30 Rock - He Needs A Kidney


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NKF’s END THE WAIT! Campaign Gaining Momentum

End The Wait

NKF’s new END THE WAIT! campaign, launched in January, is a comprehensive action plan designed to end the wait for a kidney transplant in the U.S. The core of the campaign is a series of 26 specific, far-reaching recommendations that will improve transplant outcomes, increase living and deceased donation, provide protections and state-of-the-art care to donors, and improve the transplant system. Since its’ launch, there has been a great deal of legislative progress and media coverage. Read more on the END THE WAIT website here more info

The National Kidney Foundation, Inc (NKF)., is the major voluntary health organization dedicated to preventing kidney disease, improving the health and well-being of individuals and families affected by kidney disease and increasing the availability of all organs for transplantation. The NKF achieves life-saving results today through the contributions of a generous public including participation in NKF signature initiatives such as the Kidney Cars Vehicle Donation program, Kidney Walks and the NKF Golf Classic.