BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania Local time: 01:59 PM

Lithuania - International Partner Search


The International Partner Search (IPS) helps you find potential agents, distributors or other partners without even leaving the U.S. We will contact a large group of potential Lithuanian partners using the marketing materials you provide, and then identify the companies that are interested and capable of becoming a viable representative for you in Lithuania. The IPS report on these companies includes:

  • contact information and basic business profile on up to five potential Polish companies and representatives
  • each company's opinion on the market for your product and/or service
  • the U.S. Commercial Service staff's opinion on the contacts's level of interest and overall suitability
  • competition from local or third-country firms
  • and more!

For fees see the link:
Delivery: Each IPS report is delivered within 30 working days
How to apply: To order an International Partner Search for Lithuania, please contact our Commercial Assistant, Jonas Vasilevicius.