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HUD Secretary Donovan Announces $132 Million In Recovery Act Funds To Improve Native American And Alaskan Housing

During a visit to an Anchorage, Alaska community today, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan announced that HUD is awarding 61 grants, totaling $132 million, to Native American and Native Alaskan communities across the country to improve housing and stimulate community development.

View HUD Press Release

Sen. Johnson Introduces Tribal Drug Elimination Bill

Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) introduced the "Public and Indian Housing Crime and Drug Elimination Program Reauthorization Act of 2009" to provide much needed resources for activities to combat crime and drugs in Native American communities.

posted - 08/12/09
Chariman Marty Shuravloff's Testimony Regarding The Increase Of Gang Activity In Indian Country
Download (PDF: 24 KB)

Download S.1327 (PDF : 34 KB)

Download Press Release (PDF : 23 KB)

Sen. Johnson's Press Release

Read NAIHC White Paper on the Drug Elimination Bill (PDF : 34 KB)

NAIHC Names Arizona Tribal Member As Executive Director

NAIHC announced the selection of Mellor Willie, a Native American affairs advocate with extensive experience at the tribal, state and federal level, as the organization’s new Executive Director. Willie will direct the non-profit organization’s operations and programming, as well as publicly promote and advance the American Indian, Alaskan Native and Native Hawaiian housing policy agenda in Washington, D.C. and abroad.

Download Press Release (PDF: 23KB)

Federal Monitor Volume 9 Number 7 :

Download Federal Monitor (PDF: 49KB)

Secretary Donovan Visits Montana Tribal Communities And Announces Recovery Efforts In Indian Country

Yesterday, Shaun Donovan, the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, toured the Northern Cheyenne Indian reservation and met with tribal leaders in Billings, Montana, to discuss housing and related community development initiatives. Secretary Donovan also announced funding opportunities related to housing for Indian tribes made possible by the economic stimulus package signed into law by President Obama in February 2009.

Download press release (PDF: 94 KB)

Download thank you letter to Sen Jon Tester (PDF: 48 KB)

NAIHC Annual Report

NAIHC's 2008 Annual Report includes the new strategic plan adopted on March 31, 2009.

Download Annual Report (PDF: 3 MB)

Strategic Plan (PDF: 142 KB)

HUD PIH Issues Notice - Purchases under $5,000

The U.S. Department of Housing Urban Development, Office of Public and Indian Housing, released a notice to implement a Micro Purchase threshold for the IHBG program. The intent of Micro Purchasing is to allow the grantee to purchase goods and services costing less than $5,000 without obtaining and documenting price quotes.

Micro Purchasing Notice (PDF : 115 KB)

Please send letters to Congress in support of increased federal funding for Native American housing programs.

Download letter (MS Word : 29 KB)

Rep. Heinrich Introduces Bill To Encourage Tribal Control Over Surface Land Leasing

NAIHC Press Release (PDF : 25 KB)

Hearth Act (PDF : 39 KB)

Rep. Heinrich Press Release (PDF : 75 KB)

Read NAIHC White Paper on the Hearth Act (PDF : 34 KB)

Native Housing Appropriations Table

This Native Housing Appropriation Table is a "work in progress". The President’s FY 2010 budget request was released May 7, 2009. NAIHC will provide regular updates as Congress works towards final appropriations bills.

Appropriations Table (PDF : 68 KB)

Budget Paper (PDF : 73 KB)

NAHASDA Reauthorization

View NAHASDA page

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 includes resources for tribal housing programs.

NAIHC Letter Regarding Davis Bacon Act Requirements (PDF : 49 KB)

May 27, 2009
Federal Monitor Volume 9 - Number 5 : ECONOMIC RECOVERY ACT – Housing and Urban Development(PDF : 75 KB)

More Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act Information

Budget Priorities for Native American Housing

Before an overflowing crowd of observers, NAIHC Vice-Chair Cheryl Parish presented NAIHC’s Fiscal Year 2010 Budget priorities for Native American housing to the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on Thursday, March 12, 2009.

posted - 03/12/09
Vice-Chair Cheryl Parish's Testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
Download(PDF: 85 KB)

posted - 03/19/09
Committee on Indian Affairs Views RE: FY 2010 Funding for Native American Programs
Download(PDF: 1.6 MB)

NAIHC 2009 Legislative Conference February 24 – 26 2009

NAIHC Chairman, Marty Shuravloff, convenes the 2009 NAIHC Legislative Conference Hyatt Regency-Capitol Hill, Washington, DC.

Congressional speakers at 2009 NAIHC Legislative Conference (clockwise): Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA); Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK); Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs

Legislative Conference documents posted here

NAIHC Stands With Department of Hawaiian Home Lands in Hawaii

NAIHC and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands met in Kona, Hawai‛i, and pledged to work together for the betterment of Native housing.
Press Release
(PDF : 140 KB)

NAIHC White Paper On Legislation To Reauthorize Title VIII Of NAHASDA Relating to Housing Programs For Native Hawiians

(PDF : 13 KB)

NAIHC Chairman Shuravloff sent letters of support for passage of the Hawaiian Homeownership Opportunity Act of 2009.

Download NAIHC's letter to Senator Daniel K. Inouye
(PDF : 142 KB)

Download NAIHC's letter to Representative Neil Abercrombie
(PDF : 141 KB)


NAIHC's calendar of upcoming events
(conferences, trainings and other events)

NAIHC Legal Symposium
Las Vegas, NV

Download Flyer

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Save the Date for NAIHC’s Legal Symposium — December 8-10, 2009. It will be held at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Register Here

Legislative Conference
Washington DC

February 23-25, 2010

more info...

2009 NAIHC Training Schedule

More information about NAIHC training available here:

Leadership Institute Training

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Pathways Home

Scholarship Information

Employment Opportunities

NAIHC Baby Blankets Still Available!


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Native Housing Update

A digest of Native housing news and announcements of interest compiled by NAIHC.

July 7, 2009 - Download PDF (PDF : 51 KB)

June 11, 2009 - Download PDF (PDF : 47 KB)

June 05, 2009 - Download PDF (PDF : 74 KB)

May 21, 2009 - Download PDF (PDF : 43 KB)

May 05, 2009 - Download PDF (PDF : 54 KB)

April 20, 2009 - Download PDF (PDF : 52 KB)

Native Housing Update Archive


National American Indian Housing Council

50 F Street, NW Suite 3300 |  Washington, D.C. 20001
202-789-1754  |  800-284-9165  |  202-789-1758 (fax)

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