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100 Hours of Astronomy, 2-5 April brought over 100 countries together in a planet-wide celebration of astronomy.  The world visited 80 professional observatories around the world during a 24-hour live online tour, and more than a million people had their first close-up views of the Moon, Saturn, the Sun and other objects of interest through telescopes.  A Cornerstone Project of the International Year of Astronomy brought the Universe to all the world's citizens to discover for themselves.


Worldwide Events

There are 2370 registered global events to read about:  find them here.  To view the events, visit the 100 Hours of Astronomy Photo Galleries; be sure to check out the Best of 100 Hours Gallery.

You can see videos from the 24-Hour global star party here.

Watch the archived webcast from 'Around the World in 80 Telescopes' by visiting 80 Telescopes Around the World.




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News and Items of Interest

  • It's not over yet, let us know how you did. 100HA Event report online - Details here
  • Archived "Around the World in 80 Telescopes" webcast now available here
  • Upload your 100HA pictures on our Picture Galleries
  • Enter Now - 100 Hours of Astronomy Awards - competition closes May 5, 2009
  • Astronomy Picture of the Day!: 100HA Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4

Most Recent Blog Entries

  •   by Robert Naeye, Editor in Chief, Sky & Telescope When I first heard about the concept for 100 Hours of Astronomy, my immediate reaction was one of the few combinations of positives in the English ...

  • Various groups in Australia enthusiastically took up the challenge of organising viewing nights and other events during the 100 Hours. Despite the occasional clouds and rain in Sydney, Brisbane, Launceston ...

  • Pradeep Mohandas wrote: Reporting the 100 Hours from India
  • It has been a great 100 Hours of Astronomy and as things slowly wind down from the fevered pitch they had reached, I have been given another opportunity to wrap up the various events that were held across ...

  • Rick Fienberg wrote: The Planet that Got Away
  • Musician-astronomer William Herschel achieved fame in 1781 by becoming the first person in recorded history to discover a planet. He wanted to name it after his patron, King George III of England, but ...

  • In San Francisco, amateur astronomers took part in the “100 Hours of Astronomy” event. I was very happy to be out in the dark and cold of the Lands End park on the northwestern edge of San Francisco, ...

Most Recent Cosmic Diary Posts

100HA - live Blog
  • One last round-up of 100HA events
    So much happened during 100 Hours of Astronomy, it’s only fair to mention a few more events. Corvo (pronounced [ˈkoɾvu]) is a municipality located in the Corvo Island, the smallest of...
  • Sun-Day at Odeonsplatz, Munich
    Sun-Day. Sunday. Get it? Over to central Munich now, to see the 100HA event there. It´s been organisd by the Universe Cluster, Baader Planetarium, and Redshift-live.com, so should be ace. There it...
  • And so ends the webcast
    After 24 hours of hard work (and any many months of stress for the oranisers), the webcast is over. It was a fantastic event, and the organisers, especially Douglas, Catherine, Karin,...
  • It’s the fiiiinal countdown
    One hour to go… We’re almost at the finish line! So many of us have made it without any sleep, I think we’ll collapse as soon as Palomar Observatory / Hale...
  • Spontaneous rave!
    The Vatican Observatory’s intro music is a phat toon! If that’s still a valid phrase. Wooooo! Gooooooooo Vatican Observatory! Douglas is a man with moves! Either that or he’s so stressed and delirious...
  • Around the World in 80 Telescopes!
  • Around the World in 80 Telescopes!
  • Around the World in 80 Telescopes!
  • Around the World in 80 Telescopes!
  • Around the World in 80 Telescopes!
  • Around the World in 80 Telescopes!
  • Around the World in 80 Telescopes!
USTREAM.TV: Major Sponsor of 100 Hours of Astronomy
Cosmic Diary will blog live throughout 100 Hours of Astronomy!
100 Hours of Astronomy Awards

Site Access

100 Hours of Astronomy Twitter!
International Year of Astronomy 2009
Organized by
Sponsored by
Astronomers Without Borders European Southern Observatory



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