilateral assignments meant that dealers did not always 
know the exact counterparty to which they were exposed. As a result, 
their ability to accurately measure their credit exposure and enforce 
their pre-established limits on it was hampered. Moreover, because 
dealers did not always know the correct counterparties for each of 
their trades, they often made premium payments to, or received payments 
from, the wrong entity. Third, unconfirmed assigned trades also raised 
dealers' legal risk because of the potential for counterparties to 
later dispute the terms of the trade or the enforceability of the 
contract. For example, a court may deem an assigned trade as legally 
invalid if the original dealer did not provide its written consent. As 
the Counterparty Risk Management Policy Group II reported in 2005, some 
assignments occurred before the original trades were confirmed, 
increasing the risk of potential disputes over the status and the terms 
of the trade. 

Several factors helped to mitigate the risks arising from unilateral 
assignments. According to dealers and regulators, the assignments did 
not increase market risk for dealers because dealers generally were 
capturing the key economic terms of the trades in their risk management 
systems accurately, and these terms remained the same when a trade was 
assigned. Further, although unilaterally assigned trades impaired the 
ability of dealers to measure and manage their counterparty credit 
risk, dealers and examiners told us that hedge funds and other end- 
users assigned nearly all of their trades to dealers, given their role 
as intermediaries to end-users. Because dealers were typically more 
creditworthy than the end-users assigning the trades, the original 
dealers ended up with more creditworthy counterparties after an 
assignment, according to dealers and examiners. Situations could arise, 
however, where this factor would not necessarily mitigate the original 
dealer's counterparty credit exposure.[Footnote 24] In addition, 
dealers told us that they had collateral arrangements with their 
counterparties to manage their credit risk. For example, dealers 
required hedge funds to post a negotiated amount of initial collateral, 
such as cash or securities, for each trade they entered into with 
dealers.[Footnote 25] As a risk management practice, two dealers told 
us that they would not release collateral to their counterparties until 
they verified that a trade was assigned. In addition, a provision of 
the standard contract that counterparties enter into as part of 
conducting derivatives transactions--known as the ISDA Master 
Agreement--required counterparties to obtain the written consent of 
their counterparty before assigning a trade.[Footnote 26] Some dealers 
told us that they could have relied on this provision, if needed, to 
reject a unilateral assignment. Finally, none of the dealers said that 
their counterparties tried to nullify an assigned trade. 

Under the Direction of FRBNY as well as Other Regulators, Dealers and 
Others Have Worked Collaboratively to Considerably Reduce the Backlog 
and Address Its Causes: 

The unilateral assignments and the increasing backlogs raised 
regulatory concerns that prompted U.S. and foreign regulators and the 
major credit derivative dealers to seek a collective solution. FSA, 
which oversees financial activities in the United Kingdom, took one of 
the first actions to address the backlogs by sending dealers a letter 
in February 2005.[Footnote 27] The letter expressed FSA's concern about 
dealers' level of unsigned confirmations and asked them to consider the 
robustness of their operational processes and risk management 
frameworks in the rapidly evolving credit derivatives market. U.S. 
regulatory staff told us that they had been aware of the backlogs since 
at least 2004 through their oversight activities and discussions with 
other regulators. For example, in 2004, U.S. bank examiners began to 
identify the growing backlogs of unconfirmed trades at dealers, 
including how unilateral assignments were contributing to such 
backlogs. Although they began monitoring dealers' efforts to resolve 
these issues, the regulators recognized in spring of 2005 that 
individual dealer efforts to address the practice of unilateral 
assignments were proving unsuccessful and that greater automation was 
needed. Regulatory staff told us that these unilateral assignments 
posed a "collective action" problem, in that dealers could not 
individually stop the practice for fear of losing business to other 
dealers that did not require counterparties to notify them prior to 
assigning a trade. According to regulatory staff, the prevalence of 
unilateral assignments was especially troubling because dealers did not 
always know the counterparties to their trades, raising questions about 
dealers' ability to accurately manage the risks of these activities. In 
addition, regulatory staff said that the fact that dealers did not 
always know their counterparty's identity raised operational concerns 
about the ability of market participants to settle trades, should a 
large reference entity default. Finally, regulators noted that 
resolving the causes of the backlogs required multilateral regulatory 
involvement, because no single regulator oversaw all the dealers. 

To address these problems with confirmation backlogs and unilateral 
trade assignments, FRBNY convened a meeting in September 2005 with the 
14 major credit derivative dealers and their regulators--referred to as 
the joint regulatory initiative. Regulatory representatives from around 
the world--including OCC, SEC, FSA, the German Financial Supervisory 
Authority, and the Swiss Federal Banking Commission--attended the 
meeting as supervisors of at least one of the major dealers involved in 
the initiative. At this meeting, the U.S. and foreign regulators 
discussed how the dealers would improve assignment practices and 
resolve the confirmation backlogs. In October, the dealers sent FRBNY a 
letter that outlined the steps to be taken to improve the credit 
derivatives industry's practices and confirmation backlogs.[Footnote 
28] The plan included: 

* establishing target dates and levels by which to reduce the 
confirmation backlogs, 

* increasing the use of electronic confirmations systems, 

* supporting the implementation of a protocol to end unilateral 

* improving the process for settling credit derivatives contracts after 
a credit event, and: 

* providing regulators with monthly data for measuring dealers' 

To enable the regulators to monitor the dealers' progress as part of 
the joint regulatory initiative, the 14 dealers agreed to collect data 
on their credit derivatives activities, including trading volume, 
unconfirmed trades, and trades confirmed using automated systems. Under 
the agreement, the dealers provide their individual data to Markit 
Group, a provider of independent data, portfolio valuations, and OTC 
derivatives trade processing. In turn, Markit Group aggregates the data 
across the dealers to protect the confidentiality of each dealer's data 
and then provides the regulators with aggregate data in a monthly 

In February 2006, FRBNY hosted a follow-up meeting with the dealers and 
their regulators to discuss the progress and stated that it was 
encouraged by the progress that had been made. Following the meeting, 
the dealers sent FRBNY a letter committing to further improvements in 
market practices to "achieve a stronger steady state position for the 
industry."[Footnote 29] Among the commitments the dealers made were (1) 
to ensure that all trades with standardized terms that were eligible 
for automated processing would be processed electronically, and (2) to 
work with DTCC to create a central depository to store electronically 
the details of all credit derivatives contract terms. In September 
2006, FRBNY hosted a third follow-up meeting with the dealers and 
regulators to discuss the dealers' progress. 

Since the initial meeting in September 2005, the 14 dealers have 
significantly reduced the number of outstanding confirmations. As shown 
in figure 3, the aggregated data that has been provided to regulators 
showed that the 14 dealers had reduced their total number of 
confirmations outstanding from 153,860 in September 2005 to 37,306, or 
by about 76 percent, by the end of October 2006. 

Figure 3: Total Outstanding Confirmations at 14 Major Dealers from 
September 2005 to October 2006: 

[See PDF for image] 

Source: GAO analysis of Markit Group data. 

[End of figure] 

Under the joint regulatory initiative organized by FRBNY, each dealer 
committed to incrementally reducing its number of confirmations 
outstanding more than 30 days by various amounts over the course of the 
following 9 months. The data that the dealers have been providing to 
regulators showed that they collectively exceeded each of the reduction 
goals they had agreed to meet and had reduced by 94 percent the total 
number of confirmations outstanding over 30 days from the September 
2005 level to the October 2006 level (table 3). The dealers were able 
to achieve this reduction even though their monthly trading volume in 
credit derivatives generally increased during this period. 

Table 3: Outstanding Confirmation Reduction Goals and Totals for the 14 
Credit Derivatives Dealers: 

As of date: September 30, 2005; 
Outstanding confirmation reduction goal: [Empty]; 
Trades unconfirmed for more than 30 days: 97,650; 
Percent reduction: [Empty]. 

As of date: January 31, 2006; 
Outstanding confirmation reduction goal: 30%; 
Trades unconfirmed for more than 30 days: 45,288; 
Percent reduction: 54%. 

As of date: April 30, 2006; 
Outstanding confirmation reduction goal: 50%; 
Trades unconfirmed for more than 30 days: 27,405; 
Percent reduction: 72%. 

As of date: June 30, 2006; 
Outstanding confirmation reduction goal: 70%; 
Trades unconfirmed for more than 30 days: 15,997; 
Percent reduction: 84%. 

As of date: October 31, 2006; 
Outstanding confirmation reduction goal: [Empty]; 
Trades unconfirmed for more than 30 days: 5,558; 
Percent reduction: 94%. 

Source: GAO analysis of Markit Group data. 

[End of table] 

After October 2006, four additional foreign dealers have joined the 
original 14 dealers in providing monthly confirmation backlog and 
related data to Markit Group for aggregation and distribution to the 
regulators. As shown in table 4, with the inclusion of the additional 
dealer data, the total number of outstanding confirmations over 30 days 
has increased in comparison to the level at the end of October 2006, 
especially in March 2007. At the same time, table 4 shows that monthly 
trading volume has increased beginning in January 2007, and the number 
of confirmations outstanding more than 30 days as a share of the total 
number of outstanding confirmations has decreased slightly during this 
period. U.S. regulatory staff characterized the rise in the 
confirmation backlog as modest and attributed it generally to the 
increase in trading volume and noted that the automation of the 
confirmation process has helped dealers handle the increased volume. 

Table 4: Outstanding Confirmations and Related Data Provided by Dealers 
from October 2006 to March 2007: 

Time period: October 2006; 
Number of dealers providing data: 14; 
Total monthly trading volume: 190,849; 
Total number of outstanding confirmations more than 30 days: 5,558; 
Confirmations outstanding more than 30 days as a share of total 
outstanding confirmations: 15%. 

Time period: November 2006; 
Number of dealers providing data: 16; 
Total monthly trading volume: 185,352; 
Total number of outstanding confirmations more than 30 days: 5,802; 
Confirmations outstanding more than 30 days as a share of total 
outstanding confirmations: 16%. 

Time period: December 2006; 
Number of dealers providing data: 17; 
Total monthly trading volume: 139,649; 
Total number of outstanding confirmations more than 30 days: 8,282; 
Confirmations outstanding more than 30 days as a share of total 
outstanding confirmations: 25%. 

Time period: January 2007; 
Number of dealers providing data: 18; 
Total monthly trading volume: 216,850; 
Total number of outstanding confirmations more than 30 days: 6,784; 
Confirmations outstanding more than 30 days as a share of total 
outstanding confirmations: 16%. 

Time period: February 2007; 
Number of dealers providing data: 18; 
Total monthly trading volume: 234,155; 
Total number of outstanding confirmations more than 30 days: 7,380; 
Confirmations outstanding more than 30 days as a share of total 
outstanding confirmations: 13%. 

Time period: March 2007; 
Number of dealers providing data: 18; 
Total monthly trading volume: 347,061; 
Total number of outstanding confirmations more than 30 days: 11,940; 
Confirmations outstanding more than 30 days as a share of total 
outstanding confirmations: 14%. 

Source: GAO analysis of Markit Group data. 

[End of table] 

Dealers Reduced Backlogs through Various Steps: 

To achieve these reductions in their unconfirmed trade backlogs, 
dealers took various steps. For example, dealers engaged in events 
called "lock ins" with other dealers and, to a lesser extent, end- 
users. Under a lock in, operations staff from either two dealers or 
staff from one dealer and one of their key end-user customers convened 
in a room and compared the trades they had conducted together until all 
or almost all were reconciled and confirmed. Dealers and end-users also 
used "tear-up services" to reduce the total number of open trades and 
thus eliminate the number of trades that needed to be confirmed. In a 
tear-up process, an automated system matches up offsetting positions 
across many market participants, allowing those trades to be, in 
effect, terminated and thereby removing the need to confirm such 

To prevent new trades from adding to the backlog, the dealers also 
increased their use of automated confirmation systems and set deadlines 
for confirming trades. First, as part of the joint regulatory 
initiative, the 14 major dealers committed to use DTCC's automated 
system, Deriv/SERV, to confirm trades made with other dealers by the 
end of October 2005 and to require their active clients to use it or a 
comparable automated system, such as SwapsWire, by mid-January 
2006.[Footnote 30] As shown in figure 4, the share of the total monthly 
trades confirmed electronically increased from 46 percent to 85 percent 
between the end of September 2005 and the end of October 2006.[Footnote 
31] Moreover, at the end of October 2006, the dealers collectively had 
3,900 active clients--of which 98 percent, on average, were using an 
automated confirmation system or were in the process of subscribing to 

Figure 4: Share of Total Monthly Credit Derivatives Trades of the 14 
Dealers Confirmed Electronically, September 2005 to October 2006: 

[See PDF for image] 

Source: GAO analysis of Markit Group data. 

[End of figure] 

Second, the 14 dealers committed to electronically confirming all 
trades that could be confirmed electronically (i.e., contracts with 
standardized terms) within 5 business days of the trade date, by the 
end of October 2006. Deriv/SERV has continually expanded its 
capabilities to electronically confirm not only a wider range of 
products but also changes to existing contracts, including assignments. 
At the end of October 2006, about 90 percent of the total trades were 
eligible to be confirmed electronically, and about 94 percent of those 
eligible trades were electronically confirmed, according to the data 
provided by the 14 dealers. Of the trades confirmed electronically, 84 
percent, on average, were confirmed within the stipulated 5 business 
days.[Footnote 32] In addition, the industry has taken steps to help 
ensure that new products do not create backlogs. Officials at DTCC and 
ISDA said that they have formed industry working groups and revised 
certain procedures to reduce the time it takes to standardize the legal 
documentation for new credit derivatives, in turn enabling these 
products to be confirmed electronically by Deriv/SERV. 

Market Participants Agreed to End Unilateral Assignments and Thereby 
Addressed a Key Factor Contributing to the Backlogs: 

An additional step taken to prevent further confirmation backlogs was 
to end the practice of unilateral assignments, which ISDA and market 
participants had been attempting to address since at least 2002. For 
example, ISDA published a novation agreement to document assignments in 
2002, issued provisions governing credit derivatives assignments as 
part of its 2003 documentation standards for credit derivatives, and 
issued novation definitions and guidance on best practices for 
assignments in 2004. Despite such efforts, an ISDA working group found 
that market participants were using different practices to process 
assignments, increasing risks to counterparties and creating 
operational inefficiency and backlogs in processing trades. 

ISDA officials told us that in early 2005 they had the working group 
start (1) to develop a protocol to streamline practices for dealers and 
end-users to follow to assign a trade and (2) to reach out to end-users 
as part of the effort. In the summer of 2005, the working group began 
circulating a draft protocol for comment. Shortly before the regulators 
initiated their joint action in September 2005, ISDA issued its 
voluntary Novation Protocol, and major dealers signed up for it. In 
their October 2005 letter to FRBNY, the dealers committed to finalizing 
a guide to support the protocol's implementation. By signing the 
protocol, a party seeking to assign a trade agrees to obtain the 
consent of its original counterparty through e-mail or other electronic 
means. Although the major dealers signed the protocol in September, 
some end-users were initially reluctant to sign, in part because they 
were concerned that dealers would not be able to consent to assignments 
promptly. In response, all the major dealers agreed to reply to 
assignment requests within 2 hours. By November 30, 2005, 2,000 market 
participants had signed the protocol.[Footnote 33] Most of the major 
hedge funds have signed the protocol, according to officials from the 
Managed Funds Association, which represents the majority of the largest 
hedge funds. 

According to some dealers and U.S. financial regulators, the widespread 
adoption of the ISDA Novation Protocol has effectively ended the 
practice of unilateral assignments, eliminating a key factor that had 
contributed to the backlogs. Because the vast majority of assignments 
become dealer-to-dealer trades, the protocol enables dealers to monitor 
each other to ensure that clients are complying with it. If a dealer 
were to allow its client to assign a trade without obtaining the 
original dealer's consent, the original dealer would discover the 
compliance failure when it discovered the assignment. To facilitate the 
confirmation of assignments, Deriv/SERV also expanded its system in mid-
2005 to electronically confirm assignments. As a result of the ISDA 
protocol and automation of the assignment process, the number of 
unconfirmed assigned trades outstanding for more than 30 days declined 
from around 39,500 at the end of September 2005 to around 940 at the 
end of October 2006 (fig. 5), even though the number of trades being 
assigned during this period generally increased.[Footnote 34] From the 
end of September 2005 to the end of October 2006, the share of 
assignments confirmed electronically has increased from 24 percent to 
82 percent. 

Figure 5: Total Monthly Volume of Assigned Trades and Number of 
Unconfirmed Assignments Outstanding for More Than 30 Days for 14 Major 
Dealers, September 2005 and October 2006: 

[See PDF for image] 

Sources: GAO analysis of Markit Group data. 

[End of figure] 

Dealers Found Benefits in the Joint Regulatory Initiative: 

The dealers and other market participants we interviewed uniformly 
viewed the joint regulatory initiative as instrumental in reducing the 
backlog, automating the credit derivatives market's infrastructure, and 
bringing the industry together to address the confirmation backlog 
problem. The market participants noted that regulatory support was 
crucial in encouraging cooperation among dealers and end-users to 
address problems related to the confirmation backlog. Specifically, 
they said that regulators' involvement helped to persuade certain end- 
users to agree to adhere to ISDA's Novation Protocol. In addition, they 
told us that the joint regulatory initiative catalyzed industry efforts 
to move to automated confirmation matching services such as DTCC's 
Deriv/SERV--bringing about automation sooner than it otherwise would 
have occurred. Such intervention expedited the adoption of automated 
tools by end-users, enhancing dealers' efforts to implement such tools 
as Deriv/SERV. Additionally, the joint initiative led to the formation 
of a group composed of dealers that meets weekly to discuss, among 
other things, operational issues. Two dealers told us that this group 
has helped to resolve problems in processing confirmations and also 
allowed the dealers to hear the views of end-users. 

Dealers and Other Market Participants Continue to Work to Reduce 
Backlogs, Diminish Operational Risks, and Improve Market 

While the dealers have made significant progress since 2005, they have 
continued their efforts to reduce backlogs and improve the 
infrastructure of the credit derivatives market. First, in addition to 
committing to confirm virtually all standardized trades electronically 
within 5 business days of the trade date, the dealers have committed to 
confirming all nonstandardized trades within 30 days after trade date. 
Because nonstandardized trades are complex and customized, such trades 
must be confirmed manually, according to ISDA officials. According to 
data provided by the dealers to regulators over the last 3 months, 
these trades have accounted for less than 10 percent of the total 
credit derivatives trading volume. According to regulators and dealers, 
these trades are generally complex and involve issues that require time 
to be legally negotiated before the trades can be confirmed. However, 
Federal Reserve and OCC staff have expressed concern that taking 30 
days to confirm nonstandardized trades is too long and are continuing 
to work with dealers to reduce the confirmation time. The 14 dealers 
have made considerable progress in promptly confirming their 
nonstandardized trades, reducing the number of such trades remaining 
unconfirmed for more than 30 days from around 5,600 at the end of 
September 2005 to fewer than 440 by the end of October 2006. However, 
as the four additional dealers began providing their data after October 
2006, the number of unconfirmed nonstandardized trades rose, reaching 
around 6,800 at the end of March 2007. To mitigate the risk of any 
unconfirmed nonstandardized trades, the dealers have committed to 
verifying the key economic terms of such trades informally within 3 
business days of the trade date. As of the end of March 2007, dealers 
were meeting this commitment, on average, for around 54 percent of 
their nonstandardized trades.[Footnote 35] 

Second, under the joint regulatory initiative, the dealers have worked 
to reduce operational risks by committing to improvements in the 
settlement process for credit default swaps. For example, credit 
default swaps generally require that the purchaser of credit protection 
under a credit default swap deliver the bonds (or loans) referenced in 
the contract to the counterparty if the bond issuer goes bankrupt. In 
exchange, the counterparty pays the par, or face, value of the bonds to 
the protection purchaser. This settlement method avoids difficulties 
that could arise when the bonds are valued after a bankruptcy.[Footnote 
36] However, situations can arise in which the amount of bonds needing 
to be delivered exceeds the amount of outstanding securities.[Footnote 
37] For example, when the auto parts maker Delphi filed for bankruptcy 
in 2005, credit derivatives on its bonds and loans totaled an estimated 
$28 billion in notional amount, but Delphi had only $5.2 billion in 
bonds and loans outstanding. In addition to increasing the difficulty 
of meeting the delivery obligation under a credit derivatives contract, 
a temporary shortage of bonds also could cause the price of the needed 
securities to increase immediately following a default. To facilitate 
settlement in this type of situation, ISDA has developed protocols to 
allow contracts to be settled in cash rather than by delivery of the 
debt. Under this process, the bond's price is established through an 
auction, and the counterparties providing credit risk protection pay 
their counterparties in cash based on the difference between the bond's 
auction price and par value. Since 2005, ISDA has used its protocols to 
facilitate cash settlement in seven credit events involving U.S. firms. 
The protocols covering the first six credit events enabled cash 
settlement of only credit default swap indexes. In its most recent 
form, the protocol permits cash settlement in index, single-name, and 
certain other credit derivatives. ISDA plans to include the cash 
settlement mechanism in its revised documentation standards for credit 
derivatives in 2007. 

Finally, DTCC is working with dealers and end-users to implement a 
central trade depository to automate trade processes other than 
confirmation and thus reduce operational risks. Under the joint 
regulatory initiative, the dealers committed to work with DTCC to 
create (1) a database to electronically store the official legal record 
of all credit derivative contracts eligible for automated confirmation, 
taking into account subsequent changes made to the contracts, such as 
assignments, and (2) a central infrastructure supporting the warehouse 
to standardize and automate post-trade processes over the life of each 
contract.[Footnote 38] Specifically, the warehouse will support premium 
payment calculations and facilitate not only the bilateral payment 
settlement of electronically confirmed trades but also reconciliations 
for collateral management and credit event processing. DTCC launched 
the warehouse in November 2006, with all new trades electronically 
confirmed through Deriv/SERV automatically loaded into the warehouse. 
In addition, dealers are inputting their trade data for their existing 
credit derivatives contracts into the warehouse to create a complete 
database, and this effort is expected to continue through 2007. Two 
dealers told us that the trade input process is an extensive project, 
because around a million trades need to be inputted. DTCC also plans to 
expand the warehouse to support central payment calculation and 
settlement capability in 2007. 

The Joint Regulatory Initiative Enhanced U.S. Regulators' Oversight of 
Dealers' Efforts to Reduce Their Backlogs: 

U.S. financial regulators were overseeing the operational and other 
risks at individual credit derivatives dealers through their continuous 
supervision and examinations. After the joint regulatory initiative, 
the industrywide data from the major dealers provided the regulators 
with more effective means of monitoring the resolution of the backlog 
and related problems. 

Federal Bank Regulators Were Monitoring Efforts Taken by Banks to 
Address Confirmation Backlogs through Continuous Supervision and 

The Federal Reserve and OCC were aware of the confirmation backlogs at 
banks and were monitoring efforts to address them before the joint 
regulatory initiative. Of the 14 dealers participating in the joint 
regulatory initiative, nine are U.S. or foreign banks. Five of the 
banks are chartered as national banks and individually supervised and 
examined by OCC through its teams of examiners. Each of these banks is 
a subsidiary of a bank holding company or financial holding company 
supervised by the Federal Reserve.[Footnote 39] OCC staff told us that 
the five U.S. banks conduct around 90 percent of their credit 
derivatives activities within the bank, not in their holding companies 
or other subsidiaries. As a result, OCC bank examiners are primarily 
responsible for overseeing the banks' credit derivatives activities but 
coordinate their oversight with their Federal Reserve counterparts. 
Federal Reserve officials told us that their examiners also oversee the 
U.S. operations of the foreign banks that are major dealers 
participating in the joint initiative. 

At the four national banks and one foreign bank we reviewed, management 
had become aware of the confirmation processing and backlog problems at 
their own banks primarily through internal audit reports or management 
information reports tracking outstanding confirmations. The timeframes 
in which the problems surfaced at the banks and were brought to 
management's attention varied, with one bank's management learning 
about the problems in late 2003 and another bank's management not until 
the summer of 2005. Nonetheless, according to examiners of these banks, 
as bank management became aware of these problems, they provided these 
audit or management reports or had discussions with the bank examiners 
supervising their institutions. Bank examiners told us that they 
continually supervise how the banks are identifying, monitoring, and 
managing their operational, credit, market, and other risks posed by 
credit derivatives and other products through reviews of internal audit 
and management reports, meetings with key bank officials, and 

After learning of the backlog problems at the banks, the examiners said 
that they monitored each bank's efforts to address the processing 
problems and reduce the backlog, such as by periodically reviewing 
reports tracking the backlog, meeting with bank management and staff, 
or conducting examinations. Through their supervision, for example, the 
examiners reviewed the level of resources the banks were devoting to 
processing their credit derivatives trades. They also examined to 
varying degrees the credit derivatives confirmation process of four of 
the five banks between 2004 and 2006. For example, in 2004, examiners 
reviewed the progress that two banks were making in reducing their 
confirmation backlogs and in addressing the causes of the backlogs, 
including assignments of credit derivative trades. Based on 
examinations done in 2005, examiners directed two banks to develop 
plans to ensure that their infrastructures were capable of supporting 
the trading volume of credit derivatives, and the examiners said that 
the banks had developed such plans. In addition to focusing on the 
confirmation backlogs, examiners generally examined how well each of 
the five banks was managing its market, credit, and other risks 
associated with its credit derivatives activities. The examiners did 
not examine one bank's confirmation process because the bank was in the 
process of implementing a plan to address its backlog, but examiners 
monitored the bank's progress through informal reviews. 

Bank regulators were also reviewing the banks' efforts to ensure the 
security and resiliency of their information technology systems. 
Managers at the four national banks we interviewed described taking 
various steps to ensure the security of their credit derivatives 
systems. For example, the systems used at these banks included 
restrictions on who could input or access data in the systems. Managers 
at these banks also were responsible for periodically reviewing and 
testing their staff's access rights to the systems to ensure that they 
were appropriate. According to bank staff, the security controls were 
reviewed or tested regularly by internal and external auditors--for 
example by conducting penetration tests in which auditors would attempt 
to obtain unauthorized access to the systems. In addition, the bank 
officials told us that they have taken steps to ensure the resiliency 
of their systems, including processing their credit derivatives in 
several different locations, creating off-site backup facilities, and 
developing disaster recovery plans. The examiners of these banks told 
us that they had tested or reviewed whether the banks were complying 
with controls designed to protect the security and resiliency of their 
information technology systems. For example, examiners told us that 
they reviewed managers' oversight of their staff's access rights to the 
systems and checked for testing of business continuity plans. 

SEC Also Conducted Oversight of Credit Derivatives Confirmation 
Backlogs at Major Broker-Dealers: 

Unlike the bank regulators, SEC only recently began providing oversight 
of the credit derivatives activities of broker-dealers because such 
activities have generally been conducted in affiliates not subject to 
SEC regulation. According to SEC staff, the five U.S. broker-dealers 
that are active in the credit derivatives market generally book their 
trades in unregulated affiliates that are not subject to SEC 
supervision because they are not registered, nor required to be 
registered, with SEC.[Footnote 40] However, in June 2004 SEC instituted 
its Consolidated Supervised Entity (CSE) program, under which large 
broker-dealers may qualify for alternative net capital rules in 
exchange for consenting to supervision on a consolidated basis by 
SEC.[Footnote 41] The five U.S. broker-dealers engaged in credit 
derivatives trading applied for and were granted CSE status. Under the 
SEC's CSE program, SEC supervises the broker-dealers on a consolidated 
basis, with its prudential supervision extending beyond the broker- 
dealers to their unregulated affiliates and holding companies.[Footnote 
42] The five broker-dealers participating in the CSE program are also 
participating in the joint regulatory initiative. 

Although aware that backlogs for OTC derivatives were an issue, SEC 
staff became aware of the extent of the credit derivatives backlogs at 
U.S. broker-dealers through continuous supervision and examinations 
conducted after these firms applied to the CSE program. SEC officials 
noted that although they were generally aware of the backlog in 
confirming credit derivatives through a study of the credit derivatives 
market conducted by the Joint Forum in 2004, they were surprised at the 
extent of the problem by the summer of 2005.[Footnote 43] According to 
SEC staff, in 2005 risk managers and internal auditors at the CSE 
broker-dealers told SEC staff about the confirmations backlog and its 
potential impact on the credit derivatives market. Broker-dealer staff, 
during the summer of 2005, were periodically discussing with SEC the 
resources they were devoting to reducing their backlogs and the 
associated risks. For example, one firm devoted about 30 full-time 
staff and 20 consultants to reducing its backlog, according to SEC 
staff. Supplementing this information about the confirmations backlog, 
examinations conducted as part of the CSE application process also 
assisted SEC in learning more about the nature of the backlog and 
related concerns. As part of the application process, SEC examined the 
firms' internal risk management systems and controls, issuing 
examination reports from November 2004 through January 2006. SEC 
targeted credit derivatives products within the scope of all but one of 
its five application examinations, choosing products that posed the 
greatest risks and represented the highest volume in the 
firms.[Footnote 44] Examination findings related to the credit 
derivatives confirmation backlog included delays in issuing 
confirmations promptly after the trade date and discrepancies between 
confirmation documentation and output data from systems used to input 
trades. Broader examination findings included concerns that internal 
audits at some firms did not always document processes or sufficiently 
follow up on recommendations and that some firms did not accurately 
compute counterparty credit ratings, in some cases for hedge fund 
counterparties. The findings were shared with the firms, and SEC has 
monitored the firms' implementation of its recommendations.[Footnote 

In addition to overseeing firms' credit derivatives backlogs, SEC staff 
told us that their CSE broker-dealer examinations conducted at the time 
of application also addressed the security and resiliency of these 
firms' information technology systems, including those that are used 
for credit derivatives activities. For example, at the broker-dealers, 
SEC staff reviewed reports by firms' internal audit departments on 
security and resiliency of information technology systems in general, 
as some of these systems handled credit derivatives transactions. In 
addition, SEC examinations included business continuity planning 
reviews based on draft interagency standards on protecting the 
resiliency of the U.S. financial system. 

Through the Joint Regulatory Initiative, Regulators Are Obtaining Data 
to More Effectively Track Industrywide Progress on Reducing 
Confirmation Backlogs: 

Although both U.S. banking and securities regulators were individually 
overseeing aspects of U.S. dealers' credit derivatives activities, the 
joint regulatory initiative provided U.S. and foreign regulators with 
information that enabled them to better oversee the progress being made 
by the major dealers to address the backlog issue. While the individual 
regulators had data on the backlogs at the dealers under their 
supervision, no one regulator supervised all 14 major dealers and thus 
had data on the size of the problem across all dealers. Under the joint 
regulatory initiative, U.S. financial regulatory staff said that they 
told the 14 dealers what information they needed in order to track 
dealers' progress in addressing the backlog and related problems. Based 
on the capabilities of their management information systems, the 
dealers collectively developed a template to collect standardized 
metrics. The data include information on trading volume, trade 
assignments, trades confirmed electronically and manually, and 
confirmations outstanding based on length of time the trades remained 
unconfirmed. Under the arrangement, each dealer provides the 
standardized data to its primary regulator at the end of the month. For 
example, the U.S. broker-dealers provide their data to SEC, and the 
national banks provide their data to OCC. In addition, each dealer 
provides its data to Markit Group, which aggregates the data across all 
the dealers to preserve the confidentiality of each dealer's data and 
computes averages for the metrics, such as the average number of 
outstanding confirmations for the dealers. In turn, Markit Group 
provides the U.S. and foreign regulators and dealers participating in 
the joint regulatory initiative with a set of the aggregate data. 

According to U.S. and foreign financial regulators, the aggregate and 
individual dealer data have provided regulators with an effective tool 
for tracking overall and individual dealer progress. According to U.S. 
regulators, using a template to standardize data collection has helped 
to ensure the comparability of the data across the dealers. The 
regulators also told us that the data are critical to the joint 
regulatory initiative, because the combined data provide transparency, 
enabling the regulators to track the progress of individual dealers 
under their supervision and helping each dealer to see how well it is 
doing relative to the average. Similarly, FSA officials told us that 
the aggregate data has provided regulators with a simple way to monitor 
the backlog level for the entire market and to compare individual 
dealers' backlog levels against the average. The officials also said 
that the common set of measures has helped to instill discipline among 
the dealers. 

Under the joint regulatory initiative organized by FRBNY, the U.S. and 
foreign regulators are continuing to monitor the credit derivatives 
market and have expanded their efforts in September 2006 to address 
confirmation backlogs in the market for OTC derivatives based on 
equities.[Footnote 46] According to dealers, it takes longer to confirm 
an OTC equity derivative trade than any other type of OTC derivative 
trade, because such trades are processed largely through manual rather 
than automated means because of the lack of standardized trade 
documentation. Based on data provided by the major dealers to the 
regulators, they had over 81,000 unconfirmed trades at the end of 
November 2006, with around 31,000, or 54 percent, of these trades 
remaining unconfirmed for over 30 days. In a November 2006 letter to 
FRBNY, 17 dealers committed to working with industry organizations to 
improve the efficiency of the equity derivatives market, in part 
through the greater adoption of automation.[Footnote 47] Among other 
things, the dealers committed (1) to reduce by 25 percent the number of 
unconfirmed trades outstanding more than 30 days by the end of January 
2007 based on dealers' highest level of outstanding confirmations from 
July to September 2006 and (2) to use at least one industry-accepted 
electronic confirmation service and one other such platform by the end 
of March 2007. U.S. regulatory staff told us that dealers met the first 
goal but that, as of April 2007, one dealer had not yet fully met the 
second goal. At the end of March 2007, the number of unconfirmed equity 
derivative trades outstanding more than 30 days rose to around 43,000 
trades. U.S. regulatory staff said that the increase generally resulted 
from the inability of the manual processes used by dealers and end- 
users to confirm trades to keep pace with the increase in trading 
volume. The dealers also agreed to continue to provide the U.S. and 
foreign regulators with standardized data not only on credit 
derivatives but also on OTC equities, interest rate, foreign exchange, 
and commodity derivatives[Footnote 48]. U.S. regulators said that they 
wanted to track data across the major OTC derivatives products to 
ensure that work done in connection with equity derivatives does not 
hamper the ability of the dealers to process their other OTC derivative 
trades in a timely manner. Such data will assist regulators in 
monitoring the operational and other risks raised by OTC derivative 

Given that individual efforts could not fully resolve the backlog 
problem, U.S. and foreign regulators we interviewed said that the joint 
regulatory initiative proved instrumental in ensuring that the problem 
was addressed. According to representatives of FSA, bringing together 
the various financial regulators from throughout the world was an 
approach that worked very well to ensure collaboration among regulatory 
bodies. Similarly, U.S. bank examiners told us that the joint 
regulatory initiative served an important role in getting the dealers 
to work collectively and by providing a level regulatory playing field. 
U.S. and foreign regulators and dealers are already applying this model 
to address similar issues in the OTC equity derivatives market. 

Agency Comments: 

We provided a draft of this report to the Federal Reserve, OCC, and SEC 
for their review and comment. The Federal Reserve and SEC provided 
technical comments, which we incorporated as appropriate. 

As agreed with your offices, unless you publicly announce its contents 
earlier, we plan no further distribution of this report until 30 days 
after the date of this report. At that time, we will send copies of 
this report to other interested congressional committees and the 
Chairman, Federal Reserve; the Comptroller of the Currency; and the 
Chairman, SEC. We will also make copies available to others upon 
request. The report will be available at no charge on the GAO Web site 

If you or your staff have any questions regarding this report, please 
contact me at (202) 512-6878 or Contact points for our 
Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found on 
the last page of this report. Key contributors to this report are 
listed in appendix II. 

Signed by: 

Yvonne Jones: 
Director, Financial Markets and Community Investment: 

Congressional Requesters: 

The Honorable John D. Dingell, Chairman: 
The Honorable Joe Barton, Ranking Member: 
Committee on Energy and Commerce: 
House of Representatives: 

The Honorable Edward J. Markey, Chairman: 
The Honorable Fred Upton, Ranking Member: 
Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet: 
Committee on Energy and Commerce: 
House of Representatives: 

The Honorable Bobby L. Rush, Chairman: 
The Honorable Cliff Stearns, Ranking Member: 
Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection: 
Committee on Energy and Commerce: 
House of Representatives: 

The Honorable Jan Schakowsky: 
House of Representatives: 

[End of section] 

Appendix I: Scope and Methodology: 

To identify what caused the credit derivatives dealers' trade 
confirmation backlogs and how the backlogs are being addressed, we 
analyzed credit derivatives trading volume, confirmation backlog, and 
other transaction data provided by the major dealers to Markit Group, a 
provider of independent data, portfolio valuations, and over-the- 
counter derivatives trade processing. We also analyzed operations and 
other data that dealers provided to the International Swaps and 
Derivatives Association (ISDA), a global over-the-counter derivatives 
trade association. We conducted data reliability assessments for the 
Markit Group and ISDA data and determined that the data were 
sufficiently reliable for our purposes. We also reviewed reports and 
relevant publications from industry associations, industry working 
groups, international organizations, companies, and academics on the 
credit derivatives market. Of the 14 dealers participating in the joint 
regulatory initiative, we interviewed operations and other staff from 
three U.S. banks, one foreign bank, and four U.S. securities broker- 
dealers.[Footnote 49] We selected these dealers to ensure that we 
included a range of characteristics, based on type of regulator (bank 
or broker-dealer), trading volume (high or low), and headquarters 
location (United States or foreign). We also interviewed staff from the 
Federal Reserve, including its examiners for two banks; the Office of 
the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), including its examiners for 
three banks; the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); and the 
U.K.'s Financial Services Authority (FSA). We reviewed examinations 
conducted between 2004 and 2006 and other supervisory materials 
covering the eight dealers we interviewed and two other dealers that 
also participated in the joint regulatory initiative. In addition, we 
interviewed representatives from industry associations, including ISDA, 
the Managed Funds Association (representing hedge funds) and the 
Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (representing 
securities firms, banks, and asset managers).[Footnote 50] Finally, we 
interviewed officials from the Depository Trust and Clearing 
Corporation about its automated services for processing credit 
derivative trades and an official from a hedge fund. 

To determine how U.S. financial regulators were overseeing the dealers' 
operational risk, including related information technology systems 
associated with credit derivatives activities, we reviewed examination 
manuals and other supervisory or regulatory guidance prepared by the 
Federal Reserve, the OCC, and the SEC. We also reviewed and analyzed 
supervisory strategies prepared and examinations conducted between 2004 
and 2006 by the Federal Reserve and the OCC on the credit derivatives 
activities of five banks participating in the joint regulatory 
initiative. In addition, we reviewed and analyzed examinations 
conducted between 2004 and 2006 by SEC covering the holding companies 
of the five securities broker-dealers participating in the joint 
regulatory initiative. Also, we interviewed staff at the Federal 
Reserve, OCC, and SEC participating in the joint regulatory initiative. 
We also interviewed Federal Reserve or OCC examiners assigned to 
supervise and examine five of the banks participating in the joint 
regulatory initiative and SEC staff who examined the holding companies 
of the five securities broker-dealers participating in the joint 
regulatory initiative. Finally, we interviewed FSA officials to 
understand their efforts in identifying the confirmation backlogs and 
in participating in the joint regulatory initiative. 

We conducted our work in Charlotte, North Carolina; Chicago; New York; 
and Washington, D.C., from August 2006 to March 2007 in accordance with 
generally accepted government auditing standards. 

[End of section] 

Appendix II: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 

GAO Contact: 

Yvonne D. Jones (202) 512-8678 or 

Staff Acknowledgments: 

In addition to the contact named above, Cody Goebel, Assistant 
Director; Robert Lee; Paul Thompson; Marc Molino; Emily Chalmers; and 
Richard Tsuhara made key contributions to this report. 


[1] The Securities and Exchange Commission has antifraud authority over 
credit derivatives that are "security-based swap agreements," as 
defined in Section 206B of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. 78c 
note). See, e.g., Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 
(15 U.S.C. 78j(b)). 

[2] The notional amount is the amount upon which payments between 
counterparties to certain types of derivatives contracts are based. For 
credit derivatives, the notional amount serves as the basis for 
determining the periodic premium payment made by one party to another 
in return for compensation in the event of loss from a default. In this 
regard, the credit derivatives market's notional amount is an indicator 
of the market's volume but does not necessarily represent the credit 
and market risks to which counterparties are exposed from their credit 
derivatives contracts. 

[3] While organized futures exchanges recently announced their plans to 
offer credit derivatives, our report discusses only credit derivatives 
traded in the OTC derivatives market. In addition, although concerns 
have been raised about the potential for credit derivatives to raise 
systemic risk and be used to trade on insider information, our report 
addresses only the operational risks raised by credit derivatives. 

[4] Market risk is the potential for loss because of a decrease in 
value of a credit derivative contract resulting from a change in market 
conditions. Credit risk is the potential for loss from the failure of 
the counterparty to perform on its credit derivative contract. 

[5] Market participants can buy or sell credit derivatives for the 
purposes of speculating, arbitraging, or hedging, even if they do not 
have a direct exposure to the referenced entity. 

[6] Credit events include, for example, failure to pay, restructuring, 
and bankruptcy. 

[7] Hedge funds are generally considered private investment funds that 
are not required to register with SEC because of the limited number or 
sophisticated nature of their investors. Hedge funds commonly seek to 
achieve a positive, absolute return and invest in a wide variety of 
financial instruments, such as equity and fixed income securities, 
currencies, over-the-counter derivatives, and futures contracts. 

[8] The top five end-users of credit derivatives are banks and broker- 
dealers (44 percent), hedge funds (32 percent), insurers (17 percent), 
pension funds (4 percent), and mutual funds (3 percent). Ross Barrett 
and John Ewan, BBA Credit Derivatives Report 2006 (London: British 
Bankers' Association, September 2006). 

[9] ISDA is a global trade association representing market participants 
in privately negotiated derivative transactions, which are commonly 
called OTC derivatives. Since 2000, ISDA has conducted an annual 
operations benchmarking survey of its members to collect performance 
data on operations processing of OTC derivatives. 

[10] The market for OTC interest-rate derivatives includes interest-
rate swaps and options as well as cross-currency interest rate swaps. 
For example, an interest-rate swap is a transaction in which one party 
pays periodic amounts based on a specified fixed rate and the other 
party pays periodic amounts based on a specified floating rate that is 
reset periodically, such as the London Interbank Offered Rate, or LIBOR 
(the interest rate paid on interbank deposits in the international 
money markets). 

[11] 7 U.S.C. §§ 1 - 25, as amended. 

[12] 15 U.S.C. 78c note. 

[13] Under the Commodity Exchange Act, credit derivatives transactions 
generally are not subject to regulation if the transactions are between 
"eligible contract participants" (as defined in the act) and either do 
not take place on a "trading facility" or occur only on an electronic 
trading facility and are conducted on a principal-to-principal basis or 
are subject to individual negotiation by the parties. See 7 U.S.C. §§ 
1a(12), 1a(13), 2(d), 2(g). 

[14] The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Securities Act of 1933 
each exclude from the definition of security both "security-based swap 
agreements" and "non-security-based swap agreements," as defined in 
Sections 206B & C of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. 78c note). 
See 15 U.S.C. 78c-1 and 15 U.S.C. 77b-1. However, SEC has antifraud 
authority over credit derivatives that are security-based swap 
agreements. See note 1. 

[15] For a more detailed description of the regulation of banks and 
securities broker-dealers, see GAO, Financial Regulation: Industry 
Changes Prompt Need to Reconsider U.S. Regulatory Structure, GAO-05-61, 
(Washington, D.C.: October 2004). 

[16] As identified in an attachment to the Federal Reserve Bank of New 
York's September 15, 2005, press release, the 14 dealers are Bank of 
America; Barclays Capital; Bear, Stearns & Co; Citigroup; Credit 
Suisse; Deutsche Bank; Goldman Sachs Group; HSBC; JP Morgan Chase; 
Lehman Brothers; Merrill Lynch & Co; Morgan Stanley; UBS; and Wachovia 

[17] Through subsidiaries, DTCC provides clearance, settlement, and 
information services for equities, corporate and municipal bonds, 
government and mortgage-backed securities, and OTC credit derivatives. 

[18] To economically terminate a trade, an end-user could enter into an 
equal but opposite trade that offsets the original trade. This approach 
has the disadvantage of building up large netted positions between 
market participants. Hedge funds prefer to avoid this outcome because 
it creates additional operational costs. 

[19] Liquidity is the extent to which market participants can buy and 
sell contracts in a timely manner without changing the market price, 
and price discovery is the process of determining price on the basis of 
supply and demand factors. 

[20] ISDA issued a standard confirmation form for credit derivatives in 
1998, a set of definitions for credit derivatives in 1999, and a set of 
revised definitions in 2003 to reflect industry changes. 

[21] Dealers also told us that their trade capture systems 
automatically feed the data on credit derivatives trades to their 
accounting systems. Thus, the dealers captured their trades in their 
books and records, which are used to prepare their financial 

[22] See, Counterparty Risk Management Policy Group II, Toward Greater 
Financial Stability: A Private Sector Perspective (July 27, 2005). 

[23] In March 2006, the 14 dealers committed to verify the key economic 
terms of (1) standardized trades whose terms remained unmatched and 
thus unconfirmed for 5 or more business days after trade date and (2) 
nonstandardized trades within 3 business days after trade date. 

[24] The original dealer would not necessarily benefit from the trade 
being assigned to a more creditworthy dealer. As an example, if a hedge 
fund unilaterally assigned a contract to a new dealer to realize a gain 
from the contract, the new dealer would now be exposed to credit risk 
relative to the original dealer. However, the original dealer's credit 
risk exposure to the hedge fund could increase after the assignment if 
the trade had been offsetting other trades that the dealer had with the 
hedge fund. 

[25] The dealers also required hedge funds and other counterparties to 
periodically post additional collateral to cover their credit risk 
exposure resulting from changes in the value of the contracts. 

[26] The ISDA Master Agreement sets forth standardized terms regulating 
general obligations of the parties, events of default, netting, early 
termination, transfer, currency provisions, and definitions. The Master 
Agreement and its related documentation are designed, among other 
things, to allow parties to establish under a single agreement all the 
"non-economic" terms--such as representations and warranties, events of 
default, and termination events--that will govern each individual 
derivative transaction between the parties. The specific "economic" 
terms of the individual derivatives contracts--such as the rate or 
price, notional amount, maturity, and collateral--are then negotiated 
and documented on a transaction-by-transaction basis. The Master 
Agreement contained a provision requiring the written consent of the 
other party prior to a party's assignment of its rights and obligations 
under the transaction to a third party. The Master Agreement, together 
with any amendments by the parties, is given effect in confirmations. 

[27] Gay Huey Evans, Director, Markets Division, Capital Markets Sector 
Leader, Financial Services Authority, to Chief Executive Officers 
(regarding operations and risk management in the credit derivatives 
market), February 2005, hyperlink, 
(accessed May 2007). 

[28] Senior management of Bank of America; Barclays Capital; Bear, 
Stearns & Co; Citigroup; Credit Suisse First Boston; Deutsche Bank AG; 
Goldman, Sachs & Co; HSBC Group; JP Morgan Chase; Lehman Brothers; 
Merrill Lynch & Co; Morgan Stanley; UBS AG; and Wachovia Bank; letter 
to Mr. Timothy Geithner, President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 
October 4, 2005, hyperlink, 
(accessed May 2007). 

[29] Senior management of Bank of America; Barclays Capital; Bear, 
Stearns & Co; Citigroup; Credit Suisse; Deutsche Bank AG; Goldman, 
Sachs & Co; HSBC Group; JP Morgan Chase; Lehman Brothers; Merrill Lynch 
& Co; Morgan Stanley; UBS AG; and Wachovia Bank; letter to Mr. Timothy 
Geithner, President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, March 10, 2006, 
(accessed May 2007). 

[30] The term "active client" was initially defined as a client that 
executed five or more Deriv/SERV-eligible trades a week, on average, 
for the past 3 months with an individual dealer. The standards were 
changed at the end of March 2006 to mean a client that executed one 
Deriv/SERV-eligible trade or more a week, on average, for the past 3 
months with an individual dealer. 

[31] At the end of March 2007, 86 percent of the total credit 
derivatives trades were confirmed electronically, based on data 
provided by 18 dealers to Markit Group. 

[32] At the end of March 2007, about 92 percent of the total trades 
were eligible to be confirmed electronically, and about 93 percent of 
these eligible trades were confirmed electronically based on data 
provided by 18 dealers to Markit Group. Of the trades confirmed 
electronically, about 86 percent on average were confirmed within 5 
business days after the trade date. 

[33] ISDA subsequently issued the Novation Protocol II to allow new 
participants to the credit derivatives market to obtain the benefits of 
the original protocol. As of May 9, 2007, 268 market participants have 
adhered to the new protocol. 

[34] After October 2006, Markit Group stopped providing data on 
outstanding confirmations for assigned trades. 

[35] Although 18 dealers provided data to Markit Group on the number of 
their nonstandardized trades not confirmed within 30 days, only 12 of 
these dealers provided data on the extent to which they were verifying 
the economic terms of such trades within 3 business days after the 

[36] Since 1998, ISDA documentation for credit derivatives has provided 
counterparties with the option of settling their contracts in cash 
rather than by physical delivery. Under the cash-settlement option, 
price quotations are obtained for the referenced debt and used to 
determine the amount of the settlement payment. Most market 
participants have preferred the physical delivery option because of 
concerns about being able to obtain accurate quotations after a credit 

[37] Because counterparties need not own the debt referenced in a 
credit derivative, they can enter into an essentially unlimited number 
of credit derivative contracts referencing such debt. In comparison, 
the amount of outstanding debt issued by a firm is fixed at any 
particular time. 

[38] The potential expansion to other OTC derivative products will 
depend on market demand and input from the senior group working with 

[39] The Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended, generally 
requires that holding companies with bank subsidiaries register with 
the Federal Reserve as bank holding companies. Among other things, the 
act restricts the activities of the bank holding companies to those the 
Federal Reserve determined, as of November 11, 1999, to be closely 
related to banking. Under amendments to the act made by the Gramm- 
Leach-Bliley Act, a bank holding company can qualify as a financial 
holding company and may engage in a broad range of additional financial 
activities, such as securities and insurance underwriting. 

[40] Affiliates of broker-dealers that do not engage in the securities 
business within the United States are not required to register with SEC 
as broker-dealers. 

[41] 69 Fed. Reg., 34428 (June 21, 2004). The rule release states that 
the rule amendments respond, in part, to international developments. 
Affiliates of certain U.S. broker-dealers that conduct business in the 
European Union (EU) have stated that they must demonstrate that they 
are subject to consolidated supervision at the ultimate holding company 
level that is "equivalent" to EU consolidated supervision. SEC 
supervision incorporated into these rule amendments is intended to meet 
this standard. 

[42] According to the SEC, under this program, SEC staff conduct 
various supervisory activities with respect to firms subject to the 
program, including reviewing monthly, quarterly, and annual filings; 
holding monthly meetings with senior management at the holding company; 
and conducting examinations of the holding company, the broker-dealer, 
and material affiliates not subject to supervision by a principal 

[43] The Joint Forum--comprising a group of international bank, broker- 
dealer, and insurance company supervisors that includes SEC--issued a 
2004 study of the credit derivatives market. The study reviews 
financial stability issues associated with credit derivatives and 
recommends, among other things, that confirmations be promptly executed 
after completing a transaction and that the industry issue clear 
guidance on the time required to issue and receive confirmations. 

[44] According to an SEC examination official, credit derivatives were 
not covered for one firm for a number of reasons. First, the selection 
of products to review for this particular examination came before the 
widespread concern about the backlog in credit derivative confirmations 
was known. Second, other products were also high volume and high risk 
at the firm. Third, most of the credit derivative trades were booked in 
this firm's London subsidiary and therefore regulated by FSA. The goal 
of the examinations was to capture information about unregulated 
affiliates of the firm that had not previously been subject to review 
by any regulator. 

[45] While the SEC examinations did not initially focus on the 
confirmation backlog specifically, this was included as part of the 
examination process when SEC became aware that the backlog in credit 
derivatives was an industrywide concern. 

[46] OTC equity derivatives are financial contracts whose value is 
derived from an underlying equity or equity index. For example, an 
equity or equity index swap is a transaction in which one party pays 
periodic amounts based on a fixed price or rate and the other party 
pays periodic amounts based on the performance of an individual equity 
or equity index, such as the Standard and Poor's 500 Index. 

[47] As identified in an attachment to the Federal Reserve Bank of New 
York's November 21, 2006, press release, the 17 dealers are Bank of 
America, N.A; Barclays Capital; Bear, Stearns & Co; BNP Paribas; 
Citigroup; Credit Suisse; Deutsche Bank AG; Dresdner Kleinwort; 
Goldman, Sachs & Co; HSBC Group; JP Morgan Chase; Lehman Brothers; 
Merrill Lynch & Co; Morgan Stanley; Société Générale; UBS AG; and 
Wachovia Bank, N.A. 

[48] The dealers are providing standardized data on their OTC credit, 
equity, and interest rate derivative trades to regulators through 
Markit Group. A foreign exchange committee sponsored by the Federal 
Reserve Bank of New York is separately monitoring the foreign exchange 
derivatives market. Interest rate, foreign exchange, and commodity 
derivatives are financial contracts whose value is respectively derived 
from an underlying (1) interest rate, such as the London Interbank 
Offered Rate (the interest rate paid on interbank deposits in the 
international money markets); (2) currencies, such as the U.S. dollar 
and Canadian dollar; and (3) commodities, such as natural gas or gold. 

[49] As identified in an attachment to the Federal Reserve Bank of New 
York's September 15, 2005, press release, the 14 dealers are Bank of 
America; Barclays Capital; Bear, Stearns & Co; Citigroup; Credit Suisse 
First Boston; Deutsche Bank; Goldman Sachs Group; HSBC; JP Morgan 
Chase; Lehman Brothers; Merrill Lynch & Co; Morgan Stanley; UBS; and 
Wachovia Bank. 

[50] The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association is the 
result of a merger between the Securities Industry Association and the 
Bond Market Association. 

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