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* HIRDLS Version 004 Level 2 Data are Now Available !
(Currently, data files contain O3 , HNO3 , CFC-11, CFC-12, Temperature, Cloud Top Pressure and Aerosol Extinction)

HIRDLS Products
Short Name & Data Access Description
HIRDLS1 HIRDLS Level 1 calibrated geolocated radiances
HIRDLS1C HIRDLS/Aura Level 1 Calibrated Geolocated Radiances Corrected for Obstruction
HIRDLS2 (V004) HIRDLS Level 2 vertical profiles of O3, HNO3, CFC-11, CFC-12, Temperature, Cloud Top Pressure, and Aerosol Extinction at 12.1 micron on a standard pressure grid (based on the HIRDLS v2.04.19 algorithm)

HIRDLS2 (V003)

HIRDLS Level 2 vertical profiles of O3, HNO3, Temperature, and Cloud Top Pressure, on a standard pressure grid (based on the HIRDLS 2.04.09 algorithm)
HIRDLS3 HIRDLS Level 3 horizontally gridded mixing ratios, aerosol extinction, temperature and altitude on a standard pressure grid

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  • Last updated: May 12, 2009 17:32:07 GMT