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Alliance Close-Out Report
February 11, 2008


I. Alliance Background

Date Signed: December 11, 2003

End Date: February 4, 2008


OSHA and HBR hereby form an Alliance to provide HBR members and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect employees' health and safety, particularly in reducing and preventing exposure to occupational safety and health hazards in the petrochemical, construction and refining industries.

Implementation team Members:

Houston Business Roundtable (HBR)
    Bill Bobo
    Kelly Knighton, Houston North AO
    Mark Briggs, Houston South AO
Evaluation Period:

December 11, 2003 through February 11, 2008

II. Implementation Team Meetings:

The Houston North and Houston South Area Office's Compliance Assistance Specialists attended the HBR monthly safety committee meetings and additional alliance meetings as needed.

III. Events and Products

Training and Education
  • Events – CASs typically attended and participated in the annual Best Practices Seminars - Due to change-over in personnel some historical information is not available. Houston South personnel participate in the first annual HBR/ABC Texas Gulf Coast Safety Expo in 2007
  • Products – No products developed at this time
Outreach and Communication
  • Events - Same as above
  • Products – Houston South Area Office conducted a comparison of the HBR chemical plant audit system and the OSHA VPP Program elements to determine the degree of compatibility.
Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health
  • Events – No National dialogue at this time
  • Products – No products developed at this time
IV. Results

The participation on the HBR safety committee increased the dialogue and interaction between OSHA and the member company's. Typically the 30 companies involved in the safety committee are representative of the petrochemical industry and their resident contractors. The companies involved frequently request assistance and help from OSHA CASs and several are actively involved in the VPP program.

V. Upcoming Milestones

OSHA has continued participation with the HBR even without the alliance. Although scheduling conflicts and resources have reduced interactions with the members, the Houston Area Office's would resign the Alliance if the HBR is amendable. Since 2005 participation has shifted to the Houston South Area Office participating in the overall safety and health committee and the Houston North Area Office has primarily participated on the HBR Crane and Rigging (C&R) Subcommittee. The Houston North Area Office has attended and/or spoke at the annual C&R Best Practices Forum and also developed an analysis of crane related fatalities in Region VI. In 2006 there was a trend of boom related fatalities and the C&R committee was instrumental in getting the word out on this fatality trend. The C&R subcommittee participation will also be important in the event the C-DAC guidance on mobile cranes is moved forward into the rulemaking process. Several members are involved in industry crane issues on a National level. OSHA is expected to participate in the second Texas Gulf Coast Safety Expo Summer 2008 as both a trainer and exhibitor.

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Page last updated: 03/03/2008