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Archive for May, 2009

Access to IAEM Bulletin

Friday, May 29th, 2009

University Library Subscriptions to the IAEM Bulletin (International Association of Emergency Managers)
The IAEM Bulletin is available to university and college libraries through complimentary subscriptions for those schools that offer EM-related programs. University librarians should contact IAEM Membership Director Sharon Kelly at to request that their libraries be placed on the complimentary subscription list. Please provide your full mailing address, as well as a short description of your institution’s EM-related program and a link on your Web site to more information about your EM-related program. [scb]

Request for Comments: Health Information Technology Extension Program

Friday, May 29th, 2009

The Health Information Technology Extension Program draft description of the regional centers program, required by the Title XIII in Division A of the Recovery Act, was published in the May 28, 2009 Federal Register (FR). The direct URL to the as-published (PDF) version is:

This is a draft description of the program for establishing regional centers to assist providers seeking to adopt and become meaningful users of health information technology. The draft most frequently refers electronic health records. The draft proposes to favor bidders that involve multi-stakeholder collaborations. AHECs and “libraries and information centers with health professional and community outreach programs” are specifically mentioned among the list of potentially relevant stakeholders. Deadline for comments are 5 p.m on June 11, 2009. /ch

If you missed the latest Spotlight! session

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

You can still watch “Spotlight! on National Library of Medicine Resources.” The latest session “Toxicology Databases Part I” presented May 27, has been posted along with other past offerings at: .
May’s Spotlight focused on Hazardous Substance Data Bank , Haz-Map and WISER The recording is available for viewing online at

MLA 2009 - NLM Theater Presentations

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

Here is a list of the archived NLM presentations from MLA Hawaii. You can find the videos at:

  • Update (16 min.)
  • Journals Database: Did You Know? (14 min.)
  • LinkOut for Libraries Tips and Tricks (7 min.)
  • Medicare & Medicaid Resources for the Consumer Health Librarian (20 min.)
  • MedlinePlus and Go Local Update (coming soon)
  • MyMedicationList (coming soon)
  • Public Health and Health Services Research: What’s Happening at NLM? (19 min.)
  • PubMed Update (17 min.)
  • PubMed Central and NIH Public Access Update (23 min.)


Safe Patient Report

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

The Safe Patient Project is a Consumers Union campaign focused on eliminating medical harm, improving FDA oversight of prescription drugs and promoting disclosure laws that give information to consumers about health care safety and quality.

To Err is Human - To Delay is Deadly
Ten years later, a million lives lost, billions of dollars wasted
From the executive summary
Ten years ago the Institute of Medicine (IOM) declared that as many as 98,000 people die each year needlessly because of preventable medical harm, including health care-acquired infections.Ten years later, we don’t know if we’ve made any real progress, and efforts to reduce the harm caused by our medical care system are few and fragmented. With little transparency and no public reporting (except where hard fought state laws now require public reporting of hospital infections), scarce data does not paint a picture of real progress. In this report [The Safe Patient Project] gives the country a failing grade on progress on select recommendations we believe necessary to create a health-care system free of preventable medical harm. [scb]

Librarians Doing Outreach

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

While at the Medical Library Association Conference, I had the opportunity to hear from librarians doing outreach:

Diane Schwartz works with the Somali Bantu Project in Buffalo New York. You can learn about their amazing work with mothers and children at The Project Materials link includes a guide they created and the “Listen and Learn” link inlcudes audio files in Maay Maay and Kizigua languages.

Sabrina Kurtz-Ross spoke about the Medical Library Association’s Health Information Literacy Curriculum which includes a Powerpoint slide show, a detailed script, notes for presenters, background reading, and tips for librarians, including and ideas quotes from the pilot site librarians that tested the curriculum.

Karen Schilling from the Indiana School of Library and Information Science spoke about the resources they created with the Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center to provide the public with an easy to use resource for information when they or someone in their family is diagnosed with cancer. [scb]

Subscribe to NIHMedlinePlus magazine alert

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

The MedlinePlus team is pleased to announce a new email alerting service for the NIH MedlinePlus magazine. Users can sign up on this page: to join the list. They will receive an email whenever a new issue is published.

You can also find this information at the bottom of the NIH MedlinePlus Magazine home page at Click on “Subscribe” at the bottom of the page. [scb]

Online Presentation on Environmental Hazards Databases

Friday, May 22nd, 2009

The National Library of Medicine’s Environmental Health and Toxicology Portal provides access to numerous databases that can help you explore environmental chemicals and risks. The NN/LM MCR is hosting a series of three online classes to review the databases in NLM’s Toxnet portal. Tune in on Wednesday, May 27th at 1:00MT, 2:00CT for the MLA CE class on Hazardous Substance Data Bank, Haz-Map and WISER

This online training is FREE, and requires no registration. All you need is a computer with Internet access and a phone. You’ll sign in as a guest, enter your phone number when prompted and the system will call you! Access it by going to: To receive the MLA CE credit, you will need to attend the class, participate in the exercises and e-mail Marty Magee: An evaluation form will be sent to you to complete before the MLA CE certificate will be sent to you.

The Spotlight! on National Library of Medicine Resources, targeted for the fourth Wednesday each month will continue on June 24 with Dana Abbey presenting TOXLINE, TOXMAP, Toxics Release Inventory and Toxtown.

Memorial Day

Monday, May 18th, 2009

NLM and the NN/LM MCR offices will be closed on Monday, May 25 in observance of Memorial Day.

NIH MedlinePlus Magazine Spring 2009 issue

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

If you would like to receive this magazine email whenever a new issue is published (4 times per year), subscribe online at

* Special Section: Colorectal Cancer
* Orthopedic Health
* Headaches and Migraines
* Feature: Hepatitis
* Then & Now: Research Pays Off for All Americans / Darwin, DNA, and The Genome [scb]