Arthritis Foundation - Official MySpace Page

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About me:

This is the Official MySpace page for the National Office of the Arthritis Foundation. The Arthritis Foundation is the only national not-for-profit organization that supports the more than 100 types of arthritis and related conditions with advocacy, programs, services and research.

Learn more at

Juvenile Arthritis Conference

It's time to start planning for the 2009 Juvenile Arthritis Conference in Houston, Texas July 9-12. Download the conference registration booklet now. You can register by mail using the forms in the registration booklet. Online registration will be available soon.


Registration Fees: Register Early and Save!
Early Bird Registration - Received by June 8, 2009
Family Rate (up to 4 members): $175
Each Additional Family Member: $20
Individual Rate: $100

Registration - Received after June 8, 2009

Family Rate (up to 4 members): $200
Each additional family member: $25
Individual Rate: $150

A limited number of scholarships may be available in your area. Contact your local chapter, or the national office at (404) 965-7538.

Get hotel information.


Ask an Expert a Question

Got a health question about anything from rheumatoid arthritis to medication issues? This is the place to get an answer from an expert. Find it here at Arthritis Answers!

Who I'd like to meet:

Start living better today!

Introducing a completely new resource from the experts you trust at the Arthritis Foundation. Visit the NEW Arthritis Today website and find the information you need to feel great. Don’t miss:

40 FREE exercise videos to stay limber and feel great

• A Lab Test Guide to help you communicate with your doctor

• Your most frequently asked questions answered by top medical experts

Breaking News Alerts about arthritis treatments, advances, and more.

• An Exercise Log to help you stay motivated and achieve your goals

• 600 up-to-date articles about arthritis supplements, weight loss tips, drug side-effects, how to stop arthritis pain, and much more!

There’s no reason to wait another day. Go to and start living better today!

P.S. While you are visiting - don’t forget to sign up for the FREE Arthritis Today e-newsletter. You don’t want to miss another issue.

Lets Move Together

Let's Move Together is a nationwide movement led by the Arthritis Foundation that encourages people to move to prevent or treat arthritis every day.

Let’s Move Together is about the overall good health and empowerment gained through every day movement. It’s about overcoming the obstacles of arthritis and even preventing the disease by taking the first step toward a lifetime of physical activity.

Join today to find great ways to get moving and additional resources on the benefits of moving.

Man Sits In Every Seat At Rio Tinto Stadium Supporting Arthritis Foundation

For more information on Juvenile Arthritis check out JA Alliance

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Displaying 15 of 63 comments
  • May 5 2009 8:39 PM

  • May 1 2009 10:55 AM

    hey everyone!
    check out this video on this site.
    It's about the Phoenix Athritis Walk on May 2nd!
  • Apr 27 2009 9:47 AM

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    Fibro Fighters of the East Coast

    Come join my cause:
    Fibro Fighters of the East Coast!
    You will be able to recruit friends, raise money, and add a
    profile badge to show your support!

  • Apr 26 2009 6:48 AM

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  • Apr 11 2009 9:28 PM

    Wishing you a very Happy Easter x
  • Apr 8 2009 10:02 PM

    Thanks so much for the info on the Arthritis Page. The AF and the Tulsa chapter have changed my life. Watch the video on the Tulsa walk here.
  • Melissa Online Now!

    Mar 9 2009 3:55 PM

    I sure will.....we are excited to go in April! And getting ready
    for our walks. As my daughter and I are Honorees of our local walk. I will keep
    in touch!!
  • Mar 9 2009 2:47 PM

    Thanks to everyone who participated in this years Advocacy Summit in Washington D.C.. I posted some photos from the event in our Photos section.
    Feel free leave a comment! If anyone wants to be an advocate just visit the advocacy section of our main site to learn more - http://www. arthritis. org/advocacy_summit_2009. php
  • Mar 9 2009 2:08 PM

    Thanks for adding me on, have RA for 25 years now. Every day is a struggle but keep on going!! Looking forward to new friends.
  • Melissa Online Now!

    Mar 7 2009 3:24 AM

    We had a great time in DC!! I was able to get our Congressman to agree to co-sign. He was an orginal co sponser last year. It was a wonderful Summit again this year. We had a somber moment on our drive down; as I found out my 8 yr old daughter now has JA. Now we just go with the flow.

    As I am headed in next week to get my port inserted for my Remicaide. Then it is back to the grind as we prepare to get our tasks in order for York County's Advisory Board. Can't wait till April when Central PA Chapter heads back to the Hill for another day of meeting with our Lawmakers.
    Good Luck and Gentle Hugs from Red Lion!! Melissa, Alexis and Aubrey Fogle
  • Mar 6 2009 10:12 PM

    Hello thanks for the add!!! I was diagnosed w/ RA 3 yrs ago. I know that it is frustrating that you have to depend on other ppl to help you in everything. I have had my elbow cleaned twice now but it’s just gotten to a point that it’s even gotten worse. Some day’s different parts of my body hurts and its not good thing. I had to cut my hair short because I could not comb it anymore; I had to have someone help me. I have been in Embrel for 1-½ yrs also Naproxen, Prednisone, and Arava. The only one that helps me so far is Naproxen. I just get tired a lot sometimes I have to put hot pads in my knees and my ankles. I wish someone out there could find a cure for this terrible disease. My name is Liza anyone needs or wants to talk add me.
    Thanks!!! J
  • Mar 3 2009 1:46 PM

    Thank you for the add!
  • Mar 2 2009 6:08 PM

    Thanks for the add! I am 26 and was diagnosed with severe RA over a year ago and Fibromyalgia over 12 years ago. I am on Methotrexate and Humira once a week. Like almost everyone, I have my good days and my bad days. The Humira has made a big difference in my life. I am still not good by any means, but it makes it easier to tolerate.
    It is nice to see that other people suffer from the same things I have complained much of my life about!
  • Mar 2 2009 2:25 AM

    What do you do when the rhummy you've used for years, the same group of physicans that diagnosed not just me with RA but my then15 year old daughter with fibro, refuses to see you because of an small unpaid insurance balance? A balane I would have been able to pay if given the chance that morning. I was so blind sided, I didn't know what to say or do, nor was i given that chance! My daughter & I drove a hour for 8:45 am appts only to be turned away even when a payment plan had already been agreed upon at the first of 2009. I had just started Enbrel and needed to have a follow up but didn't get seen. After that I will NOT be back to Dr. Robert Goodman's Arthritis & rhemunology clinic in Shreveport, Louisiana. And have already requested mine & my daughters records to be sent to another rhummy in my ppo. I thought with the methotrexlate & Enbel, that I needed continous follow ups. It may be a month or more Before my new doc can see me. What do I do? Stay on this docs prescribed course of treatment, even though I'm not feeling any better or wait to see new doc ? I'm worried , lost, confused, angry & still in alot of pain. Any suggestions, anyone.
  • Mar 2 2009 12:10 AM

    Thanks for the Add. I am 25 years old and have been battling RA for a long time now. I have had a hip and knee replacement in my right leg, both were done 3 years ago. I am currently on Humira (sp?)... I still have my good days and bad days but over all I am doing ok. My knee is the worst of all (the one that is replaced) I feel like its worse than before I had the replacement done... so fustrating. I am a student right now and I have trouble sitting for long periods of time, my lower back gets stiff. But I am thankful to still be walking because I know what its like to be stuck in bed and be at the mercy of others to get out of bed :( So I have been there and I know how you guys feel. Please message me anytime!! Looking forward to hearing from ppl who have been through the same struggles as me.