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Archive for June, 2009

Did you miss the first two classes on the NLM Toxicology databases? It is not too late! Mark July 22!

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

This is the “capstone” class for the Toxicology databases - presented as the third of three focused on this topic in the series of class for Spotlight! on National Library of Medicine Resources, presented by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, MidContinental Region.  The topic includes coverage of Hazardous Substance Data Bank, Haz-Map, and WISER, TOXLINE, TOXMAP, Toxics Release Inventory, and Tox Town. (Attendance at previous sessions is not required)

Tune in on Wednesday, July 22 at 1:00MT, 2:00CT for the MLA CE class Toxicology Capstone presented by John Bramble.

This online training is FREE, and requires no registration. All you need is a computer with Internet access and a phone. You’ll sign in as a guest, enter your phone number when prompted and the system will call you! Access it by going to: To receive Medical Library Association Continuing Education credit, you will need to attend the class, participate in the exercises and e-mail Marty Magee: An evaluation form will be sent to you to complete before the MLA CE certificate will be sent to you.

The Spotlight! on National Library of Medicine Resources, targeted for the fourth Wednesday each month will continue on August 26, when Marty Magee presents the Public Health Partners ( database.(mm)

Spotlight Session - June 24th Recording Available

Monday, June 29th, 2009

Worried about the air around you? Or the location of hazardous waste? Check out this archived Spotlight! session: TOXLINE, TOXMAP, Toxics Release Inventory, Tox Town - presented by Dana Abbey


Independence Day

Monday, June 29th, 2009

NLM and the NN/LM MidContinental Region offices will be closed on Friday, July 3, 2009 in observance of Indepenence Day.

Jennys Hero Community Grant Program

Monday, June 29th, 2009

Jenny Jones is giving away funding to individuals to help their community. The funding amount is for up to $25,000. For more information and a link to a very easy to fill out application form, see [scb]

Librarians with a Health Sciences Degree

Friday, June 26th, 2009

Posted on behalf of Rebecca Raszewski, MS; Assistant Information Services Librarian. Rebecca’s contact information is below.
I would like to invite all librarians who have a health sciences degree to participate in a survey. The degrees include the following fields:

* Allied Health
* Behavioral Sciences
* Dentistry
* Life Sciences
* Medicine
* Nursing
* Occupational & Physical Therapy
* Pharmacy
* Public Health
* Veterinary Medicine

I am interested in learning about the following things:

* health sciences professionals’ former career
* how they feel about working as a librarian
* if they feel their health sciences background is advantageous in their current position.

Please go to the website below to take part in the survey:

The survey will take about fifteen minutes of your time. No personal information will be collected, nor will any institution be identified in the results. I plan to share the results through publication and/or presentation. Your participation in the survey provides implied consent.

The project has been approved by University of Illinois at Chicago. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the survey.

Rebecca Raszewski, MS
Assistant Information Services Librarian
University of Illinois at Chicago
Library of the Health Sciences (MC 763)
1750 West Polk Street
Chicago, IL 60612-7223
Phone: 312-996-2759


Comparison of Alpha/Bing/Squared

Wednesday, June 24th, 2009

The Disrupted Library Technology Jester blog has published an excellent comparison of three new search services: Wolfram|Alpha, Microsoft’s Bing, and Google Squared; see Wolfram|Alpha and Google Squared are “fact retrieval” search engines whereas Bing is more like existing search engines that retrieve web links about a topic.

The post features an 8-minute long screencast that contrasts results from the three search engines. I recommend taking the time to watch the screencast; you will come away with a good understanding of the differences between the three services. Note the new service described at the end of the post that provides a way to conduct a search across all three engines. [SD]

Follow the m-libraries Conference on Twitter

Wednesday, June 24th, 2009

The second annual m-Libraries conference was held in Vancouver from June 21 - 24 (see The conference focuses on the use of mobile technology within the library. You can follow the conference on Twitter using the hash tag #mlib09, or see the tweets from Twitter search at [SD]

PHPartners (Public Health Partners) site has been revised! See it at:

Wednesday, June 24th, 2009

The Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce website,, has been revised to make public health information easier to find and to highlight public health news and resources. Check it out today! (mm)

Next Spotlight! session - Wednesday, June 24 , 1-2MT, 2-3CT - on Environmental Health

Monday, June 22nd, 2009

Worried about the air around you? Or the location of hazardous waste? Check out this Spotlight! session: Wednesday, June 24, at 1:00MT, 2:00CT - TOXLINE, TOXMAP, Toxics Release Inventory, Tox Town - presented by Dana Abbey

The National Library of Medicine’s Environmental Health and Toxicology Portal provides access to numerous databases that can help you explore environmental chemicals and risks. This is the second of three classes the NN/LM MCR is hosting to review the databases in NLM’s TOXNET portal. Tune in on Wednesday, June 24th at 1:00MT, 2:00CT for the MLA CE class on TOXLINE, TOXMAP, Toxics Release Inventory, and Tox Town.

This online training is FREE, and requires no registration. All you need is a computer with Internet access and a phone. You’ll sign in as a guest, enter your phone number when prompted and the system will call you! Access it by going to: To receive Medical Library Association Continuing Education credit, you will need to attend the class, participate in the exercises and e-mail Marty Magee: An evaluation form will be sent to you to complete before the MLA CE certificate will be sent to you.

The Spotlight! on National Library of Medicine Resources, targeted for the fourth Wednesday each month will continue on July 22, when John Bramble does the “Capstone” of the Environnmental Health and Toxicology websites. (mm)

MLA Advocating in Healthcare Reform

Friday, June 19th, 2009

The Medical Library Association is busy working for health science librarians by advocating for healthcare reform legislation. MLA is currently working on a policy statement which should be released in approximately one month. Watch for publication in the next MLA Focus, which will also include suggestions of actions librarians can take. MLA’s “Three Principles for Meaningful Healthcare Reform” can be found at (bbj)