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D1/3-MAGE-3-His fusion protein
A recombinant fusion protein derived from the melanoma antigen MAGE-3 with potential immunostimulating and antineoplastic activities. Recognized by specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes, D1/3-MAGE-3-His fusion protein may boost antitumoral immune responses when used in a vaccine formulation. This recombinant chimeric protein is produced by fusing MAGE-3 with a lipidated protein D derived from H. influenzae at its N-terminus and a sequence of several histidine residues at its C-terminus. Check for active clinical trials or closed clinical trials using this agent. (NCI Thesaurus)

Synonyms:D1/3-Mage-3 Fusion Protein
D1/3-Mage-3 Fusion Protein (SB MAGE-3)
Abbreviation:D1/3 MAGE3 HIS
Code name:GSK 2132231A

Previous:Cytomel, Cytosar-U, Cytoxan, D-cycloserine, D-methionine formulation MRX-1024
Next:DAB389 epidermal growth factor, dacarbazine, dacetuzumab, daclizumab, Dacogen

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health