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NEADS' mission is to provide independence to people who are deaf or physically disabled through the use of canine assistance. Our goal is to provide the highest quality of trained dogs to all qualified applicants within a reasonable amount of time (one year or less).

We train specialty dogs to assist people who have aural or other physical disabilities, to help children and adults who can benefit from the therapeutic value of a dog, and to assist special educators and therapists who work with disabled children.

We also provide wonderful dogs that do not complete our training program to non disabled individuals looking for the warmth and attention our dogs generate.

We develop and implement training programs for individuals looking to become specialty dog trainers themselves, standard training for individuals looking to train dogs for non disabled individuals, and standard behavioral dog training for placement with fully able individuals.

We welcome you to click on any of our detailed links to the left and explore any one of our detailed service offerings.



Download a printable PDF of our Assistance Dogs Brochure

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