Boating Safety Courses

Many boating safety courses are offered throughout the country, for all types of recreational boaters, and for boaters of all ages. Qualified volunteer organizations, such as the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, U.S. Power Squadron, and others sponsor many courses, and many state boating agencies also provide classes.

Courses cover many aspects of boating safety, from boat handling to reading the weather, and from a "Water 'N Kids" class to courses for boaters who want to learn electronic navigation skills. The most popular basic courses generally have from 6 to 13 lessons to provide a foundation of operational and safety instruction.

American Boat Operators' Course
Offers online boating safety courses with online certification tests for a number of states.

Boat/U.S. Foundation Courseline
The Courseline is a searchable database of current boating safety courses around the nation.

Offers online boating safety courses with online certification tests for a number of states.
Offers online boating safety courses with online certification tests for a number of states.

Offers an online Basic Boating Certification Course approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators, and a Coastal Navigation Course.

Commander Bob
An award-winning website that advances boating education

PWC Safety School
Offers online courses and certification for PWC operators in several states

PWC Watch
Website for the Coalition of Parents and Families for Personal Watercraft Safety

Safe Boating America
Safe Boating America classes meet the State Educational Requirements for operating a Boat or PWC and also meet the requirements for a Youth Operator.

State Courses
Many states offer boating safety courses. The National Association of State Boating Boating Law Administrators' online Directory provides contact information for state boating agencies.

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
Local flotillas offer a variety of safety classes, including basic/introductory boating courses and safety courses, navigation, sailing and personal watercraft safety, among others.

U.S. Sailing
Programs offer instruction in small and large sailboats, windsurfers, and powerboats. All levels of instruction are available around the country for beginner to advanced skills. Information on courses and instruction is available on the web.

United States Power Squadrons®
Sponsors "The Squadron Boating Course," and a second course called "Boat Smart." Also provides information on home-study courses co-sponsored by USPS and the U.S.C.G. Auxiliary.

America's Boating Course
"America’s Boating Course 3rd Edition" the most comprehensive boating safety course available. It includes an introduction to piloting, a narrated student CD and a digital charting CD. ABC 3 is available as a classroom or online course.

USCG red rod