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Banded Deaggregations Help Page

  • Site name - Used for plot labeling purposes only.
    Valid characters include any alphanumeric characters, an underscore (_), or comma (,).
    Any spaces will be converted to an underscore. The Site Name can be up to 16 characters long.

  • Latitude/Longitude -Specified in decimal degrees. Use a "-" for western longitudes.
    Conterminous US: 25 to 49 degrees latitude; -125 to -65 degrees longitude.
    Alaska: 50 to 72 degrees latitude; -129 to -172 degrees longitude.
    Hawaii: Not supported at this time for 2002 data.
    Puerto Rico: 17 to 19 degrees latitude; -64 to -68 degrees longitude.

  • Frequency - Approximately what is experienced by a building, as modeled by a particle mass on a massless vertical rod having the same natural period of vibration as the building. (more...)

  • Firm Rock - Equivalent to the NEHRP site class BC boundary. BC rock is that wich has Vs30 = 760 m/s.

  • Hard Rock - Equivilent to the NEHRP site class A. A rock is that which has Vs30 > 1200 m/s. This option is only currently available for locations east of the -100° meridian within the conterminous United States.