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Richland Community College Alliance
October 26, 2006

I. Alliance Background

Date Signed

August 16, 2005

Alliance Overview
  • RCC will provide OSHA/Onsite Consultation staff initial and regular update training in First Aid/CPR/AED.
  • OSHA will deliver or arrange for the delivery of portions of the OTI National Safety Education Courses.
  • OSHA/RCC will promote and encourage RCC Students’ or their worksites’ participation in OSHA’s cooperative programs, including the Peoria Area Office Customer Service Program, the Z Project for sharing best practices in hazard control.
  • RCC will create a Z Project Website where employers can interact on development and sharing of hazard controls or elimination issues.
Implementation Team Members

Andy Perry, Training Coordinator, RCC, NSECTS
Peggy Zweber, CAS, OSHA Peoria Area Office

II. Implementation Team Meetings

CAS Zweber and Mr. Perry met whenever there was an OTI class at RCC where Ms. Zweber taught a portion thereof. They also spoke by phone whenever necessary or communicated by email. Meetings were at least monthly by any of these means and usually more frequent.

III. Activities and Products

Evaluation Period.

August 16, 2005 to August 16, 2006

Alliance Activity.
  • Training and Education – CAS Zweber provided training at the following:
    • OTI #500 – Trainer Course in OS&H Stds for Construction 2/20/06
      • 3 hour Intro to OSHA Covering: Mission, The Act, 5(a)(1), 11(c), Priorities, Inspection procedures, Violations and Penalties, Multi-Employer worksite policy, Employer and Employee Rights, Effective Safety & Health Programs, Current OSHA Reform bills in Senate and House, Standards Update, Falls in Construction, Top 10 Construction Hazards, 2005 photo gallery of hazards.
    • OTI #502 – Update for Construction Ind Outreach Trainers 2/9/06
      • 2 Hours Covering: OSHA Update/Strategic Plan, Cooperative Programs, Z Project, Reform Bills in Congress, SHIB Quick Coupler, Top 10 Construction Hazards, 2005 photo gallery of hazards.
    • OTI #503 – Update for GI Outreach Trainers 8/29/06
      • 2 Hours Covering: OSHA Update/Strategic Plan, Surfing the Web, Cooperative Programs, Reform Bills in Congress, Z Project, Top 10 GI Hazards, Recordkeeping Update
    • OTI #511 - OS&H Stds for GI, 9/26/05, 12/1/05 and 4/10/06
      • 4 Hours Covering: OSHA Update/Strategic Plan, Surfing the Web, Resources, the Act, 5(a)(1), 11(c), OSHA priorities, inspection procedures, violations and penalties, effective safety and health programs, Z Project, Top 10 GI hazards, machine guarding requirements, recordkeeping requirements.
  • Training and Education – RCC Trainer Andy Perry provided First Aid/CPR/AED training for the staffs of the Peoria Area Office and the Fairview Heights District Office – a total of 23 OSHA staff
Outreach and Communication
  • RCC has housed the Z Project (Best Practice/Hazard Control Customer Service Program) Conference for 4 Years. This year 27 best practice hazard controls where shared at the conference – 40 in attendance

  • RCC Shares the Peoria Area Office Newsletter with their mailing list.
Promoting the National Dialogue on Safety and Health
  • Companies share safety and health abatement methods at the Z Project Conference. RCC is working on an interactive website for the Z Project to enable employers to share safety and health hazards and their controls.
Alliance Products.
  • Training and Education
    • Copies of all presentations from OTI classes shared with participants
  • Outreach and Communication
  • Promoting the National Dialogue on Safety and Health

IV. Results

A. Discuss the impact of the Alliance activities and products during the reporting period.

A positive interaction between RCC Trainer Andy Perry and CAS Peggy Zweber occurred with assistance both to the college and to OSHA staff.

OSHA Update power point training for the OTI classes has become a staple at RCC.

The Z Project (Best Practice/Hazard Control Customer Service Program) has fostered employers sharing information in a positive open atmosphere. Several of the employers who met at the conference have mentored employers they met in developing their VPP programs.

B. Using the table below, list each activity and the number of individuals reached or trained during the reporting period.

Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals
Reached or Trained
OTI #500 15
OTI #502 15
OTI #503 15
OTI #511 45
Z Project Conference 40
TOTAL 130 Trained

Note: As most of the above trained personnel were management representatives, the training affected many employees at a large number of facilities across our jurisdiction.

V. Upcoming Milestones

Work is still progressing on the Z Project website which eventually will have all hazard controls from 2002 forward provided by the participating companies, along with an interactive page for employers to discuss hazard prevention and control.

Report Prepared by: Peggy Zweber, Compliance Assistance Specialist

For more information, contact the Office of Outreach Services and Alliances at 202-693-2340 or go to

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