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  Application Forms Alphabetical Listing - "I/J/K"

TigerSearch for an application alphabetically by keyword and then by type of application or purpose of  the application. An application form may be found under more that one keyword.


[A]  [B]  [C]  [D]  [E]  [F/G/H]  [L/M]  [N/O]  [P/Q]  [R]  [S]  [T/U/V]  [W/X/Y/Z]



Type of Application/Purpose/Form No.


See African Elephant Sport-hunted Trophy
Animals (ESA or CITES/ESA)/3-200-37
See Antiques
Appendix-I Animals (CITES)/3-200-37
Appendix-I Plants (CITES)/3-200-35
Appendix-I Sport-hunted Trophy (CITES)/3-200-20
See Argali Sport-hunted Trophy
Biological Samples (CITES)/ 3-200-29
Biological Samples (CITES Appendix I and/or ESA)/3-200-37
Biomedical Samples (CITES)/3-200-29
Birds (MBTA)/3-200-6
Birds, Exotic Live (WBCA) under an Approved Cooperative Breeding Program/3-200-48
Birds Exotic, Live (WBCA) for Scientific Research/Zoological Breeding and Display/3-200-47
See Bontebok Sport-hunted Trophy
Designated Port Exception/3-200-2
Endangered Animals/3-200-37
Endangered Plants/3-200-36
Injurious Wildlife/3-200-42
Import/Export License/3-200-3
See Leopard, Sport-hunted Trophy
License, Import/Export/3-200-3
Marine Mammals/3-200-43
Migratory Birds/3-200-6
Museum Scientific Loan, Export/Re-import (ESA)/3-200-40
Personal Pets, One-time Import (CITES and/or WBCA)/3-200-46
Plants (ESA or CITES/ESA)/3-200-36
Polar Bear Sport Hunted in Canada/3-200-45
See Pre-Act (ESA or MMPA)
See Pre-Convention

See Rhinoceros, Namibian Southern White, Sport-hunted Trophy
Scientific Exchange (CITES)/3-200-39
See Sport-hunted Trophy
Threatened Animals/3-200-37
Threatened Plants/3-200-36

Incidental Take

Native Endangered and Threatened Species/3-200-56 NOTE: Please do not fill out or submit the application form until you contact our nearest Field Office. The Field Office will provide guidance on developing complete and adequate application materials and will determine when the application form and materials are ready for submission.

Indian (Native American)

See Feathers

Injurious Wildlife


Interstate Commerce

See Commerce

Introduction from the Sea

CITES Specimens/3-200-31

Applications Footer File

If you need additional information regarding your proposed activities, search in FAQ's/FACTS.

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