Tube Feeding Tips

The information provided on this site is designed to support, not replace, the relationship between a consumer and his or her physician. All issues, ideas, suggestions etc. should be discussed with your health care provider prior to actual use. Medical information is reviewed by the Foundations Medical & Research Director, but does not imply endorsement by the Oley Foundation. If you have questions please contact Oley's Executive Director, Joan Bishop, at

In addition to the tips and products mentioned below, tube feeders may find it helpful to review common complications of tube feeding discussed on the HEN Complication Chart, review the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition’s (A.S.P.E.N.) tube feeding guidelines and /or to borrow a video/DVD from Oley's library.

Skin Care / Leakage

Tube Care

Helpful Products / Adaptive Devices (see also Skin Care)
Products/suggestions are listed below for member convenience.
Listing does not imply endorsement by the Oley Foundation

Social / Travel / Swimming

Pain (see also Skin Care)

General Information

Coping Information


Formula: Commercial /Homemade

Insurance Coverage / Purchasing


Do you have an idea you'd like to share?



Last updated: 8/20/09