Good Decision Making


The paramount goal of a compensation program is to make fair, consistent, and prompt decisions on all applications. A program's entire staff, resources, and processes should be focused on this mission, since ultimately, a program succeeds or fails on the strength of the final decisions it makes on claims.

Of course, good decision making depends on all that precedes it. If a program has a good application form, if victims receive assistance in filling it out, if police reports are substantive, if providers and employers cooperate in providing information, and if compensation staff organize, analyze, and present this information to the decision maker in an accurate, complete, and timely manner, then the probability for a good decision is enhanced tremendously. But decision making in itself is a major task, an endeavor requiring skill, knowledge, and experience. Programs must work conscientiously to improve their ability to decide claims correctly, according to statute, rule, and appropriate precedent.

What is a good decision? Many definitions might be offered, but one definition could be the one that follows.

A good decision is one that is:

o Based on a full understanding of the relevant facts and circumstances of the case, rather than mere conjecture or opinion;

o Made by accurately applying the program's statute and rules, rather than what the decision maker may think the law should be;

o Fair and free of bias;

o Consistent with prior decisions, but that takes into account any pertinent distinctions that make the case different from other similar cases;

o Faithful to the program's mission to serve victims, as well as its responsibility to abide by statutory requirements; and

o Rendered as promptly as a full review of the case allows.

The objectives and strategies described in this section are intended to promote decision making that satisfies the above elements. With sound decision making, programs afford victims a full opportunity to have their applications reviewed according to statute and rules, fulfilling the essential mission of every compensation agency.

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This document was last updated on June 26, 2008