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Adressing climate change and promoting clean energy is not only a global environmental issue. It is a health issue. It is an economic issue. It is a security issue. Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State, February 2009.


Our Mission

USAID develops and implements programs that seek to:

  • Support the construction and rehabilitation of infrastructure to restore basic services in post conflict and conflict-prone states

  • Improve enabling environments, including policy, legal, regulatory, and commercial reforms, to boost energy sector performance and increase private sector participation and investment

  • Enhance operational and commercial performance of public and private sector institutions, including utilities

  • Promote increased energy trade and regional power pools

  • Help countries reduce their overall carbon emissions and address climate change through clean energy and energy efficiency projects.

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Energy Updates

Albania: USAID Applauds Privatization of KESH Energy Distribution System

On March 11, Albania’s Minister of Economy, Trade, and Energy, Genc Ruli and CEZ representative, signed a $102 million strategic partnership agreement, privatizing 76 percent of the shares of Albania’s energy distributor, OSSH. USAID provided technical assistance to the Government of Albania, particularly on the key regulations that will govern the new system.

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Sri Lanka: Creating the First Energy Efficient Lighting Center in South Asia

Sri Lanka will host the first energy efficient lighting Center of Excellence in South Asia, thanks to funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The Regional Center for Energy Efficient Lighting (RCEEL) will serve as a research hub to develop new lighting technology to be used in Sri Lanka and South Asia. The Sri Lanka-based center will bring public and private enterprises together to focus on energy efficient lighting that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, be more cost-effective, increase consumer accessibility to energy, and promote energy efficiency throughout the region.

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Vietnam: Cleaner Vehicles, Cleaner Air

Ten years ago most urban Vietnamese rode bicycles, but over the last decade rapid industrialization has contributed to a sharp rise in the use of motorized vehicles. These vehicles create emissions containing lead, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone and fine particulate matter — and cause significant health impacts. In 2001, USAID began working with the Ministry of Transportation to improve urban air quality. The government formed a partnership with the private sector and, in less than a year, had phased out leaded gas nationwide. The phase-out of leaded gasoline has reduced lead exposure for millions of city dwellers — particularly the poor, who tend to live along congested roads.

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Featured Publication

Empowering Agriculture: Energy Options for Agriculture

Empowering Agriculture,
Mar 2009 (PDF 2,360K)

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Featured Publication

Powering Tourism: Electrification and Efficiency Options for Rural Tourism Facilities

Powering Tourism,
Feb 2009 (PDF 4,600K)

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