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Corrections facts at a glance
Sample chart

Sample chart

Additional Corrections Facts
at a Glance

Small versions of the charts and brief statements of findings are presented here
with links to full size charts, additional information about the charts and findings,
and the data that support the chart.

Demographic trends in correctional populations

  By Gender

Thumbnail chart

The number of male adults in the correctional population increased by two-thirds from 1986-97 while the number of females doubled.


Thumbnail chart, links to full size graphic and data

Almost 5% of the adult males and 1% of the adult females in the United States were under some form of correctional supervision in 1997.

  By Race

Thumbnail chart, links to full size graphic and data

For all races, the number of adults in the correctional population increased from 1986-97; the number of blacks almost doubled and the number of whites rose by two-thirds.


Thumbnail chart, links to full size graphic and data

In 1997, about 9% of the black population in the U.S. was under some form of correctional supervision compared to 2% of the white population and over 1% of other races.


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Demographic trends in jail populations

  By Gender

Thumbnail chart, links to full size graphic and data

Almost nine out of every ten jail inmates were adult males.

  By Race and Ethnicity

Thumbnail chart, links to full size graphic and data

Between 1990 and 2008, the number of Hispanic jail inmates increased at a faster average annual rate of growth (4.5%) than white (3.8%) and black inmates (3.3%).


Thumbnail chart, links to full size graphic and data

Blacks were three times more likely than Hispanics and five times more likely than whites to be in jail.

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Page last revised on March 31, 2009