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1. When did the American Revolution happen?
2. How many Americans remained loyal to Britain during the Revolution?
3. Why do we celebrate on the Fourth of July?
4. How many national parks are dedicated to Revolutionary events?
5. How can I find out more about the Revolutionary Period?
6. I’m a teacher. Where can I find out about lesson plans relating to the Revolution?
7. How can I plan a vacation to Revolutionary War battlefields?
8. Why is the American Civil War sometimes called the Second American Revolution?


1. When did the American Revolution happen?
War broke out in 1775, the last major battle was in 1781, and the peace treaty officially ending the war came in 1783.

2. How many Americans remained loyal to Britain during the Revolution?
The best estimate is that 20 percent of the white population remained loyal.

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3. Why do we celebrate on the Fourth of July?
On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress officially adopted the Declaration of Independence. On July 2, the Congress had approved a resolution declaring the states independent. The delegates didn’t get around to signing the Declaration until August 2nd of that same year.

4. How many national parks are dedicated to Revolutionary events?
About 20 national parks have the Revolution as a primary theme.

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5. How can I find out more about the Revolutionary Period?
There are many websites dedicated to the Revolutionary Period. Click here to see a starting point for your exploration.

6. I’m a teacher. Where can I find out about lesson plans relating to the Revolution?
There are many resources available to teachers from NPS. Click here to learn about ones specific to the Revolution.

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7. How can I plan a vacation to Revolutionary War battlefields?
To plan a visit to an American Revolution park, be sure to visit our Tour The Revolution section.

8. Why is the American Civil War sometimes called the Second American Revolution?
For at least two reasons. The white Confederates believed that they were fighting for the same rights of liberty and self-government as the founding generation. As the war progressed, freedom for slaves became a northern war aim, and President Lincoln saw the Union cause as a vindication of the principles in the Declaration of Independence.

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