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4-H Afterschool Program

The 4-H Afterschool program is a special effort within the 4-H Youth Development Program to raise public awareness of the significant contributions that 4-H has made in the after-school field. 4-H Afterschool increases the extension staff work in after-school programs and strengthens collaborations with other youth-serving organizations.

The program also increases the quality and availability of after-school programs in America's communities. With a 4-H presence in or near all 3,150 counties in the United States, every staff member and youth in an after-school program can benefit from the “learn by doing,” “hands-on” approach used by 4-H.

The programs and resources available through 4-H Afterschool help youth achieve social, emotional, physical, and academic success while developing healthy lifestyles and behaviors. Everything available from 4-H Afterschool is easily accessible for professionals, organizations, parents, and anyone else interested in this youth development program.


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