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NEADS (Dogs For Deaf and Disabled Americans), of Princeton, MA, is a non-profit organization, organized under section 501c (3) of the IRS code. NEADS was established in1976 to train and provide rescued dogs and donated puppies to assist people who are deaf or physically disabled in leading more independent lives at work, at home and at school. These assistance dogs become an extension of their owners and bring security, freedom, independence and relief from social isolation to their human partners.

NEADS national headquarters is located in Princeton, MA, a rural setting close to Worcester in Central Massachusetts. NEADS is the oldest continuing hearing dog programin the country and the only program of its kind in New England, as well as one of the country's largest.

NEADS has trained well over 1000 assistance dog teams from all states since 1976, with 50 teams graduating from its campus in a biannual graduation ceremony, which is at once heartwarming and inspirational. This graduation ceremony is open to the public and completes the six month training cycle undergone by the dogs to be ready to assist their human partners. Among the types of dogs trained are: hearing, service, social, specialty, service dogs for the classroom, ministry, therapy and walker dogs.

NEADS trains all breeds and mixed breeds of dogs to help people who are deaf or physically disabled live more independently. Most hearing dogs are rescued from animal shelters throughout New England. Most service dogs are donated as puppies by breeders throughout the country. Most service dogs are Golden or Labrador retrievers, however, many other breeds are also suitable. Any dog "with the right stuff" can partner with a person to provide independence and companionship by reducing physical and social barriers.

People who get dogs live in NEADS' fully accessible residence for two weeks while learning to work together to develop a strong working relationship. With careful supervision from the trainers, our clients learn to handle their dogs to maximum potentional. These "students' pay for their dog and equipment. For the balance of the cost of the dog, NEADS raises sponsorships for each person. We encourage graduates to participate in funding as much as possible. NEADS relies solely on the support of individuals, foundations, corporations, service organizations, bequests and workplace campaigns. It receives no government funding.

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